dist: xenial language: node_js node_js: node cache: npm: true directories: - .next/cache before_script: - curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-linux-amd64 > ./cc-test-reporter - chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter - './cc-test-reporter before-build' # startup Barge with local Spree network # - git clone https://github.com/oceanprotocol/barge # - cd barge # - export AQUARIUS_VERSION=v1.0.7 # - export BRIZO_VERSION=v0.9.3 # - export KEEPER_VERSION=v0.13.2 # - export EVENTS_HANDLER_VERSION=v0.4.5 # - export KEEPER_OWNER_ROLE_ADDRESS="0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260" # - rm -rf "${HOME}/.ocean/keeper-contracts/artifacts" # - bash -x start_ocean.sh --no-commons --no-dashboard 2>&1 > start_ocean.log & # - cd .. - cp .env.example .env && cp .env.example .env.build # overwrite AQUARIUS_URI from above .env files, which default to Spree - export AQUARIUS_URI='https://aquarius.pacific.dexfreight.dev-ocean.com' script: # will run `npm ci` automatically here # - ./scripts/keeper.sh - npm test - './cc-test-reporter after-build --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT' - npm run build notifications: email: false