mirror of https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market.git synced 2024-06-23 01:36:47 +02:00

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import React, {
} from 'react'
import Web3 from 'web3'
import Web3Modal, { getProviderInfo, IProviderInfo } from 'web3modal'
import { infuraProjectId as infuraId } from '../../app.config'
import WalletConnectProvider from '@walletconnect/web3-provider'
import { LoggerInstance } from '@oceanprotocol/lib'
2021-10-18 20:44:33 +02:00
import { isBrowser } from '@utils/index'
import { getEnsName } from '@utils/ens'
import { getOceanBalance } from '@utils/ocean'
2021-10-19 14:06:16 +02:00
import useNetworkMetadata, {
} from '../@hooks/useNetworkMetadata'
Unsupported Network Tooltip (#1331) * Moving isSupportedOceanNetwork to Web3 context * Removing page title and replacing it with a warning message * Creating Error state in title for the wrong network * Creating UnsupportedNetwrok component * Adding different networks into tooltip * Adding button + styling * Adding change netwrok function * Adding Change Network tooltip to submit page * Reducing code duplication * Removing unnecessary changes * Fixing logic for checking which chainIds are supported * Simplifying isSupportedOceanNetwork check logic * Default to not showing unsupported network message when no wallet is connected * Always showing available networks in tooltip * Adding info icon to action button * adding padding to AvailableNetworks component * Changing label to list components * Changing brand-white to currentColor * Revert "Changing brand-white to currentColor" This reverts commit 278f0d4ab9e38f23985b2f29f7ff11625a7d14d7. * CHanging --brand-white to currentColor * Info Icon in currentColor * Changing NetworkOptions component name to Network * Simplifying tooltip logic in title * Removing unused classname * Fixing repeating <ul> issue * Removing unused class * Refactoring AvailableNetworks component into src/components/Publish * Moving tooltip message into content/publish/index.json * Reducing duplication in css * Removing duplication of infoIcon css styles * Tidying up logic in setIsSupportedOceanNetwork useEffect * Updating setIsSupportedOceanNetwork effect dependancies * merge fixes for new MarketMetadata context Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
2022-04-22 02:54:04 +02:00
import { useMarketMetadata } from './MarketMetadata'
interface Web3ProviderValue {
web3: Web3
web3Provider: any
web3Modal: Web3Modal
web3ProviderInfo: IProviderInfo
accountId: string
accountEns: string
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
balance: UserBalance
networkId: number
chainId: number
networkDisplayName: string
networkData: EthereumListsChain
block: number
isTestnet: boolean
web3Loading: boolean
Unsupported Network Tooltip (#1331) * Moving isSupportedOceanNetwork to Web3 context * Removing page title and replacing it with a warning message * Creating Error state in title for the wrong network * Creating UnsupportedNetwrok component * Adding different networks into tooltip * Adding button + styling * Adding change netwrok function * Adding Change Network tooltip to submit page * Reducing code duplication * Removing unnecessary changes * Fixing logic for checking which chainIds are supported * Simplifying isSupportedOceanNetwork check logic * Default to not showing unsupported network message when no wallet is connected * Always showing available networks in tooltip * Adding info icon to action button * adding padding to AvailableNetworks component * Changing label to list components * Changing brand-white to currentColor * Revert "Changing brand-white to currentColor" This reverts commit 278f0d4ab9e38f23985b2f29f7ff11625a7d14d7. * CHanging --brand-white to currentColor * Info Icon in currentColor * Changing NetworkOptions component name to Network * Simplifying tooltip logic in title * Removing unused classname * Fixing repeating <ul> issue * Removing unused class * Refactoring AvailableNetworks component into src/components/Publish * Moving tooltip message into content/publish/index.json * Reducing duplication in css * Removing duplication of infoIcon css styles * Tidying up logic in setIsSupportedOceanNetwork useEffect * Updating setIsSupportedOceanNetwork effect dependancies * merge fixes for new MarketMetadata context Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
2022-04-22 02:54:04 +02:00
isSupportedOceanNetwork: boolean
connect: () => Promise<void>
logout: () => Promise<void>
const web3ModalTheme = {
background: 'var(--background-body)',
main: 'var(--font-color-heading)',
secondary: 'var(--brand-grey-light)',
border: 'var(--border-color)',
hover: 'var(--background-highlight)'
// HEADS UP! We inline-require some packages so the SSR build does not break.
