mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 05:57:29 +01:00
convert spot price from wei (#403)
* convert spot price from wei * use proper decimals
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
// export function getGlobalStats(): Global {
// let gStats: Global | null = Global.load('1')
// if (gStats == null) {
// gStats = new Global('1')
// gStats.totalOceanLiquidity = ZERO_BD
// gStats.totalSwapVolume = ZERO_BD
// gStats.totalValueLocked = ZERO_BD
// gStats.totalOrderVolume = ZERO_BD
// gStats.orderCount = BigInt.fromI32(0)
// gStats.poolCount = 0
// }
// return gStats
// }
// export function hexToDecimal(hexString: string, decimals: i32): BigDecimal {
// const bytes = Bytes.fromHexString(hexString.toString()).reverse() as Bytes
// const bi = BigInt.fromUnsignedBytes(bytes)
// const scale = BigInt.fromI32(10)
// .pow(decimals as u8)
// .toBigDecimal()
// return bi.divDecimal(scale)
// }
// export function bigIntToDecimal(amount: BigInt, decimals: i32): BigDecimal {
// const scale = BigInt.fromI32(10)
// .pow(decimals as u8)
// .toBigDecimal()
// return amount.toBigDecimal().div(scale)
// }
// export function decimalToBigInt(value: BigDecimal): BigInt {
// value.truncate(18)
// const scale = BigInt.fromI32(10).pow((value.exp.toI32() + 18) as u8)
// return value.digits.times(scale)
// }
// export function isNullEthValue(value: string): boolean {
// return (
// value ==
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'
// )
// }
// export function getTokenSymbol(tokenAddress: Address): string {
// const contract = ERC20.bind(tokenAddress)
// const contractSymbolBytes = ERC20SymbolBytes.bind(tokenAddress)
// // try types string and bytes32 for symbol
// let symbolValue = 'unknown'
// const symbolResult = contract.try_symbol()
// if (symbolResult.reverted) {
// const symbolResultBytes = contractSymbolBytes.try_symbol()
// if (!symbolResultBytes.reverted) {
// // for broken pairs that have no symbol function exposed
// if (!isNullEthValue(symbolResultBytes.value.toHexString())) {
// symbolValue = symbolResultBytes.value.toString()
// }
// }
// } else {
// symbolValue = symbolResult.value
// }
// return symbolValue
// }
// export function getTokenName(tokenAddress: Address): string {
// const contract = ERC20.bind(tokenAddress)
// const contractNameBytes = ERC20NameBytes.bind(tokenAddress)
// // try types string and bytes32 for name
// let nameValue = 'unknown'
// const nameResult = contract.try_name()
// if (nameResult.reverted) {
// const nameResultBytes = contractNameBytes.try_name()
// if (!nameResultBytes.reverted) {
// // for broken exchanges that have no name function exposed
// if (!isNullEthValue(nameResultBytes.value.toHexString())) {
// nameValue = nameResultBytes.value.toString()
// }
// }
// } else {
// nameValue = nameResult.value
// }
// return nameValue
// }
// export function getTokenDecimals(tokenAddress: Address): i32 {
// const contract = ERC20.bind(tokenAddress)
// let decimals = 18
// const decimalCall = contract.try_decimals()
// if (!decimalCall.reverted) {
// decimals = decimalCall.value
// }
// return decimals
// }
// export function updatePoolTokenBalance(
// poolToken: PoolToken,
// balance: BigDecimal,
// source: string
// ): void {
// if (!poolToken) return
// if (balance < ZERO_BD || poolToken.balance < ZERO_BD) {
// poolToken.balance = balance
// }
// }
// export function createUserEntity(address: string): void {
// if (User.load(address) == null) {
// const user = new User(address)
// user.nrSales = 0
// user.save()
// }
// }
// export function createPoolShareEntity(
// id: string,
// pool: string,
// user: string
// ): void {
// const poolShare = new PoolShare(id)
// createUserEntity(user)
// poolShare.userAddress = user
// poolShare.poolId = pool
// poolShare.balance = ZERO_BD
// poolShare.save()
// }
// export function createPoolTokenEntity(
// id: string,
// pool: string,
// address: Address
// ): void {
// const datatoken = Datatoken.load(address.toHexString())
// const poolToken = new PoolToken(id)
// poolToken.poolId = pool
// poolToken.isDatatoken = !!datatoken
// poolToken.tokenId = datatoken ? datatoken.id : ''
// poolToken.address = address.toHexString()
// poolToken.balance = ZERO_BD
// poolToken.denormWeight = ZERO_BD
// poolToken.symbol = getTokenSymbol(address)
// poolToken.name = getTokenName(address)
// poolToken.decimals = getTokenDecimals(address)
