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// import {
// ServiceComputePrivacy,
// publisherTrustedAlgorithm as PublisherTrustedAlgorithm,
// Service,
// LoggerInstance,
// Provider,
// Config,
// Ocean,
// Account
// } from '@oceanprotocol/lib'
// import { ComputeJob } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/ocean/interfaces/Compute'
2022-01-27 09:52:53 +01:00
import {
} from '@oceanprotocol/lib'
import { CancelToken } from 'axios'
import { gql } from 'urql'
import { queryMetadata, getFilterTerm, generateBaseQuery } from './aquarius'
import { fetchDataForMultipleChains } from './subgraph'
2022-01-27 09:52:53 +01:00
import { getServiceById } from './ddo'
import { getOceanConfig } from './ocean'
const getComputeOrders = gql`
query ComputeOrders($user: String!) {
orderBy: createdTimestamp
orderDirection: desc
where: { payer: $user }
) {
token {
const getComputeOrdersByDatatokenAddress = gql`
query ComputeOrdersByDatatokenAddress(
$user: String!
$datatokenAddress: String!
) {
orderBy: createdTimestamp
orderDirection: desc
where: { payer: $user, token: $datatokenAddress }
) {
token {
async function getAssetMetadata(
queryDtList: string[],
cancelToken: CancelToken,
chainIds: number[]
): Promise<Asset[]> {
const baseQueryparams = {
filters: [
getFilterTerm('dataToken', queryDtList),
getFilterTerm('service.type', 'compute'),
getFilterTerm('service.attributes.main.type', 'dataset')
ignorePurgatory: true
} as BaseQueryParams
const query = generateBaseQuery(baseQueryparams)
const result = await queryMetadata(query, cancelToken)
return result.results
2022-01-27 09:52:53 +01:00
export async function isOrderable(
asset: Asset | DDO,
serviceId: string,
algorithm: ComputeAlgorithm,
algorithmDDO: Asset | DDO
): Promise<boolean> {
const datasetService: Service = getServiceById(asset, serviceId)
if (!datasetService) return false
if (datasetService.type === 'compute') {
if (algorithm.meta) {
// check if raw algo is allowed
if (datasetService.compute.allowRawAlgorithm) return true
LoggerInstance.error('ERROR: This service does not allow raw algorithm')
return false
if (algorithm.documentId) {
const algoService: Service = getServiceById(
if (algoService && algoService.type === 'compute') {
if (algoService.serviceEndpoint !== datasetService.serviceEndpoint) {
'ERROR: Both assets with compute service are not served by the same provider'
return false
function getServiceEndpoints(data: TokenOrder[], assets: Asset[]): string[] {
// const serviceEndpoints: string[] = []
// for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// try {
// const did = web3.utils
// .toChecksumAddress(data[i].datatokenId.address)
// .replace('0x', 'did:op:')
// const ddo = assets.filter((x) => x.id === did)[0]
// if (ddo === undefined) continue
// const service = ddo.services.filter(
// (x: Service) => x.index === data[i].serviceId
// )[0]
// if (!service || service.type !== 'compute') continue
// const { providerEndpoint } = service
// const wasProviderQueried =
// serviceEndpoints?.filter((x) => x === providerEndpoint).length > 0
// if (wasProviderQueried) continue
// serviceEndpoints.push(providerEndpoint)
// } catch (err) {
// LoggerInstance.error(err.message)
// }
// }
// return serviceEndpoints
return ['dummy']
// async function getProviders(
// serviceEndpoints: string[],
// config: Config,
// ocean: Ocean
// ): Promise<Provider[]> {
// const providers: Provider[] = []
// try {
// for (let i = 0; i < serviceEndpoints?.length; i++) {
// const instanceConfig = {
// config,
// web3: config.web3Provider,
// logger: LoggerInstance,
// ocean
// }
// const provider = await Provider.getInstance(instanceConfig)
// await provider.setBaseUrl(serviceEndpoints[i])
// const hasSameCompute =
// providers.filter((x) => x.computeAddress === provider.computeAddress)
// .length > 0
// if (!hasSameCompute) providers.push(provider)
// }
// } catch (err) {
// LoggerInstance.error(err.message)
// }
// return providers