// We only need them client-side.
const providerOptions = isBrowser
? {
walletconnect: {
package: WalletConnectProvider,
options: {
rpc: {
137: 'https://polygon-rpc.com',
80001: 'https://rpc-mumbai.matic.today'
// torus: {
// package: require('@toruslabs/torus-embed')
// // options: {
// // networkParams: {
// // host: oceanConfig.url, // optional
// // chainId: 1337, // optional
// // networkId: 1337 // optional
// // }
// // }
// }
: {}
export const web3ModalOpts = {
cacheProvider: true,
theme: web3ModalTheme
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
const refreshInterval = 20000 // 20 sec.
const Web3Context = createContext({} as Web3ProviderValue)
function Web3Provider({ children }: { children: ReactNode }): ReactElement {
2021-06-14 20:04:44 +02:00
const { networksList } = useNetworkMetadata()
Unsupported Network Tooltip (#1331) * Moving isSupportedOceanNetwork to Web3 context * Removing page title and replacing it with a warning message * Creating Error state in title for the wrong network * Creating UnsupportedNetwrok component * Adding different networks into tooltip * Adding button + styling * Adding change netwrok function * Adding Change Network tooltip to submit page * Reducing code duplication * Removing unnecessary changes * Fixing logic for checking which chainIds are supported * Simplifying isSupportedOceanNetwork check logic * Default to not showing unsupported network message when no wallet is connected * Always showing available networks in tooltip * Adding info icon to action button * adding padding to AvailableNetworks component * Changing label to list components * Changing brand-white to currentColor * Revert "Changing brand-white to currentColor" This reverts commit 278f0d4ab9e38f23985b2f29f7ff11625a7d14d7. * CHanging --brand-white to currentColor * Info Icon in currentColor * Changing NetworkOptions component name to Network * Simplifying tooltip logic in title * Removing unused classname * Fixing repeating <ul> issue * Removing unused class * Refactoring AvailableNetworks component into src/components/Publish * Moving tooltip message into content/publish/index.json * Reducing duplication in css * Removing duplication of infoIcon css styles * Tidying up logic in setIsSupportedOceanNetwork useEffect * Updating setIsSupportedOceanNetwork effect dependancies * merge fixes for new MarketMetadata context Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
2022-04-22 02:54:04 +02:00
const { appConfig } = useMarketMetadata()
const [web3, setWeb3] = useState<Web3>()
const [web3Provider, setWeb3Provider] = useState<any>()
const [web3Modal, setWeb3Modal] = useState<Web3Modal>()
const [web3ProviderInfo, setWeb3ProviderInfo] = useState<IProviderInfo>()
const [networkId, setNetworkId] = useState<number>()
const [chainId, setChainId] = useState<number>()
const [networkDisplayName, setNetworkDisplayName] = useState<string>()
const [networkData, setNetworkData] = useState<EthereumListsChain>()
const [block, setBlock] = useState<number>()
const [isTestnet, setIsTestnet] = useState<boolean>()
const [accountId, setAccountId] = useState<string>()
const [accountEns, setAccountEns] = useState<string>()
const [web3Loading, setWeb3Loading] = useState<boolean>(true)
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
const [balance, setBalance] = useState<UserBalance>({
eth: '0',
ocean: '0'
Unsupported Network Tooltip (#1331) * Moving isSupportedOceanNetwork to Web3 context * Removing page title and replacing it with a warning message * Creating Error state in title for the wrong network * Creating UnsupportedNetwrok component * Adding different networks into tooltip * Adding button + styling * Adding change netwrok function * Adding Change Network tooltip to submit page * Reducing code duplication * Removing unnecessary changes * Fixing logic for checking which chainIds are supported * Simplifying isSupportedOceanNetwork check logic * Default to not showing unsupported network message when no wallet is connected * Always showing available networks in tooltip * Adding info icon to action button * adding padding to AvailableNetworks component * Changing label to list components * Changing brand-white to currentColor * Revert "Changing brand-white to currentColor" This reverts commit 278f0d4ab9e38f23985b2f29f7ff11625a7d14d7. * CHanging --brand-white to currentColor * Info Icon in currentColor * Changing NetworkOptions component name to Network * Simplifying tooltip logic in title * Removing unused classname * Fixing repeating <ul> issue * Removing unused class * Refactoring AvailableNetworks component into src/components/Publish * Moving tooltip message into content/publish/index.json * Reducing duplication in css * Removing duplication of infoIcon css styles * Tidying up logic in setIsSupportedOceanNetwork useEffect * Updating setIsSupportedOceanNetwork effect dependancies * merge fixes for new MarketMetadata context Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
2022-04-22 02:54:04 +02:00
const [isSupportedOceanNetwork, setIsSupportedOceanNetwork] = useState(true)
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
// -----------------------------------
// Helper: connect to web3
// -----------------------------------
const connect = useCallback(async () => {
if (!web3Modal) {
try {
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Connecting Web3...')
