another update

This commit is contained in:
mihaisc 2021-11-12 15:22:21 +02:00
parent bc1784edfe
commit 53e93861bc
1 changed files with 0 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,39 +1,4 @@
import { BigDecimal, BigInt, dataSource } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
export const ZERO_BD = BigDecimal.fromString('0.0')
export const MINUS_1_BD = BigDecimal.fromString('-1.0')
export const ONE_BD = BigDecimal.fromString('1.0')
export const ONE_BASE_18 = BigInt.fromI32(10).pow(18 as u8)
export const BONE = BigDecimal.fromString('1000000000000000000')
export const ENABLE_DEBUG = true
const network =
export function getOceanAddress(): string {
// switch is not working for some reason
if (network == 'ropsten') return '0x5e8dcb2afa23844bcc311b00ad1a0c30025aade9'
if (network == 'rinkeby') return '0x8967bcf84170c91b0d24d4302c2376283b0b3a07'
if (network == 'polygon') return '0x282d8efce846a88b159800bd4130ad77443fa1a1'
if (network == 'moonbeamalpha')
return '0xf6410bf5d773c7a41ebff972f38e7463fa242477'
if (network == 'gaiaxtestnet')
return '0x80e63f73cac60c1662f27d2dfd2ea834acddbaa8'
if (network == 'catenaxtestnet')
return '0x80e63f73cac60c1662f27d2dfd2ea834acddbaa8'
if (network == 'mumbai') return '0xd8992ed72c445c35cb4a2be468568ed1079357c8'
if (network == 'bsc') return '0xdce07662ca8ebc241316a15b611c89711414dd1a'
if (network == 'celoalfajores')
return '0xd8992ed72c445c35cb4a2be468568ed1079357c8'
if (network == 'energyweb')
return '0x593122aae80a6fc3183b2ac0c4ab3336debee528'
if (network == 'moonriver')
return '0x99c409e5f62e4bd2ac142f17cafb6810b8f0baae'
return '0x967da4048cd07ab37855c090aaf366e4ce1b9f48'
export const OCEAN: string = getOceanAddress()
// export function getGlobalStats(): Global {
// let gStats: Global | null = Global.load('1')
@ -66,13 +31,6 @@ export const OCEAN: string = getOceanAddress()
// return amount.toBigDecimal().div(scale)
// }
export function tokenToDecimal(amount: BigDecimal, decimals: i32): BigDecimal {
const scale = BigInt.fromI32(10)
.pow(decimals as u8)
return amount.div(scale)
// export function decimalToBigInt(value: BigDecimal): BigInt {
// value.truncate(18)
// const scale = BigInt.fromI32(10).pow((value.exp.toI32() + 18) as u8)