diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yml b/.github/workflows/tests.yml index 81e95cd..c274df8 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yml @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ jobs: - name: create and deploy subgraph run: | - npm run quickstart:development + npm run quickstart:barge sleep 20 env: ADDRESS_FILE: /home/runner/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c5a1618..d2c8127 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ - [🏄 Get Started](#-get-started) - [⛵ Example Queries](#-example-queries) -- [🏊 Development](#-development) - [🏊 Development on barge](#-development-on-barge) +- [🏊 Deploying graphs for live networks](#-Deploying-graphs-for-live-networks) - [🔍 Testing](#-testing) - [✨ Code Style](#-code-style) - [🛳 Releases](#️-releases) @@ -30,11 +30,10 @@ This subgraph is deployed under `/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/` namespace for all networks the Ocean Protocol contracts are deployed to: -- [subgraph.mainnet.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraph.mainnet.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) -- [subgraph.ropsten.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraph.ropsten.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) -- [subgraph.rinkeby.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraph.rinkeby.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) -- [subgraph.polygon.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraph.polygon.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) -- [subgraph.bsc.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraph.bsc.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) +- [subgraphv4.ropsten.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraphv4.ropsten.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) +- [subgraphv4.rinkeby.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraphv4.rinkeby.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) +- [subgraphv4.mumbai.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraphv4.mumbai.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) +- [subgraphv4.moonbase.oceanprotocol.com](https://subgraphv4.moonbase.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) ## ⛵ Example Queries @@ -85,35 +84,6 @@ This subgraph is deployed under `/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/` > Note: all ETH addresses like `$userAddress` in above example need to be passed in lowercase. -## 🏊 Development - -First, clone the repo and install dependencies: - -```bash -git clone https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/ -cd ocean-subgraph -npm i -``` - -Developing and testing any change requires them to be deployed against a locally running graph-node and some other components running in Docker. Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine, then prepare the Docker setup: - -```bash -cd docker -./setup.sh -``` - -Then add your Infura key as environment variable with a `.env` file, and start everything up with Docker Compose: - -```bash -# create .env and modify -cp .env.example .env - -docker-compose --env-file .env up -``` - -The default network for development is set to Rinkeby. If you want to switch to another network you have to modify the `docker/docker-compose.yml` file within `environment.ethereum`. - -You now have a local graph-node running and can start deploying your changes to it. To do so, follow the [Deployment instructions](#️-deployment). ## 🏊 Development on Barge @@ -137,37 +107,48 @@ cd ocean-subgraph npm i ``` -3. If you use barge, then let the components know where to pickup the smart contract addresses. For production networks, skip this step +3. Let the components know where to pickup the smart contract addresses. ``` export ADDRESS_FILE="${HOME}/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json" ``` 4. Generate the subgraphs ```bash -node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js +node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js barge npm run codegen ``` -To generate subgraph for just one network, add the network name as parameter -```bash -node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js rinkeby -``` - 5. To deploy a subgraph use: -npm run create:local-[network] -npm run deploy:local-[network] +npm run create:local-barge +npm run deploy:local-barge ```bash -npm run create:local-development -npm run deploy:local-development +npm run create:local +npm run deploy:local ``` -- Alternatively, if you want to get the sub-graph quickly running on barge, you can run `npm run quickstart:barge` which combines steps 3-5 above. +- Alternatively, if you want to get the sub-graph quickly running on barge, you can run `npm run quickstart:barge` which combines steps 4-5 above. You now have a local graph-node running on +## 🏊 Deploying graphs for live networks + + +1. Clone the repo and install dependencies: + +```bash +git clone https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/ +cd ocean-subgraph +npm i +``` + +2. Generate & deploy on rinkeby +```bash +npm run quickstart:rinkeby +``` + ## 🔍 Testing diff --git a/docker-entrypoint.sh b/docker-entrypoint.sh index 4349e80..6740e85 100755 --- a/docker-entrypoint.sh +++ b/docker-entrypoint.sh @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ then sleep 2 done export ADDRESS_FILE="/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json" - /usr/src/app/ + cd /usr/src/app/ npm run quickstart:barge fi tail -f /dev/null diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index bbed67e..dd16ce1 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -3,42 +3,20 @@ "version": "1.2.0", "scripts": { "start": "", - "quickstart:development": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js development && npm run codegen && npm run create:local-development && npm run deploy:local-development", + "quickstart:development": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js development && npm run codegen && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local", "quickstart:barge": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js development && npm run codegen && npm run create:local-barge && npm