2021-03-04 11:38:20 +01:00
"contractName" : "Metadata" ,
"abi" : [
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"type" : "bytes"
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"name" : "update" ,
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"source" : "pragma solidity 0.5.7;\n// Copyright BigchainDB GmbH and Ocean Protocol contributors\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)\n// Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0\n\nimport '../interfaces/IERC20Template.sol';\n\n\n/**\n* @title Metadata\n* \n* @dev Metadata stands for Decentralized Document. It allows publishers\n* to publish their dataset metadata in decentralized way.\n* It follows the Ocean DID Document standard: \n* https://github.com/oceanprotocol/OEPs/blob/master/7/v0.2/README.md\n*/\ncontract Metadata {\n\n event MetadataCreated(\n address indexed dataToken,\n address indexed createdBy,\n bytes flags,\n bytes data\n );\n event MetadataUpdated(\n address indexed dataToken,\n address indexed updatedBy,\n bytes flags,\n bytes data\n );\n\n modifier onlyDataTokenMinter(address dataToken)\n {\n IERC20Template token = IERC20Template(dataToken);\n require(\n token.minter() == msg.sender,\n 'Metadata: Invalid DataToken Minter'\n );\n _;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev create\n * creates/publishes new metadata/DDO document on-chain. \n * @param dataToken refers to data token address\n * @param flags special flags associated with metadata\n * @param data referes to the actual metadata\n */\n function create(\n address dataToken,\n bytes calldata flags,\n bytes calldata data\n ) \n external\n onlyDataTokenMinter(dataToken)\n {\n emit MetadataCreated(\n dataToken,\n msg.sender,\n flags,\n data\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev update\n * allows only datatoken minter(s) to update the DDO/metadata content\n * @param dataToken refers to data token address\n * @param flags special flags associated with metadata\n * @param data referes to the actual metadata\n */\n function update(\n address dataToken,\n bytes calldata flags,\n bytes calldata data\n ) \n external\n onlyDataTokenMinter(dataToken)\n {\n emit MetadataUpdated(\n dataToken,\n msg.sender,\n flags,\n data\n );\n }\n}" ,
"sourcePath" : "/ocean/ocean-contracts/contracts/metadata/Metadata.sol" ,
"ast" : {
"absolutePath" : "/ocean/ocean-contracts/contracts/metadata/Metadata.sol" ,
"exportedSymbols" : {
2021-07-30 09:36:44 +02:00
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"contractKind" : "contract" ,
"documentation" : "@title Metadata\n \n@dev Metadata stands for Decentralized Document. It allows publishers\n to publish their dataset metadata in decentralized way.\n It follows the Ocean DID Document standard: \n https://github.com/oceanprotocol/OEPs/blob/master/7/v0.2/README.md" ,
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2021-07-30 09:36:44 +02:00
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2021-03-04 11:38:20 +01:00
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"documentation" : "@dev update\n allows only datatoken minter(s) to update the DDO/metadata content\n@param dataToken refers to data token address\n@param flags special flags associated with metadata\n@param data referes to the actual metadata" ,
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"typeString" : "modifier (address)"
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"nodeType" : "ModifierInvocation" ,
"src" : "1485:30:11"
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"src" : "1376:7:11" ,
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"src" : "1433:19:11" ,
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"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_bytes_calldata_ptr" ,
"typeString" : "bytes"
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"id" : 5120 ,
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"src" : "1433:5:11" ,
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"typeString" : "bytes"
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"value" : null ,
"visibility" : "internal"
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"src" : "1366:92:11"
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"src" : "1520:0:11"
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"src" : "1351:300:11" ,
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"body" : {
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"src" : "2102:131:11" ,
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"arguments" : [
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"overloadedDeclarations" : [ ] ,
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"src" : "2146:9:11" ,
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"src" : "2169:3:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_magic_message" ,
"typeString" : "msg"
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"id" : 5151 ,
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"src" : "2169:10:11" ,
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"src" : "2193:5:11" ,
