mirror of https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market.git synced 2024-12-02 05:57:29 +01:00

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import React, { ReactElement, useState, useRef } from 'react'
import { Form, Formik } from 'formik'
import { initialValues } from './_constants'
import { validationSchema } from './_validation'
import { useAccountPurgatory } from '@hooks/useAccountPurgatory'
import { useWeb3 } from '@context/Web3'
import { transformPublishFormToDdo } from './_utils'
import PageHeader from '@shared/Page/PageHeader'
import Title from './Title'
import styles from './index.module.css'
import Actions from './Actions'
import Debug from './Debug'
import Navigation from './Navigation'
import { Steps } from './Steps'
import { FormPublishData } from './_types'
import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256'
import { generateNftCreateData } from '@utils/nft'
import { useUserPreferences } from '@context/UserPreferences'
// TODO: restore FormikPersist, add back clear form action
const formName = 'ocean-publish-form'
export default function PublishPage({
}: {
content: { title: string; description: string; warning: string }
}): ReactElement {
const { debug } = useUserPreferences()
const { accountId, chainId } = useWeb3()
const { isInPurgatory, purgatoryData } = useAccountPurgatory(accountId)
// TODO: success & error states need to be handled for each step we want to display
// most likely with a nested data structure.
const [success, setSuccess] = useState<string>()
const [error, setError] = useState<string>()
const scrollToRef = useRef()
async function handleSubmit(values: FormPublishData) {
try {
// --------------------------------------------------
// 1. Mint NFT & datatokens & put in pool
// --------------------------------------------------
// const nftOptions = values.metadata.nft
// const nftCreateData = generateNftCreateData(nftOptions)
// TODO: figure out syntax of ercParams we most likely need to pass
// to createNftWithErc() as we need to pass options for the datatoken.
// const ercParams = {}
// const priceOptions = {
// // swapFee is tricky: to get 0.1% you need to send 0.001 as value
// swapFee: `${values.pricing.swapFee / 100}`
// }
// const txMint = await createNftWithErc(accountId, nftCreateData)
// TODO: figure out how to get nftAddress & datatokenAddress from tx log.
// const { nftAddress, datatokenAddress } = txMint.logs[0].args
// if (!nftAddress || !datatokenAddress) { throw new Error() }
// --------------------------------------------------
// 2. Construct and publish DDO
// --------------------------------------------------
// const did = sha256(`${nftAddress}${chainId}`)
// const ddo = transformPublishFormToDdo(values, datatokenAddress, nftAddress)
// const txPublish = await publish(ddo)
// --------------------------------------------------
// 3. Integrity check of DDO before & after publishing
// --------------------------------------------------
// const checksumBefore = sha256(ddo)
// const ddoFromChain = await getDdoFromChain(ddo.id)
// const ddoFromChainDecrypted = await decryptDdo(ddoFromChain)
// const checksumAfter = sha256(ddoFromChainDecrypted)
// if (checksumBefore !== checksumAfter) {
// throw new Error('DDO integrity check failed!')
// }
setSuccess('Your DDO was published successfully!')
} catch (error) {
return (
<PageHeader title={<Title />} description={content.description} />
{isInPurgatory && purgatoryData ? null : (
onSubmit={async (values, { resetForm }) => {
// kick off publishing
await handleSubmit(values)
<Form className={styles.form} ref={scrollToRef}>
<Navigation />
<Steps />
<Actions scrollToRef={scrollToRef} />
{debug && <Debug />}