
163 lines
4.3 KiB

import { getNetworkDisplayName } from '@hooks/useNetworkMetadata'
import { LoggerInstance } from '@oceanprotocol/lib'
import Web3 from 'web3'
import { getOceanConfig } from './ocean'
import { AbiItem } from 'web3-utils/types'
export function accountTruncate(account: string): string {
if (!account || account === '') return
const middle = account.substring(6, 38)
const truncated = account.replace(middle, '…')
return truncated
* returns a dummy web3 instance, only usable to get info from the chain
* @param chainId
* @returns Web3 instance
export async function getDummyWeb3(chainId: number): Promise<Web3> {
const config = getOceanConfig(chainId)
return new Web3(config.nodeUri)
export async function addCustomNetwork(
web3Provider: any,
network: EthereumListsChain
): Promise<void> {
// Always add explorer URL from ocean.js first, as it's null sometimes
// in network data
const blockExplorerUrls = [
network.explorers && network.explorers[0].url
const newNetworkData = {
chainId: `0x${network.chainId.toString(16)}`,
chainName: getNetworkDisplayName(network),
nativeCurrency: network.nativeCurrency,
rpcUrls: network.rpc,
try {
await web3Provider.request({
method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
params: [{ chainId: newNetworkData.chainId }]
} catch (switchError) {
if (switchError.code === 4902) {
await web3Provider.request(
method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
params: [newNetworkData]
(err: string, added: any) => {
if (err || 'error' in added) {
`Couldn't add ${} (0x${
}) network to MetaMask, error: ${err || added.error}`
} else {
`Added ${} (0x${network.chainId}) network to MetaMask`
} else {
`Couldn't add ${} (0x${network.chainId}) network to MetaMask, error: ${switchError}`
`Added ${} (0x${network.chainId}) network to MetaMask`
export async function addTokenToWallet(
web3Provider: any,
address: string,
symbol: string,
logo?: string
): Promise<void> {
const image =
logo ||
const tokenMetadata = {
type: 'ERC20',
options: { address, symbol, image, decimals: 18 }
method: 'wallet_watchAsset',
params: tokenMetadata,
id: Math.round(Math.random() * 100000)
(err: { code: number; message: string }, added: any) => {
if (err || 'error' in added) {
`Couldn't add ${tokenMetadata.options.symbol} (${
}) to MetaMask, error: ${err.message || added.error}`
} else {
`Added ${tokenMetadata.options.symbol} (${tokenMetadata.options.address}) to MetaMask`
export async function getTokenBalance(
accountId: string,
decimals: number,
tokenAddress: string,
web3: Web3
): Promise<string> {
const minABI = [
constant: true,
inputs: [
name: '_owner',
type: 'address'
name: 'balanceOf',
outputs: [
name: 'balance',
type: 'uint256'
payable: false,
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function'
] as AbiItem[]
try {
const token = new web3.eth.Contract(minABI, tokenAddress, {
from: accountId
const balance = await token.methods.balanceOf(accountId).call()
const adjustedDecimalsBalance = `${balance}${'0'.repeat(18 - decimals)}`
return web3.utils.fromWei(adjustedDecimalsBalance)
} catch (e) {
LoggerInstance.error(`ERROR: Failed to get the balance: ${e.message}`)
export function getTokenBalanceFromSymbol(
balance: UserBalance,
symbol: string
): string {
if (!symbol) return
const baseTokenBalance = balance?.[symbol.toLocaleLowerCase()]
return baseTokenBalance || '0'