import axios, { AxiosResponse } from 'axios' import { toStringNoMS, updateQueryStringParameter, isDid, getFileInfo, JSONparse, priceQueryParamToWei, setProperty } from '../../../src/utils' jest.mock('axios') describe('updateQueryStringParameter()', () => { it('transform a URI', () => { const newUri = updateQueryStringParameter( '/hello?param=hello', 'param', 'hello2' ) expect(newUri).toContain('param=hello2') }) }) describe('toStringNoMS()', () => { it('returns a ISO string from a Date object without the milliseconds', () => { expect(toStringNoMS(new Date(1583956486719))).toEqual( '2020-03-11T19:54:46Z' ) }) }) describe('getFileInfo()', () => { it('Success on existing file', async () => { ;(axios as any).mockResolvedValue({ data: { status: 200, result: { contentLength: '10000', contentType: 'application/pdf' } } } as AxiosResponse) const fileInfo = await getFileInfo('') expect(fileInfo.contentType).toBe('application/pdf') }) }) describe('isDid()', () => { it('checks correct DID', () => { expect( isDid( 'did:op:bb6b9e960b2e40e3840ca5eafc8eb97af431b4d190b54e2f9926e1f792cdc54f' ) ).toBe(true) }) it('errors when no DID', () => { expect(isDid('hello')).toBe(false) }) }) describe('JSONparse()', () => { it('parse valid JSON and returns it', () => { expect( JSONparse<{ [key: string]: boolean }>('{"valid":true}', 'should not fail') ).toEqual({ valid: true }) }) it('returns undefined when invalid JSON test is passed', () => { expect( JSONparse<unknown>( 'hello', 'Console.error part of test: JSONparse should fail' ) ).toBe(undefined) }) it('returns undefined when receives undefined', () => { expect(JSONparse<unknown>(undefined, 'Should not be logged')).toBe( undefined ) }) }) describe('priceQueryParamToWei()', () => { it('converts a valid (eth) string amount and returns it', () => { expect(priceQueryParamToWei('12')).toEqual('12000000000000000000') }) it('returns undefined when (eth) string amount is passed', () => { expect(priceQueryParamToWei('12.12.12')).toEqual(undefined) }) it('returns undefined when (eth) string amount is undefined', () => { expect(priceQueryParamToWei(undefined)).toEqual(undefined) }) }) describe('setProperty()', () => { let testObject: { foo: string } beforeEach(() => { testObject = { foo: 'bar' } }) it('changes the value of a property in an object', () => { setProperty(testObject, 'foo', 'wunderbar') expect('wunderbar') }) it('removes a property from an object if a falsy value is passed', () => { setProperty(testObject, 'foo') expect( }) })