import React, { useState, ReactElement, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react' import { DDO, File as FileMetadata, Logger, publisherTrustedAlgorithm, BestPrice } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { toast } from 'react-toastify' import Price from '../../../atoms/Price' import File from '../../../atoms/File' import Alert from '../../../atoms/Alert' import { useSiteMetadata } from '../../../../hooks/useSiteMetadata' import { useOcean } from '../../../../providers/Ocean' import { useWeb3 } from '../../../../providers/Web3' import { usePricing } from '../../../../hooks/usePricing' import { useAsset } from '../../../../providers/Asset' import { queryMetadata, transformDDOToAssetSelection } from '../../../../utils/aquarius' import { Formik } from 'formik' import { getInitialValues, validationSchema } from '../../../../models/FormStartComputeDataset' import { ComputeAlgorithm, ComputeOutput } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/ocean/interfaces/Compute' import { SearchQuery } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/metadatacache/MetadataCache' import axios from 'axios' import FormStartComputeDataset from './FormComputeDataset' import styles from './index.module.css' import SuccessConfetti from '../../../atoms/SuccessConfetti' import Button from '../../../atoms/Button' import { secondsToString } from '../../../../utils/metadata' import { AssetSelectionAsset } from '../../../molecules/FormFields/AssetSelection' import AlgorithmDatasetsListForCompute from '../../AssetContent/AlgorithmDatasetsListForCompute' import { getPreviousOrders, getPrice } from '../../../../utils/subgraph' import AssetActionHistoryTable from '../../AssetActionHistoryTable' import ComputeJobs from '../../../pages/History/ComputeJobs' const SuccessAction = () => ( ) export default function Compute({ dtBalance, file, fileIsLoading, isConsumable, consumableFeedback }: { dtBalance: string file: FileMetadata fileIsLoading?: boolean isConsumable?: boolean consumableFeedback?: string }): ReactElement { const { appConfig } = useSiteMetadata() const { accountId } = useWeb3() const { ocean, account } = useOcean() const { price, type, ddo } = useAsset() const { buyDT, pricingError, pricingStepText } = usePricing() const [isJobStarting, setIsJobStarting] = useState(false) const [error, setError] = useState() const [algorithmList, setAlgorithmList] = useState() const [ddoAlgorithmList, setDdoAlgorithmList] = useState() const [selectedAlgorithmAsset, setSelectedAlgorithmAsset] = useState() const [hasAlgoAssetDatatoken, setHasAlgoAssetDatatoken] = useState() const [datasetMaxDT, setDatasetMaxDT] = useState(1) const [algoMaxDT, setAlgoMaxDT] = useState(1) const [isPublished, setIsPublished] = useState(false) const [hasPreviousDatasetOrder, setHasPreviousDatasetOrder] = useState(false) const [previousDatasetOrderId, setPreviousDatasetOrderId] = useState() const [hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder, setHasPreviousAlgorithmOrder] = useState(false) const [algorithmDTBalance, setalgorithmDTBalance] = useState() const [algorithmPrice, setAlgorithmPrice] = useState() const [previousAlgorithmOrderId, setPreviousAlgorithmOrderId] = useState() const [datasetTimeout, setDatasetTimeout] = useState() const [algorithmTimeout, setAlgorithmTimeout] = useState() const hasDatatoken = Number(dtBalance) >= 1 const isComputeButtonDisabled = isJobStarting === true || file === null || !ocean || (!hasPreviousDatasetOrder && !hasDatatoken && !(datasetMaxDT >= 1)) || (!hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder && !hasAlgoAssetDatatoken && !