run deploy:local-barge", - "create": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/", + "quickstart:rinkeby": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js rinkeby && npm run codegen && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local", + "quickstart:ropsten": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js ropsten && npm run codegen && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local", + "quickstart:mumbai": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js mumbai && npm run codegen && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local", + "quickstart:moonbase": "node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js moonbase && npm run codegen && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local", + "create:thegraph": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/", "create:local": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-development": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", "create:local-barge": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-rinkeby": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-ropsten": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-polygon": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-moonbeamalpha": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-gaiaxtestnet": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-catenaxtestnet": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-mumbai": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-bsc": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-celoalfajores": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-energyweb": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", - "create:local-moonriver": "graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node", "codegen": "graph codegen --output-dir src/@types", "build": "graph build", - "xx": "graph deploy --help", - "deploy": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -l $npm_package_version --ipfs https://api.thegraph.com/ipfs/ --node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/", - "deploy:beta": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph-beta -l $npm_package_version --ipfs https://api.thegraph.com/ipfs/ --node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/", + "deploy:thegraph": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -l $npm_package_version --ipfs https://api.thegraph.com/ipfs/ --node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/", "deploy:local": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-development": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", "deploy:local-barge": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-rinkeby": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.rinkeby.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-ropsten": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.ropsten.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-polygon": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.polygon.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-moonbeamalpha": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.moonbeamalpha.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-gaiaxtestnet": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.gaiaxtestnet.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-catenaxtestnet": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.catenaxtestnet.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-mumbai": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.mumbai.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-bsc": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.bsc.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-celoalfajores": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.celoalfajores.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-energyweb": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.energyweb.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", - "deploy:local-moonriver": "graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.moonriver.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node", "test": "npm run codegen && npm run lint && npm run type-check", "test-integration": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/**/*.test.ts'", "lint": "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore --ext .js --ext .ts --ext .tsx .", diff --git a/scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js b/scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js index 227e1fa..4a5db59 100644 --- a/scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js +++ b/scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js @@ -4,18 +4,22 @@ var addresses = require('@oceanprotocol/contracts/addresses/address.json') async function replaceContractAddresses() { // load addresses file first + if (!process.argv[2]) { + console.error('Missing network..') + return + } if (process.env.ADDRESS_FILE) { console.log('Using custom ADDRESS_FILE instead of ocean-contracts npm dep') addresses = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.ADDRESS_FILE, 'utf8')) } - console.log(process.argv) + for (const network in addresses) { - if (process.argv[2] && process.argv[2] != network) { + if (process.argv[2] != network) { console.log('Skipping ' + network) continue } - console.log('Creating subgraph.' + network + '.yaml') - let subgraph = fs.readFileSync('./scripts/subgraph.yaml', 'utf8') + console.log('Creating subgraph.yaml for ' + network) + let subgraph = fs.readFileSync('./subgraph.template.yaml', 'utf8') subgraph = subgraph.replace(/__NETWORK__/g, network) subgraph = subgraph.replace( @@ -38,9 +42,7 @@ async function replaceContractAddresses() { /__FACTORYROUTERADDRESS__/g, "'" + addresses[network].Router + "'" ) - if (network != 'development') - fs.writeFileSync('subgraph.' + network + '.yaml', subgraph, 'utf8') - else fs.writeFileSync('subgraph.yaml', subgraph, 'utf8') + fs.writeFileSync('subgraph.yaml', subgraph, 'utf8') } } diff --git a/subgraph.moonbase.yaml b/subgraph.moonbase.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 5b28ee5..0000000 --- a/subgraph.moonbase.