const provider = await web3Modal?.connect()
const web3 = new Web3(provider)
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Web3 created.', web3)
const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId()
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] network id ', networkId)
const chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId()
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] chain id ', chainId)
const accountId = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] account id', accountId)
} catch (error) {
LoggerInstance.error('[web3] Error: ', error.message)
} finally {
}, [web3Modal])
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
// -----------------------------------
// Helper: Get user balance
// -----------------------------------
const getUserBalance = useCallback(async () => {
if (!accountId || !networkId || !web3) return
try {
const balance = {
eth: web3.utils.fromWei(await web3.eth.getBalance(accountId, 'latest')),
ocean: await getOceanBalance(accountId, networkId, web3)
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Balance: ', balance)
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
} catch (error) {
LoggerInstance.error('[web3] Error: ', error.message)
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
}, [accountId, networkId, web3])
// -----------------------------------
// Helper: Get user ENS name
// -----------------------------------
const getUserEnsName = useCallback(async () => {
if (!accountId) return
try {
// const accountEns = await getEnsNameWithWeb3(
// accountId,
// web3Provider,
// `${networkId}`
// )
const accountEns = await getEnsName(accountId)
accountEns &&
`[web3] ENS name found for ${accountId}:`,
} catch (error) {
LoggerInstance.error('[web3] Error: ', error.message)
}, [accountId])
// -----------------------------------
// Create initial Web3Modal instance
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (web3Modal) {
async function init() {
// note: needs artificial await here so the log message is reached and output
const web3ModalInstance = await new Web3Modal(web3ModalOpts)
'[web3] Web3Modal instance created.',
}, [connect, web3Modal])
// -----------------------------------
// Reconnect automatically for returning users
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (!web3Modal?.cachedProvider) return
async function connectCached() {
'[web3] Connecting to cached provider: ',
await connect()
}, [connect, web3Modal])
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
// -----------------------------------
// Get and set user balance
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
// init periodic refresh of wallet balance
const balanceInterval = setInterval(() => getUserBalance(), refreshInterval)
return () => {
}, [getUserBalance])
// -----------------------------------
// Get and set user ENS name
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
}, [getUserEnsName])
// -----------------------------------
// Get and set network metadata
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (!networkId) return
const networkData = getNetworkDataById(networksList, networkId)
? `[web3] Network metadata found.`
: `[web3] No network metadata found.`,
// Construct network display name
const networkDisplayName = getNetworkDisplayName(networkData, networkId)
setIsTestnet(getNetworkType(networkData) !== NetworkType.Mainnet)
`[web3] Network display name set to: ${networkDisplayName}`
}, [networkId, networksList])
// -----------------------------------
// Get and set latest head block
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (!web3) return
async function getBlock() {
const block = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber()
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Head block: ', block)
}, [web3, networkId])
// -----------------------------------
// Get and set web3 provider info
// -----------------------------------
// Workaround cause getInjectedProviderName() always returns `MetaMask`
// https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market/issues/332
useEffect(() => {
if (!web3Provider) return
const providerInfo = getProviderInfo(web3Provider)
}, [web3Provider])
// -----------------------------------
// Logout helper
// -----------------------------------
async function logout() {
if (web3 && web3.currentProvider && (web3.currentProvider as any).close) {
await (web3.currentProvider as any).close()
await web3Modal.clearCachedProvider()