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"src" : "2212:4:11" ,
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"typeString" : "bytes calldata"
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"src" : "2117:15:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_function_event_nonpayable$_t_address_$_t_address_$_t_bytes_memory_ptr_$_t_bytes_memory_ptr_$returns$__$" ,
"typeString" : "function (address,address,bytes memory,bytes memory)"
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"nodeType" : "FunctionCall" ,
"src" : "2117:109:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
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"typeString" : "tuple()"
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"id" : 5155 ,
"nodeType" : "EmitStatement" ,
"src" : "2112:114:11"
} ,
"documentation" : "@dev update\n allows only datatoken minter(s) to update the DDO/metadata content\n@param dataToken refers to data token address\n@param flags special flags associated with metadata\n@param data referes to the actual metadata" ,
"id" : 5157 ,
"implemented" : true ,
"kind" : "function" ,
"modifiers" : [
"arguments" : [
"argumentTypes" : null ,
"id" : 5145 ,
"name" : "dataToken" ,
"nodeType" : "Identifier" ,
"overloadedDeclarations" : [ ] ,
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"src" : "2087:9:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_address" ,
"typeString" : "address"
] ,
"id" : 5146 ,
"modifierName" : {
"argumentTypes" : null ,
"id" : 5144 ,
"name" : "onlyDataTokenMinter" ,
"nodeType" : "Identifier" ,
"overloadedDeclarations" : [ ] ,
"referencedDeclaration" : 5115 ,
"src" : "2067:19:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_modifier$_t_address_$" ,
"typeString" : "modifier (address)"
} ,
"nodeType" : "ModifierInvocation" ,
"src" : "2067:30:11"
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"name" : "update" ,
"nodeType" : "FunctionDefinition" ,
"parameters" : {
"id" : 5143 ,
"nodeType" : "ParameterList" ,
"parameters" : [
"constant" : false ,
"id" : 5138 ,
"name" : "dataToken" ,
"nodeType" : "VariableDeclaration" ,
"scope" : 5157 ,
"src" : "1958:17:11" ,
"stateVariable" : false ,
"storageLocation" : "default" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_address" ,
"typeString" : "address"
} ,
"typeName" : {
"id" : 5137 ,
"name" : "address" ,
"nodeType" : "ElementaryTypeName" ,
"src" : "1958:7:11" ,
"stateMutability" : "nonpayable" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_address" ,
"typeString" : "address"
} ,
"value" : null ,
"visibility" : "internal"
} ,
"constant" : false ,
"id" : 5140 ,
"name" : "flags" ,
"nodeType" : "VariableDeclaration" ,
"scope" : 5157 ,
"src" : "1985:20:11" ,
"stateVariable" : false ,
"storageLocation" : "calldata" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_bytes_calldata_ptr" ,
"typeString" : "bytes"
} ,
"typeName" : {
"id" : 5139 ,
"name" : "bytes" ,
"nodeType" : "ElementaryTypeName" ,
"src" : "1985:5:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_bytes_storage_ptr" ,
"typeString" : "bytes"
} ,
"value" : null ,
"visibility" : "internal"
} ,
"constant" : false ,
"id" : 5142 ,
"name" : "data" ,
"nodeType" : "VariableDeclaration" ,
"scope" : 5157 ,
"src" : "2015:19:11" ,
"stateVariable" : false ,
"storageLocation" : "calldata" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_bytes_calldata_ptr" ,
"typeString" : "bytes"
} ,
"typeName" : {
"id" : 5141 ,
"name" : "bytes" ,
"nodeType" : "ElementaryTypeName" ,
"src" : "2015:5:11" ,
"typeDescriptions" : {
"typeIdentifier" : "t_bytes_storage_ptr" ,
"typeString" : "bytes"
} ,
"value" : null ,
"visibility" : "internal"
] ,
"src" : "1948:92:11"
} ,
"returnParameters" : {
"id" : 5147 ,
"nodeType" : "ParameterList" ,
"parameters" : [ ] ,
"src" : "2102:0:11"
} ,
"scope" : 5158 ,
"src" : "1933:300:11" ,
"stateMutability" : "nonpayable" ,
"superFunction" : null ,
"visibility" : "external"
] ,
"scope" : 5159 ,
"src" : "520:1715:11"
] ,
"src" : "0:2235:11"
} ,
"compiler" : {
"name" : "solc" ,
"version" : "0.5.7+commit.6da8b019.Emscripten.clang"
} ,
"networks" : { } ,
"schemaVersion" : "3.2.4" ,
"updatedAt" : "2021-02-18T06:54:49.624Z" ,
"devdoc" : {
"details" : "Metadata stands for Decentralized Document. It allows publishers to publish their dataset metadata in decentralized way. It follows the Ocean DID Document standard: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/OEPs/blob/master/7/v0.2/README.md" ,
"methods" : {
"create(address,bytes,bytes)" : {
"details" : "create creates/publishes new metadata/DDO document on-chain. " ,
"params" : {
"data" : "referes to the actual metadata" ,
"dataToken" : "refers to data token address" ,
"flags" : "special flags associated with metadata"
} ,
"update(address,bytes,bytes)" : {
"details" : "update allows only datatoken minter(s) to update the DDO/metadata content" ,
"params" : {
"data" : "referes to the actual metadata" ,
"dataToken" : "refers to data token address" ,
"flags" : "special flags associated with metadata"
} ,
"title" : "Metadata "
} ,
"userdoc" : {
"methods" : { }
2021-07-30 09:36:44 +02:00