// poolToken.save()
// }
// export function updatePoolTransactionToken(
// poolTx: string,
// poolTokenId: string,
// amount: BigDecimal,
// balance: BigDecimal,
// feeValue: BigDecimal
// ): void {
// const ptx = PoolTransaction.load(poolTx)
// const poolToken = PoolToken.load(poolTokenId)
// if (!ptx) {
// log.error('Cannot load PoolTransaction {}', [poolTx])
// return
// }
// if (!poolToken) {
// log.error('Cannot load PoolToken {}', [poolTokenId])
// return
// }
// const pool = PoolEntity.load(poolToken.poolId)
// if (!pool) {
// log.error('Cannot load PoolEntity {}', [poolToken.poolId])
// return
// }
// const ptxTokenValuesId = poolTx.concat('-').concat(poolTokenId)
// let ptxTokenValues = PoolTransactionTokenValues.load(ptxTokenValuesId)
// if (ptxTokenValues == null) {
// ptxTokenValues = new PoolTransactionTokenValues(ptxTokenValuesId)
// log.warning('created PoolTransactionTokenValues for {}', [ptxTokenValuesId])
// }
// if (!ptxTokenValues) return
// ptxTokenValues.txId = poolTx
// ptxTokenValues.poolToken = poolTokenId
// ptxTokenValues.poolAddress = poolToken.poolId
// const ptxUserAddress = ptx.userAddress
// ptxTokenValues.userAddress = ptxUserAddress ? ptxUserAddress : ''
// const poolTokenAddress = poolToken.address
// ptxTokenValues.tokenAddress = poolTokenAddress ? poolTokenAddress : ''
// ptxTokenValues.value = amount
// ptxTokenValues.tokenReserve = balance
// ptxTokenValues.feeValue = feeValue
// if (amount.lt(ZERO_BD)) {
// ptxTokenValues.type = 'out'
// } else {
// ptxTokenValues.type = 'in'
// }
// ptxTokenValues.save()
// if (ptxTokenValues.tokenAddress == OCEAN) {
// const factory = PoolFactory.load('1')
// if (factory !== null) {
// factory.totalOceanLiquidity = factory.totalOceanLiquidity
// .plus(ptxTokenValues.tokenReserve)
// .minus(pool.oceanReserve)
// const gStats: Global = getGlobalStats()
// if (gStats !== null) {
// gStats.totalOceanLiquidity = factory.totalOceanLiquidity
// gStats.save()
// }
// ptx.oceanReserve = ptxTokenValues.tokenReserve
// pool.oceanReserve = ptxTokenValues.tokenReserve
// factory.save()
// }
// } else {
// ptx.datatokenReserve = ptxTokenValues.tokenReserve
// pool.datatokenReserve = ptxTokenValues.tokenReserve
// }
// ptx.save()
// pool.save()
// }
// export function calcSpotPrice(
// balanceIn: BigDecimal,
// wIn: BigDecimal,
// balanceOut: BigDecimal,
// wOut: BigDecimal,
// swapFee: BigDecimal
// ): BigDecimal {
// if (balanceIn <= ZERO_BD || balanceOut <= ZERO_BD) return MINUS_1_BD
// const numer = balanceIn.div(wIn)
// const denom = balanceOut.div(wOut)
// if (denom <= ZERO_BD) return MINUS_1_BD
// const ratio = numer.div(denom)
// const scale = ONE_BD.div(ONE_BD.minus(swapFee))
// const price = ratio.times(scale)
// price.truncate(18)
// return price
// }
// export function createPoolTransaction(
// event: ethereum.Event,
// // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
// event_type: string,
// userAddress: string
// ): void {
// const poolId = event.address.toHex()
// const pool = PoolEntity.load(poolId)
// if (!pool) return
// const ptx = event.transaction.hash.toHexString()
// const ocnToken = PoolToken.load(poolId.concat('-').concat(OCEAN))
// const dtToken = PoolToken.load(
// poolId.concat('-').concat(pool.datatokenAddress)
// )
// if (ocnToken == null || dtToken == null) {
// return
// }
// let poolTx = PoolTransaction.load(ptx)
// if (poolTx != null) {
// return
// }
// poolTx = new PoolTransaction(ptx)
// poolTx.poolAddress = poolId
// poolTx.userAddress = userAddress
// poolTx.poolAddressStr = poolId
// poolTx.userAddressStr = userAddress
// poolTx.sharesTransferAmount = ZERO_BD
// poolTx.sharesBalance = ZERO_BD
// // pool.datatokenReserve = dtToken.balance
// // pool.oceanReserve = ocnToken.balance
// // Initial reserve values, will be updated in `updatePoolTransactionToken`
// poolTx.datatokenReserve = dtToken.balance
// poolTx.oceanReserve = ocnToken.balance
// const p = Pool.bind(Address.fromString(poolId))
// const priceResult = p.try_calcInGivenOut(
// decimalToBigInt(ocnToken.balance),
// decimalToBigInt(ocnToken.denormWeight),
// decimalToBigInt(dtToken.balance),
// decimalToBigInt(dtToken.denormWeight),
// ONE_BASE_18,
// decimalToBigInt(pool.swapFee)
// )
// poolTx.consumePrice = priceResult.reverted
// ? MINUS_1_BD
// : bigIntToDecimal(priceResult.value, 18)
// const priceSpot = p.try_calcSpotPrice(