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -specVersion: 0.0.3 -description: Ocean provides data sharing through IDOs -repository: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -schema: - file: ./schema.graphql -dataSources: - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: ERC721Factory - network: moonbase - source: - address: '0x1Af3CC30fD18af837f7630Aff12aE2b826bD3c5D' - abi: ERC721Factory - startBlock: 1712628 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc721Factory.ts - entities: - - ERC721Factory - abis: - - name: ERC721Factory - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NFTCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,address,string,string) - handler: handleNftCreated - - event: TokenCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,string,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewToken - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FixedRateExchange - network: moonbase - source: - address: '0x3EFDD8f728c8e774aB81D14d0B2F07a8238960f4' - abi: FixedRateExchange - startBlock: 1712628 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/fixedRateExchange.ts - entities: - - FixedRateExchange - abis: - - name: FixedRateExchange - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: ExchangeCreated(indexed bytes32,indexed address,indexed address,address,uint256) - handler: handleExchangeCreated - - event: ExchangeRateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleRateChange - - event: ExchangeMintStateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,bool) - handler: handleMintStateChanged - - event: ExchangeActivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleActivated - - event: ExchangeDeactivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivated - - event: ExchangeAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: Swapped(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(indexed bytes32,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: Dispenser - network: moonbase - source: - address: '0x3EFDD8f728c8e774aB81D14d0B2F07a8238960f4' - abi: Dispenser - startBlock: 1712628 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/dispenser.ts - entities: - - Dispenser - abis: - - name: Dispenser - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json - eventHandlers: - - event: DispenserCreated(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewDispenser - - event: DispenserActivated(indexed address) - handler: handleActivate - - event: DispenserDeactivated(indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivate - - event: DispenserAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed address,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: TokensDispensed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleTokensDispensed - - event: OwnerWithdrawed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOwnerWinthdraw - - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FactoryRouter - network: moonbase - source: - address: '0xb28Ab1AaDe4c75F8cF013136fc0c290AeaeA9BA6' - abi: FactoryRouter - startBlock: 1712628 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/factoryRouter.ts - entities: - - FactoryRouter - abis: - - name: FactoryRouter - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NewPool(indexed address,bool) - handler: handleNewPool - -templates: - - name: ERC20Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: moonbase - source: - abi: ERC20Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc20Templates.ts - entities: - - ERC20Template - abis: - - name: ERC20Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json - - name: ERC20TemplateEnterprise - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - - name: ERC20Roles - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json - eventHandlers: - - event: OrderStarted(indexed address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOrderStarted - - event: NewPaymentCollector(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleNewPaymentCollector - - event: PublishMarketFee(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFee - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - name: BPool - kind: ethereum/contract - network: moonbase - source: - abi: BPool - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/pool.ts - entities: - - BPool - abis: - - name: BPool - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BPool.sol/BPool.json - - name: BToken - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BToken.sol/BToken.json - - name: BMath - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BMath.sol/BMath.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: LOG_SWAP(indexed address,indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: LOG_JOIN(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleJoin - - event: LOG_EXIT(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleExit - - event: LOG_SETUP(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSetup - - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlerBptTransfer - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - event: SwapFeeChanged(address,uint256) - handler: handleSwapFeeChanged - - - name: ERC721Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: moonbase - source: - abi: ERC721Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/nftUpdate.ts - entities: - - ERC721Template - abis: - - name: ERC721Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json - - name: ERC721RolesAddress - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json - eventHandlers: - - event: MetadataCreated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleCreated - - event: MetadataUpdated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleUpdated - - event: MetadataState(indexed address,uint8,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleState - - event: TokenURIUpdate(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleTokenUriUpdate \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/subgraph.mumbai.yaml b/subgraph.mumbai.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 4b0c2aa..0000000 --- a/subgraph.mumbai.