module.exports = {
  // URI of single metadata cache instance for all networks.
  // While ocean.js includes this value for each network as part of its ConfigHelper,
  // it is assumed to be the same for all networks.
  // In components can be accessed with the useMarketMetadata hook:
  // const { appConfig } = useMarketMetadata()
  // return appConfig.metadataCacheUri

  // List of chainIds which metadata cache queries will return by default.
  // This preselects the Chains user preferences.
  chainIds: [1, 137, 10],

  // List of all supported chainIds. Used to populate the Chains user preferences list.
  chainIdsSupported: [1, 137, 10, 11155111],

  customProviderUrl: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROVIDER_URL,

  infuraProjectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INFURA_PROJECT_ID || 'xxx',

  defaultDatatokenTemplateIndex: 2,
  // The ETH address the marketplace fee will be sent to.
  // publisher market fee that is taken upon ordering an asset, it is an absolute value, it is declared on erc20 creation
  // fee recieved by the publisher market when a dt is bought from a fixed rate exchange, percent

  // consume market fee that is taken upon ordering an asset, it is an absolute value, it is specified on order
  // fee recieved by the consume market when a dt is bought from a fixed rate exchange, percent

  // Used for conversion display, can be whatever coingecko API supports
  // see:
  currencies: [

  // Tokens to fetch the spot prices from coingecko, against above currencies.
  // Refers to Coingecko API tokenIds.
  coingeckoTokenIds: ['ocean-protocol', 'h2o', 'ethereum', 'matic-network'],

  // Config for
  darkModeConfig: {
    classNameDark: 'dark',
    classNameLight: 'light',
    storageKey: 'oceanDarkMode'

  // Used to show or hide the fixed or free price options
  // tab to publishers during the price creation.
  allowFixedPricing: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ALLOW_FIXED_PRICING || 'true',
  allowFreePricing: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ALLOW_FREE_PRICING || 'true',

  // Set the default privacy policy to initially display
  // this should be the slug of your default policy markdown file
  defaultPrivacyPolicySlug: '/privacy/en',

  // This enables / disables the use of a GDPR compliant
  // privacy preference center to manage cookies on the market
  // If set to true a gdpr.json file inside the content directory
  // is used to create and show a privacy preference center / cookie banner
  // To learn more about how to configure and use this, please refer to the readme