Unsupported Network Tooltip (#1331) * Moving isSupportedOceanNetwork to Web3 context * Removing page title and replacing it with a warning message * Creating Error state in title for the wrong network * Creating UnsupportedNetwrok component * Adding different networks into tooltip * Adding button + styling * Adding change netwrok function * Adding Change Network tooltip to submit page * Reducing code duplication * Removing unnecessary changes * Fixing logic for checking which chainIds are supported * Simplifying isSupportedOceanNetwork check logic * Default to not showing unsupported network message when no wallet is connected * Always showing available networks in tooltip * Adding info icon to action button * adding padding to AvailableNetworks component * Changing label to list components * Changing brand-white to currentColor * Revert "Changing brand-white to currentColor" This reverts commit 278f0d4ab9e38f23985b2f29f7ff11625a7d14d7. * CHanging --brand-white to currentColor * Info Icon in currentColor * Changing NetworkOptions component name to Network * Simplifying tooltip logic in title * Removing unused classname * Fixing repeating <ul> issue * Removing unused class * Refactoring AvailableNetworks component into src/components/Publish * Moving tooltip message into content/publish/index.json * Reducing duplication in css * Removing duplication of infoIcon css styles * Tidying up logic in setIsSupportedOceanNetwork useEffect * Updating setIsSupportedOceanNetwork effect dependancies * merge fixes for new MarketMetadata context Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
2022-04-22 02:54:04 +02:00
// -----------------------------------
// Get valid Networks and set isSupportedOceanNetwork
// -----------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (appConfig.chainIdsSupported.includes(networkId)) {
} else {
}, [networkId, appConfig.chainIdsSupported])
// -----------------------------------
// Handle change events
// -----------------------------------
async function handleChainChanged(chainId: string) {
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Chain changed', chainId)
const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId()
async function handleNetworkChanged(networkId: string) {
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Network changed', networkId)
const chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId()
async function handleAccountsChanged(accounts: string[]) {
LoggerInstance.log('[web3] Account changed', accounts[0])
useEffect(() => {
if (!web3Provider || !web3) return
web3Provider.on('chainChanged', handleChainChanged)
web3Provider.on('networkChanged', handleNetworkChanged)
web3Provider.on('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged)
return () => {
web3Provider.removeListener('chainChanged', handleChainChanged)
web3Provider.removeListener('networkChanged', handleNetworkChanged)
web3Provider.removeListener('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged)
}, [web3Provider, web3])
return (
2021-05-31 14:27:04 +02:00
Unsupported Network Tooltip (#1331) * Moving isSupportedOceanNetwork to Web3 context * Removing page title and replacing it with a warning message * Creating Error state in title for the wrong network * Creating UnsupportedNetwrok component * Adding different networks into tooltip * Adding button + styling * Adding change netwrok function * Adding Change Network tooltip to submit page * Reducing code duplication * Removing unnecessary changes * Fixing logic for checking which chainIds are supported * Simplifying isSupportedOceanNetwork check logic * Default to not showing unsupported network message when no wallet is connected * Always showing available networks in tooltip * Adding info icon to action button * adding padding to AvailableNetworks component * Changing label to list components * Changing brand-white to currentColor * Revert "Changing brand-white to currentColor" This reverts commit 278f0d4ab9e38f23985b2f29f7ff11625a7d14d7. * CHanging --brand-white to currentColor * Info Icon in currentColor * Changing NetworkOptions component name to Network * Simplifying tooltip logic in title * Removing unused classname * Fixing repeating <ul> issue * Removing unused class * Refactoring AvailableNetworks component into src/components/Publish * Moving tooltip message into content/publish/index.json * Reducing duplication in css * Removing duplication of infoIcon css styles * Tidying up logic in setIsSupportedOceanNetwork useEffect * Updating setIsSupportedOceanNetwork effect dependancies * merge fixes for new MarketMetadata context Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
2022-04-22 02:54:04 +02:00
// Helper hook to access the provider values
const useWeb3 = (): Web3ProviderValue => useContext(Web3Context)
export { Web3Provider, useWeb3, Web3Context }
export default Web3Provider