(algoMaxDT >= 1)) async function checkPreviousOrders(ddo: DDO) { const { timeout } = ( ddo.findServiceByType('access') || ddo.findServiceByType('compute') ).attributes.main const orderId = await getPreviousOrders( ddo.dataToken?.toLowerCase(), accountId?.toLowerCase(), timeout.toString() ) const assetType = ddo.findServiceByType('metadata').attributes.main.type if (assetType === 'algorithm') { setPreviousAlgorithmOrderId(orderId) setHasPreviousAlgorithmOrder(!!orderId) } else { setPreviousDatasetOrderId(orderId) setHasPreviousDatasetOrder(!!orderId) } } async function checkAssetDTBalance(asset: DDO) { const AssetDtBalance = await ocean.datatokens.balance( asset.dataToken, accountId ) setalgorithmDTBalance(AssetDtBalance) setHasAlgoAssetDatatoken(Number(AssetDtBalance) >= 1) } async function checkAssetDTMaxBuyQuantity( price: BestPrice, assetType: string ) { if (!ocean || !price || !assetType) return const maxTokensInPool = price.type === 'pool' ? await ocean.pool.getDTMaxBuyQuantity(price.address) : 1 if (assetType === 'algorithm') { setAlgoMaxDT(Number(maxTokensInPool)) } else { setDatasetMaxDT(Number(maxTokensInPool)) } } function getQuerryString( trustedAlgorithmList: publisherTrustedAlgorithm[], chainId?: number ): SearchQuery { let algoQuerry = '' trustedAlgorithmList.forEach((trusteAlgo) => { algoQuerry += `id:"${trusteAlgo.did}" OR ` }) if (trustedAlgorithmList.length >= 1) { algoQuerry = algoQuerry.substring(0, algoQuerry.length - 3) } const algorithmQuery = trustedAlgorithmList.length > 0 ? `(${algoQuerry}) AND` : `` const query = { offset: 500, query: { query_string: { query: `${algorithmQuery} service.attributes.main.type:algorithm AND chainId:${chainId} -isInPurgatory:true` } }, sort: { created: -1 } } return query } async function getAlgorithmList(): Promise { const source = axios.CancelToken.source() const computeService = ddo.findServiceByType('compute') let algorithmSelectionList: AssetSelectionAsset[] if ( !computeService.attributes.main.privacy || !computeService.attributes.main.privacy.publisherTrustedAlgorithms || (computeService.attributes.main.privacy.publisherTrustedAlgorithms .length === 0 && !computeService.attributes.main.privacy.allowAllPublishedAlgorithms) ) { algorithmSelectionList = [] } else { const gueryResults = await queryMetadata( getQuerryString( computeService.attributes.main.privacy.publisherTrustedAlgorithms, ddo.chainId ), source.token ) setDdoAlgorithmList(gueryResults.results) const datasetComputeService = ddo.findServiceByType('compute') algorithmSelectionList = await transformDDOToAssetSelection( datasetComputeService?.serviceEndpoint, gueryResults.results, [] ) } return algorithmSelectionList } useEffect(() => { const { timeout } = ( ddo.findServiceByType('access') || ddo.findServiceByType('compute') ).attributes.main setDatasetTimeout(secondsToString(timeout)) }, [ddo]) const initMetadata = useCallback(async (ddo: DDO): Promise => { if (!ddo) return const price = await getPrice(ddo) setAlgorithmPrice(price) ocean && checkAssetDTMaxBuyQuantity( price, ddo.findServiceByType('metadata').attributes.main.type ) }, []) useEffect(() => { if (!ddo) return getAlgorithmList().then((algorithms) => { setAlgorithmList(algorithms) }) }, [ddo]) useEffect(() => { if (!ocean || !accountId) return checkPreviousOrders(ddo) checkAssetDTMaxBuyQuantity( price, ddo.findServiceByType('metadata').attributes.main.type ) }, [ocean, ddo, accountId]) useEffect(() => { if (!selectedAlgorithmAsset) return initMetadata(selectedAlgorithmAsset) const { timeout } = ( ddo.findServiceByType('access') || ddo.findServiceByType('compute') ).attributes.main setAlgorithmTimeout(secondsToString(timeout)) if (accountId) { if (selectedAlgorithmAsset.findServiceByType('access')) { checkPreviousOrders(selectedAlgorithmAsset).then(() => { if ( !hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder && selectedAlgorithmAsset.findServiceByType('compute') ) { checkPreviousOrders(selectedAlgorithmAsset) } }) } else if (selectedAlgorithmAsset.findServiceByType('compute')) { checkPreviousOrders(selectedAlgorithmAsset) } } ocean && checkAssetDTBalance(selectedAlgorithmAsset) }, [selectedAlgorithmAsset, ocean, accountId, hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder]) // Output errors in toast UI useEffect(() => { const newError = error || pricingError if (!newError) return toast.error(newError) }, [error, pricingError]) async