"help":"Create Pricing will mint your datatokens, approve spending, and create either a pool or a fixed rate exchange in one process. You will need to approve those multiple steps in your wallet."
"info":"Set your price for accessing this data set. The datatoken for this data set will be worth the entered amount of OCEAN."
"info":"Let's create a decentralized, automated market for your data set. The datatoken for this data set will be worth the entered amount of OCEAN. Additionally, you will provide liquidity into a Datatoken/OCEAN liquidity pool with Balancer.",
"warning":"Use at your own risk. Please familiarize yourself [with the risks](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/on-staking-on-data-in-ocean-market-3d8e09eb0a13) and the [Terms of Use](/terms)."
"simple":"Set the amount of your pool shares to spend. You will get the equivalent value in OCEAN, limited to maximum amount for pool protection. If you have Datatokens left in your wallet, you can add them to the pool to increase the maximum amount.",
"advanced":"Set the amount of your pool shares to spend. You will get OCEAN and Datatokens equivalent to your pool share, without any limit. You can use these Datatokens in other DeFi tools.",
"warning":"Use at your own risk. Please familiarize yourself [with the risks](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/on-staking-on-data-in-ocean-market-3d8e09eb0a13) and the [Terms of Use](/terms)."