{ "description": "Update credential of this data set. Updating metadata will create an on-chain transaction you have to approve in your wallet.", "form": { "success": "🎉 Successfully updated. 🎉", "successAction": "Close", "error": "Updating DDO failed.", "data": [ { "name": "allow", "label": "Allow Credential", "placeholder": "e.g. 0x12345678901234567890abcd", "help": "Enter wallet address and click ADD button to append the list", "type": "credential" }, { "name": "deny", "label": "Deny Credential", "placeholder": "e.g. 0x12345678901234567890abcd", "help": "Enter wallet address and click ADD button to append the list", "type": "credential" }, { "name": "isOrderDisabled", "label": "Disable Consumption", "help": "Disable dataset being consume when dataset undergoing maintenance.", "type": "checkbox", "options": ["Disable"] } ] } }