// decimalToBigInt(ocnToken.balance),
// decimalToBigInt(ocnToken.denormWeight),
// decimalToBigInt(dtToken.balance),
// decimalToBigInt(dtToken.denormWeight),
// decimalToBigInt(pool.swapFee)
// )
// poolTx.spotPrice = priceSpot.reverted
// ? ZERO_BD
// : bigIntToDecimal(priceSpot.value, 18)
// pool.consumePrice = poolTx.consumePrice
// pool.spotPrice = poolTx.spotPrice
// const oldValueLocked = pool.valueLocked
// const spotPrice = pool.spotPrice >= ZERO_BD ? pool.spotPrice : ZERO_BD
// pool.valueLocked = poolTx.oceanReserve.plus(
// poolTx.datatokenReserve.times(spotPrice)
// )
// const factory = PoolFactory.load('1')
// if (!factory) return
// if (factory.totalValueLocked !== null) {
// const tvl = factory.totalValueLocked
// factory.totalValueLocked = tvl
// ? tvl.minus(oldValueLocked).plus(pool.valueLocked)
// : BigDecimal.fromString('0')
// }
// const gStats: Global = getGlobalStats()
// if (gStats !== null) {
// gStats.totalValueLocked = factory.totalValueLocked
// gStats.save()
// }
// pool.transactionCount = pool.transactionCount.plus(BigInt.fromI32(1))
// pool.save()
// factory.save()
// poolTx.tx = event.transaction.hash
// // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
// poolTx.event = event_type
// poolTx.block = event.block.number.toI32()
// poolTx.timestamp = event.block.timestamp.toI32()
// // Property 'gasUsed' does not exist on type '~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/chain/ethereum/ethereum.Transaction'
// // poolTx.gasUsed = event.transaction.gasUsed.toBigDecimal()
// poolTx.gasPrice = event.transaction.gasPrice.toBigDecimal()
// poolTx.save()
// }
// export function decrPoolCount(finalized: boolean): void {
// const factory = PoolFactory.load('1')
// if (!factory) return
// factory.poolCount -= 1
// if (finalized) factory.finalizedPoolCount -= 1
// factory.save()
// }
// export function saveTokenTransaction(
// event: ethereum.Event,
// eventName: string
// ): void {
// const tx = event.transaction.hash
// .toHexString()
// .concat('-')
// .concat(event.logIndex.toString())
// const userAddress = event.transaction.from.toHex()
// let transaction = TokenTransaction.load(tx)
// if (transaction == null) {
// transaction = new TokenTransaction(tx)
// }
// transaction.event = eventName
// transaction.datatokenAddress = event.address.toHex()
// transaction.userAddress = userAddress
// // transaction.gasUsed = event.transaction.gasUsed.toBigDecimal()
// transaction.gasPrice = event.transaction.gasPrice.toBigDecimal()
// transaction.tx = event.transaction.hash
// transaction.timestamp = event.block.timestamp.toI32()
// transaction.block = event.block.number.toI32()
// transaction.save()
// createUserEntity(userAddress)
// }
// export function updateTokenBalance(
// id: string,
// token: string,
// user: string,
// amount: BigDecimal
// ): void {
// let tokenBalance = TokenBalance.load(id)
// if (tokenBalance == null) {
// tokenBalance = new TokenBalance(id)
// createUserEntity(user)
// tokenBalance.userAddress = user
// tokenBalance.datatokenId = token
// tokenBalance.balance = ZERO_BD
// }
// tokenBalance.balance = tokenBalance.balance.plus(amount)
// tokenBalance.save()
// }
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ export function handleSwap(event: LOG_SWAP): void {
let baseTokenDecimals = 18
const tokenOutNewBalance = weiToDecimal(
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ export function handleSwap(event: LOG_SWAP): void {
} else {
poolTx.baseToken = tokenOut.id
poolTx.baseTokenValue = ammountOut.neg()
baseTokenDecimals = tokenOut.decimals
pool.baseTokenLiquidity = tokenOutNewBalance
poolSnapshot.swapVolume = poolSnapshot.swapVolume.plus(ammountOut)
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ export function handleSwap(event: LOG_SWAP): void {
} else {
poolTx.baseToken = tokenIn.id
poolTx.baseTokenValue = ammountIn
baseTokenDecimals = tokenIn.decimals
pool.baseTokenLiquidity = tokenInNewBalance
poolSnapshot.swapVolume = poolSnapshot.swapVolume.plus(ammountIn)
addLiquidity(tokenIn.id, ammountIn)
@ -168,7 +169,10 @@ export function handleSwap(event: LOG_SWAP): void {
// update spot price
const spotPrice = event.params.newSpotPrice.toBigDecimal()
const spotPrice = weiToDecimal(
pool.spotPrice = spotPrice
poolSnapshot.spotPrice = spotPrice
poolSnapshot.baseTokenLiquidity = pool.baseTokenLiquidity
Reference in New Issue
Block a user