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -specVersion: 0.0.3 -description: Ocean provides data sharing through IDOs -repository: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -schema: - file: ./schema.graphql -dataSources: - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: ERC721Factory - network: mumbai - source: - address: '0xf02e3163Dc3409D69D88D7AcDA613432E9A18741' - abi: ERC721Factory - startBlock: 25018956 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc721Factory.ts - entities: - - ERC721Factory - abis: - - name: ERC721Factory - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NFTCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,address,string,string) - handler: handleNftCreated - - event: TokenCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,string,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewToken - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FixedRateExchange - network: mumbai - source: - address: '0xB219578a03474dDE345AC50B93198E7bf3e2a4BF' - abi: FixedRateExchange - startBlock: 25018956 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/fixedRateExchange.ts - entities: - - FixedRateExchange - abis: - - name: FixedRateExchange - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: ExchangeCreated(indexed bytes32,indexed address,indexed address,address,uint256) - handler: handleExchangeCreated - - event: ExchangeRateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleRateChange - - event: ExchangeMintStateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,bool) - handler: handleMintStateChanged - - event: ExchangeActivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleActivated - - event: ExchangeDeactivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivated - - event: ExchangeAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: Swapped(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(indexed bytes32,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: Dispenser - network: mumbai - source: - address: '0xB219578a03474dDE345AC50B93198E7bf3e2a4BF' - abi: Dispenser - startBlock: 25018956 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/dispenser.ts - entities: - - Dispenser - abis: - - name: Dispenser - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json - eventHandlers: - - event: DispenserCreated(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewDispenser - - event: DispenserActivated(indexed address) - handler: handleActivate - - event: DispenserDeactivated(indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivate - - event: DispenserAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed address,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: TokensDispensed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleTokensDispensed - - event: OwnerWithdrawed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOwnerWinthdraw - - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FactoryRouter - network: mumbai - source: - address: '0xf9FB1f54eA825734E3a77e73A3864f4B46C815d9' - abi: FactoryRouter - startBlock: 25018956 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/factoryRouter.ts - entities: - - FactoryRouter - abis: - - name: FactoryRouter - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NewPool(indexed address,bool) - handler: handleNewPool - -templates: - - name: ERC20Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: mumbai - source: - abi: ERC20Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc20Templates.ts - entities: - - ERC20Template - abis: - - name: ERC20Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json - - name: ERC20TemplateEnterprise - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - - name: ERC20Roles - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json - eventHandlers: - - event: OrderStarted(indexed address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOrderStarted - - event: NewPaymentCollector(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleNewPaymentCollector - - event: PublishMarketFee(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFee - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - name: BPool - kind: ethereum/contract - network: mumbai - source: - abi: BPool - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/pool.ts - entities: - - BPool - abis: - - name: BPool - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BPool.sol/BPool.json - - name: BToken - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BToken.sol/BToken.json - - name: BMath - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BMath.sol/BMath.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: LOG_SWAP(indexed address,indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: LOG_JOIN(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleJoin - - event: LOG_EXIT(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleExit - - event: LOG_SETUP(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSetup - - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlerBptTransfer - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - event: SwapFeeChanged(address,uint256) - handler: handleSwapFeeChanged - - - name: ERC721Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: mumbai - source: - abi: ERC721Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/nftUpdate.ts - entities: - - ERC721Template - abis: - - name: ERC721Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json - - name: ERC721RolesAddress - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json - eventHandlers: - - event: MetadataCreated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleCreated - - event: MetadataUpdated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleUpdated - - event: MetadataState(indexed address,uint8,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleState - - event: TokenURIUpdate(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleTokenUriUpdate \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/subgraph.rinkeby.yaml b/subgraph.rinkeby.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index ab63f3f..0000000 --- a/subgraph.rinkeby.