import { SearchQuery, QueryResult } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/metadatacache/MetadataCache' import { MetadataCache, Logger } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import queryString from 'query-string' import { TypeOf } from 'yup' export const SortTermOptions = { Liquidity: 'liquidity', Price: 'price', Created: 'created' } as const type SortTermOptions = typeof SortTermOptions[keyof typeof SortTermOptions] export const SortElasticTerm = { Liquidity: 'price.ocean', Price: 'price.value', Created: 'created' } as const type SortElasticTerm = typeof SortElasticTerm[keyof typeof SortElasticTerm] export const SortValueOptions = { Ascending: 'asc', Descending: 'desc' } as const type SortValueOptions = typeof SortValueOptions[keyof typeof SortValueOptions] export const FilterByPriceOptions = { Fixed: 'exchange', Dynamic: 'pool', All: 'all' } as const type FilterByPriceOptions = typeof FilterByPriceOptions[keyof typeof FilterByPriceOptions] export const FilterByTypeOptions = { Data: 'dataset', Algorithm: 'algorithm' } as const type FilterByTypeOptions = typeof FilterByTypeOptions[keyof typeof FilterByTypeOptions] function addPriceFilterToQuerry(sortTerm: string, priceFilter: string): string { if (priceFilter === FilterByPriceOptions.All) { sortTerm = priceFilter ? sortTerm === '' ? `(price.type:${FilterByPriceOptions.Fixed} OR price.type:${FilterByPriceOptions.Dynamic})` : `${sortTerm} AND (price.type:${FilterByPriceOptions.Dynamic} OR price.type:${FilterByPriceOptions.Fixed})` : sortTerm } else { sortTerm = priceFilter ? sortTerm === '' ? `price.type:${priceFilter}` : `${sortTerm} AND price.type:${priceFilter}` : sortTerm } console.log('SORT TERM: ', sortTerm) return sortTerm } function addTypeFilterToQuery(sortTerm: string, typeFilter: string): string { sortTerm = typeFilter ? sortTerm === '' ? `service.attributes.main.type:${typeFilter}` : `${sortTerm} AND service.attributes.main.type:${typeFilter}` : sortTerm return sortTerm } function getSortType(sortParam: string): string { const sortTerm = sortParam === SortTermOptions.Liquidity ? SortElasticTerm.Liquidity : sortParam === SortTermOptions.Price ? SortElasticTerm.Price : SortTermOptions.Created return sortTerm } export function getSearchQuery( text?: string, owner?: string, tags?: string, categories?: string, page?: string, offset?: string, sort?: string, sortOrder?: string, priceType?: string, serviceType?: string ): SearchQuery { const sortTerm = getSortType(sort) const sortValue = sortOrder === SortValueOptions.Ascending ? 1 : -1 let searchTerm = owner ? `(publicKey.owner:${owner})` : tags ? // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape `(service.attributes.additionalInformation.tags:\"${tags}\")` : categories ? // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape `(service.attributes.additionalInformation.categories:\"${categories}\")` : text || '' searchTerm = addPriceFilterToQuerry(searchTerm, priceType) searchTerm = addTypeFilterToQuery(searchTerm, serviceType) console.log('search', searchTerm, serviceType) return { page: Number(page) || 1, offset: Number(offset) || 21, query: { nativeSearch: 1, query_string: { query: `${searchTerm} -isInPurgatory:true` } // ...(owner && { 'publicKey.owner': [owner] }), // ...(tags && { tags: [tags] }), // ...(categories && { categories: [categories] }) }, sort: { [sortTerm]: sortValue } // Something in ocean.js is weird when using 'tags: [tag]' // which is the only way the query actually returns desired results. // But it doesn't follow 'SearchQuery' interface so we have to assign // it here. // } as SearchQuery // And the next hack, // nativeSearch is not implmeneted on ocean.js typings } as any } export async function getResults( params: { text?: string owner?: string tags?: string categories?: string page?: string offset?: string sort?: string sortOrder?: string priceType?: string serviceType?: string }, metadataCacheUri: string ): Promise { const { text, owner, tags, page, offset, categories, sort, sortOrder, priceType, serviceType } = params const metadataCache = new MetadataCache(metadataCacheUri, Logger) const searchQuery = getSearchQuery( text, owner, tags, categories, page, offset, sort, sortOrder, priceType, serviceType ) const queryResult = await metadataCache.queryMetadata(searchQuery) return queryResult } export async function addExistingParamsToUrl( location: Location, excludedParam: string, secondExcludedParam?: string ): Promise { const parsed = queryString.parse( let urlLocation = '/search?' if (Object.keys(parsed).length > 0) { for (const querryParam in parsed) { if ( querryParam !== excludedParam && querryParam !== secondExcludedParam ) { if (querryParam === 'page' && excludedParam === 'text') { Logger.log('remove page when starting a new search') } else { const value = parsed[querryParam] urlLocation = `${urlLocation}${querryParam}=${value}&` } } } } else { urlLocation = `${urlLocation}sort=${SortTermOptions.Created}&sortOrder=${SortValueOptions.Descending}&` } urlLocation = urlLocation.slice(0, -1) return urlLocation }