import { ConfigHelper, ConfigHelperConfig, ConfigHelperNetworkId, ConfigHelperNetworkName, Logger } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import contractAddresses from '@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/address.json' import { AbiItem } from 'web3-utils/types' import Web3 from 'web3' export function getOceanConfig( network: ConfigHelperNetworkName | ConfigHelperNetworkId ): ConfigHelperConfig { const config = new ConfigHelper().getConfig( network, network === 'polygon' || network === 'moonbeamalpha' || network === 1287 || network === 'bsc' || network === 56 || network === 'gaiaxtestnet' || network === 2021000 ? undefined : process.env.GATSBY_INFURA_PROJECT_ID ) return config as ConfigHelperConfig } export function getDevelopmentConfig(): Partial { return { factoryAddress: contractAddresses.development?.DTFactory, poolFactoryAddress: contractAddresses.development?.BFactory, fixedRateExchangeAddress: contractAddresses.development?.FixedRateExchange, metadataContractAddress: contractAddresses.development?.Metadata, oceanTokenAddress: contractAddresses.development?.Ocean, // There is no subgraph in barge so we hardcode the Rinkeby one for now subgraphUri: '' } } export async function getOceanBalance( accountId: string, networkId: number, web3: Web3 ): Promise { const minABI = [ { constant: true, inputs: [ { name: '_owner', type: 'address' } ], name: 'balanceOf', outputs: [ { name: 'balance', type: 'uint256' } ], payable: false, stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function' } ] as AbiItem[] try { const token = new web3.eth.Contract( minABI, getOceanConfig(networkId).oceanTokenAddress, { from: accountId } ) const result = web3.utils.fromWei( await token.methods.balanceOf(accountId).call() ) return result } catch (e) { Logger.error(`ERROR: Failed to get the balance: ${e.message}`) } }