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -specVersion: 0.0.3 -description: Ocean provides data sharing through IDOs -repository: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -schema: - file: ./schema.graphql -dataSources: - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: ERC721Factory - network: rinkeby - source: - address: '0x1b1FE18bE79249AE8A30b3cEef03d70ca299a75b' - abi: ERC721Factory - startBlock: 10182337 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc721Factory.ts - entities: - - ERC721Factory - abis: - - name: ERC721Factory - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NFTCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,address,string,string) - handler: handleNftCreated - - event: TokenCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,string,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewToken - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FixedRateExchange - network: rinkeby - source: - address: '0x7C4Cb9BCeaB61c99012ECb7Ab1722FbCae7C007d' - abi: FixedRateExchange - startBlock: 10182337 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/fixedRateExchange.ts - entities: - - FixedRateExchange - abis: - - name: FixedRateExchange - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: ExchangeCreated(indexed bytes32,indexed address,indexed address,address,uint256) - handler: handleExchangeCreated - - event: ExchangeRateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleRateChange - - event: ExchangeMintStateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,bool) - handler: handleMintStateChanged - - event: ExchangeActivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleActivated - - event: ExchangeDeactivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivated - - event: ExchangeAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: Swapped(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(indexed bytes32,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: Dispenser - network: rinkeby - source: - address: '0x7C4Cb9BCeaB61c99012ECb7Ab1722FbCae7C007d' - abi: Dispenser - startBlock: 10182337 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/dispenser.ts - entities: - - Dispenser - abis: - - name: Dispenser - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json - eventHandlers: - - event: DispenserCreated(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewDispenser - - event: DispenserActivated(indexed address) - handler: handleActivate - - event: DispenserDeactivated(indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivate - - event: DispenserAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed address,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: TokensDispensed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleTokensDispensed - - event: OwnerWithdrawed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOwnerWinthdraw - - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FactoryRouter - network: rinkeby - source: - address: '0x6CE85a8B9dF0aEbd6deE3593d4E9cde7398ff842' - abi: FactoryRouter - startBlock: 10182337 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/factoryRouter.ts - entities: - - FactoryRouter - abis: - - name: FactoryRouter - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NewPool(indexed address,bool) - handler: handleNewPool - -templates: - - name: ERC20Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: rinkeby - source: - abi: ERC20Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc20Templates.ts - entities: - - ERC20Template - abis: - - name: ERC20Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json - - name: ERC20TemplateEnterprise - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - - name: ERC20Roles - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json - eventHandlers: - - event: OrderStarted(indexed address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOrderStarted - - event: NewPaymentCollector(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleNewPaymentCollector - - event: PublishMarketFee(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFee - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - name: BPool - kind: ethereum/contract - network: rinkeby - source: - abi: BPool - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/pool.ts - entities: - - BPool - abis: - - name: BPool - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BPool.sol/BPool.json - - name: BToken - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BToken.sol/BToken.json - - name: BMath - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BMath.sol/BMath.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: LOG_SWAP(indexed address,indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: LOG_JOIN(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleJoin - - event: LOG_EXIT(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleExit - - event: LOG_SETUP(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSetup - - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlerBptTransfer - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - event: SwapFeeChanged(address,uint256) - handler: handleSwapFeeChanged - - - name: ERC721Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: rinkeby - source: - abi: ERC721Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/nftUpdate.ts - entities: - - ERC721Template - abis: - - name: ERC721Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json - - name: ERC721RolesAddress - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json - eventHandlers: - - event: MetadataCreated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleCreated - - event: MetadataUpdated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleUpdated - - event: MetadataState(indexed address,uint8,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleState - - event: TokenURIUpdate(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleTokenUriUpdate \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/subgraph.ropsten.yaml b/subgraph.ropsten.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 759e2bd..0000000 --- a/subgraph.ropsten.