import React, { ReactElement, useState } from 'react' import { useField, useFormikContext } from 'formik' import UrlInput from '../URLInput' import { InputProps } from '@shared/FormInput' import FileInfo from '../FilesInput/Info' import styles from './index.module.css' import Button from '@shared/atoms/Button' import { LoggerInstance, ProviderInstance } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { FormPublishData } from '@components/Publish/_types' import { getOceanConfig } from '@utils/ocean' import { useWeb3 } from '@context/Web3' import axios from 'axios' import { useCancelToken } from '@hooks/useCancelToken' export default function CustomProvider(props: InputProps): ReactElement { const { chainId } = useWeb3() const newCancelToken = useCancelToken() const { initialValues, setFieldError } = useFormikContext() const [field, meta, helpers] = useField( const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false) async function handleValidation(e: React.SyntheticEvent) { e.preventDefault() try { setIsLoading(true) // Check if provider is a valid provider const isValid = await ProviderInstance.isValidProvider(field.value.url) // No way to detect a failed request with ProviderInstance.isValidProvider, // making this error show up for multiple cases it shouldn't, like network // down. if (!isValid) throw Error( '✗ No valid provider detected. Check your network, your URL and try again.' ) // Check if valid provider is for same chain user is on const providerResponse = await axios.get(field.value.url, { cancelToken: newCancelToken() }) const userChainId = chainId || 1 const providerChain = providerResponse?.data?.chainId || providerResponse?.data?.chainIds const isCompatible = providerChain === userChainId ? true : !!(providerChain.length > 0 && providerChain.includes(userChainId)) if (!isCompatible) throw Error( '✗ This provider is incompatible with the network your wallet is connected to.' ) // if all good, add provider to formik state helpers.setValue({ url: field.value.url, valid: isValid, custom: true }) } catch (error) { setFieldError(`${}.url`, error.message) LoggerInstance.error(error.message) } finally { setIsLoading(false) } } function handleFileInfoClose() { helpers.setValue({ url: '', valid: false, custom: true }) helpers.setTouched(false) } function handleDefault(e: React.SyntheticEvent) { e.preventDefault() const oceanConfig = getOceanConfig(chainId) const providerUrl = oceanConfig?.providerUri ||[0].providerUrl.url helpers.setValue({ url: providerUrl, valid: true, custom: false }) } return field?.value?.valid === true ? ( ) : ( <> ) }