import { gql, OperationResult } from 'urql' import { fetchData, getQueryContext } from './subgraph' import { TokenPriceQuery, TokenPriceQuery_token as TokenPrice } from '../@types/subgraph/TokenPriceQuery' import { TokensPriceQuery, TokensPriceQuery_tokens as TokensPrice } from '../@types/subgraph/TokensPriceQuery' import { Asset, LoggerInstance, ProviderFees, ProviderInstance } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { AssetExtended } from 'src/@types/AssetExtended' import { calcInGivenOut } from './pool' import { getFixedBuyPrice } from './fixedRateExchange' import { AccessDetails, OrderPriceAndFees } from 'src/@types/Price' import Decimal from 'decimal.js' import { consumeMarketOrderFee } from '../../app.config' import Web3 from 'web3' const tokensPriceQuery = gql` query TokensPriceQuery($datatokenIds: [ID!], $account: String) { tokens(where: { id_in: $datatokenIds }) { id symbol name publishMarketFeeAddress publishMarketFeeToken publishMarketFeeAmount orders( where: { payer: $account } orderBy: createdTimestamp orderDirection: desc ) { tx serviceIndex createdTimestamp reuses(orderBy: createdTimestamp, orderDirection: desc) { id caller createdTimestamp tx block } } dispensers { id active isMinter maxBalance token { id name symbol } } fixedRateExchanges { id exchangeId price publishMarketSwapFee baseToken { symbol name address } datatoken { symbol name address } active } pools { id spotPrice isFinalized datatokenLiquidity baseToken { symbol name address } datatoken { symbol name address } } } } ` const tokenPriceQuery = gql` query TokenPriceQuery($datatokenId: ID!, $account: String) { token(id: $datatokenId) { id symbol name publishMarketFeeAddress publishMarketFeeToken publishMarketFeeAmount orders( where: { payer: $account } orderBy: createdTimestamp orderDirection: desc ) { tx serviceIndex createdTimestamp reuses(orderBy: createdTimestamp, orderDirection: desc) { id caller createdTimestamp tx block } } dispensers { id active isMinter maxBalance token { id name symbol } } fixedRateExchanges { id exchangeId price publishMarketSwapFee baseToken { symbol name address } datatoken { symbol name address } active } pools { id spotPrice isFinalized datatokenLiquidity baseToken { symbol name address } datatoken { symbol name address } } } } ` function getAccessDetailsFromTokenPrice( tokenPrice: TokenPrice | TokensPrice, timeout?: number ): AccessDetails { const accessDetails = {} as AccessDetails if (tokenPrice?.orders?.length > 0) { const order = tokenPrice.orders[0] const reusedOrder = order?.reuses?.length > 0 ? order.reuses[0] : null // asset is owned if there is an order and asset has timeout 0 (forever) or if the condition is valid accessDetails.isOwned = timeout === 0 || / 1000 - order?.createdTimestamp < timeout // the last valid order should be the last reuse order tx id if there is one accessDetails.validOrderTx = reusedOrder?.tx || order?.tx } // TODO: fetch order fee from sub query accessDetails.publisherMarketOrderFee = tokenPrice?.publishMarketFeeAmount // free is always the best price if (tokenPrice?.dispensers?.length > 0) { const dispenser = tokenPrice.dispensers[0] accessDetails.type = 'free' accessDetails.addressOrId = accessDetails.price = '0' accessDetails.isPurchasable = accessDetails.datatoken = { address:, name:, symbol: dispenser.token.symbol } return accessDetails } // checking for fixed price if (tokenPrice?.fixedRateExchanges?.length > 0) { const fixed = tokenPrice.fixedRateExchanges[0] accessDetails.type = 'fixed' accessDetails.addressOrId = fixed.exchangeId accessDetails.price = fixed.price // in theory we should check dt balance here, we can skip this because in the market we always create fre with minting capabilities. accessDetails.isPurchasable = accessDetails.baseToken = { address: fixed.baseToken.address, name:, symbol: fixed.baseToken.symbol } accessDetails.datatoken = { address: fixed.datatoken.address, name:, symbol: fixed.datatoken.symbol } return accessDetails } // checking for pools if (tokenPrice?.pools?.length > 0) { const pool = tokenPrice.pools[0] accessDetails.type = 'dynamic' accessDetails.addressOrId = accessDetails.price = pool.spotPrice // TODO: pool.datatokenLiquidity > 3 is kinda random here, we shouldn't run into this anymore now , needs more thinking/testing accessDetails.isPurchasable = pool.isFinalized && pool.datatokenLiquidity > 3 accessDetails.baseToken = { address: pool.baseToken.address, name:, symbol: pool.baseToken.symbol } accessDetails.datatoken = { address: pool.datatoken.address, name:, symbol: pool.datatoken.symbol } return accessDetails } return accessDetails } /** * This will be used to get price including fees before ordering * @param {AssetExtended} asset * @return {Promise} */ export async function getOrderPriceAndFees( asset: AssetExtended, accountId?: string, paramsForPool?: CalcInGivenOutParams, providerFees?: ProviderFees ): Promise { const orderPriceAndFee = { price: '0', publisherMarketOrderFee: asset?.accessDetails?.publisherMarketOrderFee || '0', publisherMarketPoolSwapFee: '0', publisherMarketFixedSwapFee: '0', consumeMarketOrderFee: consumeMarketOrderFee || '0', consumeMarketPoolSwapFee: '0', consumeMarketFixedSwapFee: '0', providerFee: { providerFeeAmount: '0' }, opcFee: '0' } as OrderPriceAndFees // fetch provider fee const initializeData = !providerFees && (await ProviderInstance.initialize( asset?.id, asset?.services[0].id, 0, accountId, asset?.services[0].serviceEndpoint )) orderPriceAndFee.providerFee = providerFees || initializeData.providerFee // fetch price and swap fees switch (asset?.accessDetails?.type) { case 'dynamic': { const poolPrice = calcInGivenOut(paramsForPool) orderPriceAndFee.price = poolPrice.tokenAmount orderPriceAndFee.liquidityProviderSwapFee = poolPrice.liquidityProviderSwapFeeAmount orderPriceAndFee.publisherMarketPoolSwapFee = poolPrice.publishMarketSwapFeeAmount orderPriceAndFee.consumeMarketPoolSwapFee = poolPrice.consumeMarketSwapFeeAmount break } case 'fixed': { const fixed = await getFixedBuyPrice(asset?.accessDetails, asset?.chainId) orderPriceAndFee.price = fixed.baseTokenAmount orderPriceAndFee.opcFee = fixed.oceanFeeAmount orderPriceAndFee.publisherMarketFixedSwapFee = fixed.marketFeeAmount orderPriceAndFee.consumeMarketFixedSwapFee = fixed.consumeMarketFeeAmount break } } // calculate full price, we assume that all the values are in ocean, otherwise this will be incorrect orderPriceAndFee.price = new Decimal(+orderPriceAndFee.price || 0) .add(new Decimal(+orderPriceAndFee?.consumeMarketOrderFee || 0)) .add(new Decimal(+orderPriceAndFee?.publisherMarketOrderFee || 0)) .toString() return orderPriceAndFee } /** * @param {number} chainId * @param {string} datatokenAddress * @param {number} timeout timout of the service, this is needed to return order details * @param {string} account account that wants to buy, is needed to return order details * @returns {Promise} */ export async function getAccessDetails( chainId: number, datatokenAddress: string, timeout?: number, account = '' ): Promise { try { const queryContext = getQueryContext(Number(chainId)) const tokenQueryResult: OperationResult< TokenPriceQuery, { datatokenId: string; account: string } > = await fetchData( tokenPriceQuery, { datatokenId: datatokenAddress.toLowerCase(), account: account?.toLowerCase() }, queryContext ) const tokenPrice: TokenPrice = const accessDetails = getAccessDetailsFromTokenPrice(tokenPrice, timeout) return accessDetails } catch (error) { LoggerInstance.error('Error getting access details: ', error.message) } } export async function getAccessDetailsForAssets( assets: Asset[], account = '' ): Promise { const assetsExtended: AssetExtended[] = assets const chainAssetLists: { [key: number]: string[] } = {} try { for (const asset of assets) { if (chainAssetLists[asset.chainId]) { chainAssetLists[asset.chainId].push([0].datatokenAddress.toLowerCase() ) } else { chainAssetLists[asset.chainId] = [] chainAssetLists[asset.chainId].push([0].datatokenAddress.toLowerCase() ) } } for (const chainKey in chainAssetLists) { const queryContext = getQueryContext(Number(chainKey)) const tokenQueryResult: OperationResult< TokensPriceQuery, { datatokenIds: [string]; account: string } > = await fetchData( tokensPriceQuery, { datatokenIds: chainAssetLists[chainKey], account: account?.toLowerCase() }, queryContext ) => { const currentAsset = assetsExtended.find( (asset) =>[0].datatokenAddress.toLowerCase() === ) const accessDetails = getAccessDetailsFromTokenPrice( token, currentAsset?.services[0]?.timeout ) currentAsset.accessDetails = accessDetails }) } return assetsExtended } catch (error) { LoggerInstance.error('Error getting access details: ', error.message) } }