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -specVersion: 0.0.3 -description: Ocean provides data sharing through IDOs -repository: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -schema: - file: ./schema.graphql -dataSources: - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: ERC721Factory - network: ropsten - source: - address: '0x5D7a9F0c8E9E9af5674DEE832Cc97FC425b655Bc' - abi: ERC721Factory - startBlock: 11978747 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc721Factory.ts - entities: - - ERC721Factory - abis: - - name: ERC721Factory - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NFTCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,address,string,string) - handler: handleNftCreated - - event: TokenCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,string,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewToken - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FixedRateExchange - network: ropsten - source: - address: '0x292f3108Fe22BaF215133fEc6Ad1a99312daC8E5' - abi: FixedRateExchange - startBlock: 11978747 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/fixedRateExchange.ts - entities: - - FixedRateExchange - abis: - - name: FixedRateExchange - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: ExchangeCreated(indexed bytes32,indexed address,indexed address,address,uint256) - handler: handleExchangeCreated - - event: ExchangeRateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleRateChange - - event: ExchangeMintStateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,bool) - handler: handleMintStateChanged - - event: ExchangeActivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleActivated - - event: ExchangeDeactivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivated - - event: ExchangeAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: Swapped(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(indexed bytes32,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: Dispenser - network: ropsten - source: - address: '0x292f3108Fe22BaF215133fEc6Ad1a99312daC8E5' - abi: Dispenser - startBlock: 11978747 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/dispenser.ts - entities: - - Dispenser - abis: - - name: Dispenser - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json - eventHandlers: - - event: DispenserCreated(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewDispenser - - event: DispenserActivated(indexed address) - handler: handleActivate - - event: DispenserDeactivated(indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivate - - event: DispenserAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed address,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: TokensDispensed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleTokensDispensed - - event: OwnerWithdrawed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOwnerWinthdraw - - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FactoryRouter - network: ropsten - source: - address: '0x9CF7215De4D862497CEdc86012EB3177044C523A' - abi: FactoryRouter - startBlock: 11978747 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/factoryRouter.ts - entities: - - FactoryRouter - abis: - - name: FactoryRouter - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NewPool(indexed address,bool) - handler: handleNewPool - -templates: - - name: ERC20Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: ropsten - source: - abi: ERC20Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc20Templates.ts - entities: - - ERC20Template - abis: - - name: ERC20Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json - - name: ERC20TemplateEnterprise - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - - name: ERC20Roles - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json - eventHandlers: - - event: OrderStarted(indexed address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOrderStarted - - event: NewPaymentCollector(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleNewPaymentCollector - - event: PublishMarketFee(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFee - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - name: BPool - kind: ethereum/contract - network: ropsten - source: - abi: BPool - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/pool.ts - entities: - - BPool - abis: - - name: BPool - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BPool.sol/BPool.json - - name: BToken - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BToken.sol/BToken.json - - name: BMath - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BMath.sol/BMath.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: LOG_SWAP(indexed address,indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: LOG_JOIN(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleJoin - - event: LOG_EXIT(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleExit - - event: LOG_SETUP(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSetup - - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlerBptTransfer - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - event: SwapFeeChanged(address,uint256) - handler: handleSwapFeeChanged - - - name: ERC721Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: ropsten - source: - abi: ERC721Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/nftUpdate.ts - entities: - - ERC721Template - abis: - - name: ERC721Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json - - name: ERC721RolesAddress - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json - eventHandlers: - - event: MetadataCreated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleCreated - - event: MetadataUpdated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleUpdated - - event: MetadataState(indexed address,uint8,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleState - - event: TokenURIUpdate(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleTokenUriUpdate \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/subgraph.yaml b/subgraph.template.yaml similarity index 100% rename from scripts/subgraph.yaml rename to subgraph.template.yaml diff --git a/subgraph.yaml b/subgraph.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 2e0ab26..0000000 --- a/subgraph.