function startJob(algorithmId: string) { try { if (!ocean) return setIsJobStarting(true) setIsPublished(false) setError(undefined) const computeService = ddo.findServiceByType('compute') const serviceAlgo = selectedAlgorithmAsset.findServiceByType('access') ? selectedAlgorithmAsset.findServiceByType('access') : selectedAlgorithmAsset.findServiceByType('compute') const computeAlgorithm: ComputeAlgorithm = { did:, serviceIndex: serviceAlgo.index, dataToken: selectedAlgorithmAsset.dataToken } const allowed = await ocean.compute.isOrderable(, computeService.index, computeAlgorithm ) Logger.log('[compute] Is data set orderable?', allowed) if (!allowed) { setError( 'Data set is not orderable in combination with selected algorithm.' ) Logger.error( '[compute] Error starting compute job. Dataset is not orderable in combination with selected algorithm.' ) return } if (!hasPreviousDatasetOrder && !hasDatatoken) { const tx = await buyDT('1', price, ddo) if (!tx) { setError('Error buying datatoken.') Logger.error('[compute] Error buying datatoken for data set ', return } } if (!hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder && !hasAlgoAssetDatatoken) { const tx = await buyDT('1', algorithmPrice, selectedAlgorithmAsset) if (!tx) { setError('Error buying datatoken.') Logger.error( '[compute] Error buying datatoken for algorithm ', ) return } } // TODO: pricingError is always undefined even upon errors during buyDT for whatever reason. // So manually drop out above, but ideally could be replaced with this alone. if (pricingError) { setError(pricingError) return } const assetOrderId = hasPreviousDatasetOrder ? previousDatasetOrderId : await ocean.compute.orderAsset( accountId,, computeService.index, computeAlgorithm, appConfig.marketFeeAddress, undefined, false ) assetOrderId && Logger.log( `[compute] Got ${ hasPreviousDatasetOrder ? 'existing' : 'new' } order ID for dataset: `, assetOrderId ) const algorithmAssetOrderId = hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder ? previousAlgorithmOrderId : await ocean.compute.orderAlgorithm( algorithmId, serviceAlgo.type, accountId, serviceAlgo.index, appConfig.marketFeeAddress, undefined, false ) algorithmAssetOrderId && Logger.log( `[compute] Got ${ hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder ? 'existing' : 'new' } order ID for algorithm: `, algorithmAssetOrderId ) if (!assetOrderId || !algorithmAssetOrderId) { setError('Error ordering assets.') return } computeAlgorithm.transferTxId = algorithmAssetOrderId Logger.log('[compute] Starting compute job.') const output: ComputeOutput = { publishAlgorithmLog: true, publishOutput: true } const response = await ocean.compute.start(, assetOrderId, ddo.dataToken, account, computeAlgorithm, output, `${computeService.index}`, computeService.type ) if (!response) { setError('Error starting compute job.') return } Logger.log('[compute] Starting compute job response: ', response) await checkPreviousOrders(selectedAlgorithmAsset) await checkPreviousOrders(ddo) setIsPublished(true) } catch (error) { await checkPreviousOrders(selectedAlgorithmAsset) await checkPreviousOrders(ddo) setError('Failed to start job!') Logger.error('[compute] Failed to start job: ', error.message) } finally { setIsJobStarting(false) } } return ( <>
{type === 'algorithm' ? ( <> ) : ( await startJob(values.algorithm)} > = 1)} assetType={type} assetTimeout={datasetTimeout} hasPreviousOrderSelectedComputeAsset={hasPreviousAlgorithmOrder} hasDatatokenSelectedComputeAsset={hasAlgoAssetDatatoken} dtSymbolSelectedComputeAsset={ selectedAlgorithmAsset?.dataTokenInfo?.symbol } dtBalanceSelectedComputeAsset={algorithmDTBalance} selectedComputeAssetLowPoolLiquidity={!(algoMaxDT >= 1)} selectedComputeAssetType="algorithm" selectedComputeAssetTimeout={algorithmTimeout} stepText={pricingStepText || 'Starting Compute Job...'} algorithmPrice={algorithmPrice} isConsumable={isConsumable} consumableFeedback={consumableFeedback} /> )}
{isPublished && ( } /> )}
{accountId && ( )} ) }