const webpack = require('webpack') require('dotenv').config() // Returns environment variables as an object const env = Object.keys(process.env).reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[`process.env.${curr}`] = JSON.stringify(process.env[curr]) return acc }, {}) const withSvgr = (nextConfig = {}) => ({ webpack(config, options) { config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.svg$/, use: [ { loader: '@svgr/webpack', options: { icon: true } } ] }) if (typeof nextConfig.webpack === 'function') { return nextConfig.webpack(config, options) } return config } }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars const withFsFix = (nextConfig = {}) => ({ webpack(config, options) { // Fixes npm packages that depend on `fs` module // // or if (!options.isServer) { config.node = { fs: 'empty' } } if (typeof nextConfig.webpack === 'function') { return nextConfig.webpack(config, options) } return config } }) const withGlobalConstants = (nextConfig = {}) => ({ webpack(config, options) { // Allows to create global constants which can be configured at compile // time (in this case they are the environment variables) config.plugins.push(new webpack.DefinePlugin(env)) if (typeof nextConfig.webpack === 'function') { return nextConfig.webpack(config, options) } return config } }) const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({ enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === 'true' }) const withMarkdown = (nextConfig = {}) => ({ webpack(config, options) { config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.md$/, loader: 'raw-loader' }) if (typeof nextConfig.webpack === 'function') { return nextConfig.webpack(config, options) } return config } }) module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer( withSvgr( withFsFix( withMarkdown( withGlobalConstants({ exportPathMap: (defaultPathMap, { dev }) => { // In dev environment return defaultPathMas as it is if (dev) { return defaultPathMap } // pages we know about beforehand const paths = { '/': { page: '/' }, '/publish': { page: '/publish' }, '/explore': { page: '/explore' } } return paths } }) ) ) ) )