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -specVersion: 0.0.3 -description: Ocean provides data sharing through IDOs -repository: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph -schema: - file: ./schema.graphql -dataSources: - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: ERC721Factory - network: development - source: - address: '0x312213d6f6b5FCF9F56B7B8946A6C727Bf4Bc21f' - abi: ERC721Factory - startBlock: 5 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc721Factory.ts - entities: - - ERC721Factory - abis: - - name: ERC721Factory - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NFTCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,address,string,string) - handler: handleNftCreated - - event: TokenCreated(indexed address,indexed address,string,string,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewToken - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FixedRateExchange - network: development - source: - address: '0x98b6901cE7C9fc65dBeeC98598136593EB7b4c6C' - abi: FixedRateExchange - startBlock: 5 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/fixedRateExchange.ts - entities: - - FixedRateExchange - abis: - - name: FixedRateExchange - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: ExchangeCreated(indexed bytes32,indexed address,indexed address,address,uint256) - handler: handleExchangeCreated - - event: ExchangeRateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleRateChange - - event: ExchangeMintStateChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address,bool) - handler: handleMintStateChanged - - event: ExchangeActivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleActivated - - event: ExchangeDeactivated(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivated - - event: ExchangeAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed bytes32,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: Swapped(indexed bytes32,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(indexed bytes32,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: Dispenser - network: development - source: - address: '0x98b6901cE7C9fc65dBeeC98598136593EB7b4c6C' - abi: Dispenser - startBlock: 5 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/dispenser.ts - entities: - - Dispenser - abis: - - name: Dispenser - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json - eventHandlers: - - event: DispenserCreated(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,address) - handler: handleNewDispenser - - event: DispenserActivated(indexed address) - handler: handleActivate - - event: DispenserDeactivated(indexed address) - handler: handleDeactivate - - event: DispenserAllowedSwapperChanged(indexed address,indexed address) - handler: handleAllowedSwapperChanged - - event: TokensDispensed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleTokensDispensed - - event: OwnerWithdrawed(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOwnerWinthdraw - - - kind: ethereum/contract - name: FactoryRouter - network: development - source: - address: '0xBb0911124E680D65358Ac46C5404D4dF01F03e80' - abi: FactoryRouter - startBlock: 5 - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/factoryRouter.ts - entities: - - FactoryRouter - abis: - - name: FactoryRouter - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json - eventHandlers: - - event: NewPool(indexed address,bool) - handler: handleNewPool - -templates: - - name: ERC20Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: development - source: - abi: ERC20Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/erc20Templates.ts - entities: - - ERC20Template - abis: - - name: ERC20Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json - - name: ERC20TemplateEnterprise - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - - name: ERC20Roles - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json - eventHandlers: - - event: OrderStarted(indexed address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handleOrderStarted - - event: NewPaymentCollector(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleNewPaymentCollector - - event: PublishMarketFee(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFee - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - name: BPool - kind: ethereum/contract - network: development - source: - abi: BPool - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/pool.ts - entities: - - BPool - abis: - - name: BPool - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BPool.sol/BPool.json - - name: BToken - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BToken.sol/BToken.json - - name: BMath - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/balancer/BMath.sol/BMath.json - - name: ERC20 - file: ./abis/ERC20.json - eventHandlers: - - event: LOG_SWAP(indexed address,indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSwap - - event: LOG_JOIN(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleJoin - - event: LOG_EXIT(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleExit - - event: LOG_SETUP(indexed address,indexed address,uint256,uint256,indexed address,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleSetup - - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) - handler: handlerBptTransfer - - event: PublishMarketFeeChanged(address,address,uint256) - handler: handlePublishMarketFeeChanged - - event: SwapFeeChanged(address,uint256) - handler: handleSwapFeeChanged - - - name: ERC721Template - kind: ethereum/contract - network: development - source: - abi: ERC721Template - mapping: - kind: ethereum/events - apiVersion: 0.0.6 - language: wasm/assemblyscript - file: ./src/mappings/nftUpdate.ts - entities: - - ERC721Template - abis: - - name: ERC721Template - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json - - name: ERC721RolesAddress - file: ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json - eventHandlers: - - event: MetadataCreated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleCreated - - event: MetadataUpdated(indexed address,uint8,string,bytes,bytes,bytes32,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleUpdated - - event: MetadataState(indexed address,uint8,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleState - - event: TokenURIUpdate(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256) - handler: handleTokenUriUpdate \ No newline at end of file