import Cookies from 'js-cookie' export enum SAME_SITE_OPTIONS { STRICT = 'strict', LAX = 'lax', NONE = 'none' } export const DEFAULT_COOKIE_OPTIONS = { expires: 365, sameSite: SAME_SITE_OPTIONS.STRICT } export function getLegacyCookieName(cookieName: string): string { return `${cookieName}-legacy` } // Cookie legacy system adopted from react-cookie-consent // SEE: export function getCookieValue(cookieName: string): string { let cookieValue = Cookies.get(cookieName) // if the cookieValue is undefined check for the legacy cookie if (cookieValue === undefined) { cookieValue = Cookies.get(getLegacyCookieName(cookieName)) } return cookieValue } export function setCookie( cookieName: string, cookieValue: string | boolean, cookieOptions = DEFAULT_COOKIE_OPTIONS ): void { const cookieSecurity = location ? location.protocol === 'https:' : true const options = { ...cookieOptions, security: cookieSecurity } // Fallback for older browsers where can not set SameSite=None // SEE: if (cookieOptions.sameSite === SAME_SITE_OPTIONS.NONE) Cookies.set(getLegacyCookieName(cookieName), cookieValue.toString(), { ...options, sameSite: null }) // set the regular cookie Cookies.set(cookieName, cookieValue.toString(), options) } export function deleteCookie(cookieName: string): void { const cookiesWithLegacy = [cookieName, getLegacyCookieName(cookieName)] cookiesWithLegacy.forEach((cookie) => { Cookies.remove(cookie) }) }