const nextJest = require('next/jest') const createJestConfig = nextJest({ // Provide the path to your Next.js app to load next.config.js and .env files in your test environment dir: './' }) // Add any custom config to be passed to Jest const customJestConfig = { rootDir: '../', // Add more setup options before each test is run setupFilesAfterEnv: ['/.jest/jest.setup.tsx'], // if using TypeScript with a baseUrl set to the root directory then you need the below for alias' to work moduleDirectories: ['node_modules', '/src'], testEnvironment: 'jsdom', moduleNameMapper: { '^.+\\.(svg)$': '/.jest/__mocks__/svgrMock.tsx', '@components/(.*)$': '/src/components/$1', '@shared(.*)$': '/src/components/@shared/$1', '@hooks/(.*)$': '/src/@hooks/$1', '@context/(.*)$': '/src/@context/$1', '@images/(.*)$': '/src/@images/$1', '@utils/(.*)$': '/src/@utils/$1', '@content/(.*)$': '/@content/$1' }, collectCoverage: true, collectCoverageFrom: [ 'src/**/*.{ts,tsx}', '!src/**/*.{stories,test}.{ts,tsx}', '!src/@types/**/*.{ts,tsx}' ], // Add ignores so ESM packages are not transformed by Jest // note: this does not work with Next.js, hence workaround further down // see: // transformIgnorePatterns: ['node_modules/(?!(uuid|remark)/)'], testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '/.next/', '/coverage' ] } // async function jestConfig() { const nextJestConfig = await createJestConfig(customJestConfig)() // Add ignores for specific ESM packages so they are transformed by Jest // /node_modules/ is the first pattern nextJestConfig.transformIgnorePatterns[0] = '/node_modules/(?!uuid|remark)/' return nextJestConfig } module.exports = jestConfig