// }
// async function getJobs(
// providers: Provider[],
// account: Account,
// assets: Asset[]
// ): Promise<ComputeJobMetaData[]> {
// const computeJobs: ComputeJobMetaData[] = []
// for (let i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
// try {
// const providerComputeJobs = (await providers[i].computeStatus(
// '',
// account,
// undefined,
// undefined,
// false
// )) as ComputeJob[]
// // means the provider uri is not good, so we ignore it and move on
// if (!providerComputeJobs) continue
// providerComputeJobs.sort((a, b) => {
// if (a.dateCreated > b.dateCreated) {
// return -1
// }
// if (a.dateCreated < b.dateCreated) {
// return 1
// }
// return 0
// })
// for (let j = 0; j < providerComputeJobs?.length; j++) {
// const job = providerComputeJobs[j]
// const did = job.inputDID[0]
// const ddo = assets.filter((x) => x.id === did)[0]
// if (!ddo) continue
// const compJob: ComputeJobMetaData = {
// ...job,
// assetName: ddo.metadata.name,
// assetDtSymbol: ddo.dataTokenInfo.symbol,
// networkId: ddo.chainId
// }
// computeJobs.push(compJob)
// }
// } catch (err) {
// LoggerInstance.error(err.message)
// }
// }
// return computeJobs
// }
// function getDtList(data: TokenOrder[]): string[] {
// const dtList = []
// for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// dtList.push(data[i].datatokenId.address)
// }
// return dtList
// }
// export async function getComputeJobs(
// chainIds: number[],
// account: Account,
// ddo?: Asset,
// token?: CancelToken
// ): Promise<ComputeResults> {
// const assetDTAddress = ddo?.dataTokenInfo?.address
// let computeResult: ComputeResults = {
// computeJobs: [],
// isLoaded: false
// }
// let isLoading = true
// const variables = assetDTAddress
// ? {
// user: account?.getId().toLowerCase(),
// datatokenAddress: assetDTAddress.toLowerCase()
// }
// : {
// user: account?.getId().toLowerCase()
// }
// const result = await fetchDataForMultipleChains(
// assetDTAddress ? getComputeOrdersByDatatokenAddress : getComputeOrders,
// variables,
// assetDTAddress ? [ddo?.chainId] : chainIds
// )
// let data: TokenOrder[] = []
// for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
// if (!result[i]?.tokenOrders || result[i].tokenOrders.length === 0) continue
// result[i]?.tokenOrders.forEach((tokenOrder: TokenOrder) => {
// data.push(tokenOrder)
// })
// }
// if (!ocean || !account || !data) return
// if (data.length === 0) {
// return computeResult
// }
// data = data.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp)
// const queryDtList = getDtList(data)
// if (!queryDtList) return
// const assets = await getAssetMetadata(queryDtList, token, chainIds)
// const serviceEndpoints = getServiceEndpoints(data, assets)
// const providers: Provider[] = await getProviders(
// serviceEndpoints,
// config,
// ocean
// )
// const computeJobs = await getJobs(providers, account, assets)
// isLoading = false
// computeResult = {
// computeJobs: computeJobs,
// isLoaded: isLoading
// }
// return computeResult
// }
// export async function createTrustedAlgorithmList(
// selectedAlgorithms: string[], // list of DIDs
// ocean: Ocean
// ): Promise<PublisherTrustedAlgorithm[]> {
// const trustedAlgorithms = []
// for (const selectedAlgorithm of selectedAlgorithms) {
// const trustedAlgorithm =
// await ocean.compute.createPublisherTrustedAlgorithmfromDID(
// selectedAlgorithm
// )
// trustedAlgorithms.push(trustedAlgorithm)
// }
// return trustedAlgorithms
// }
// export async function transformComputeFormToServiceComputePrivacy(
// values: ComputePrivacyForm,
// ocean: Ocean
// ): Promise<ServiceComputePrivacy> {
// const { allowAllPublishedAlgorithms } = values
// const publisherTrustedAlgorithms = values.allowAllPublishedAlgorithms
// ? []
// : await createTrustedAlgorithmList(values.publisherTrustedAlgorithms, ocean)
// const privacy: ServiceComputePrivacy = {
// allowNetworkAccess: false,
// allowRawAlgorithm: false,
// allowAllPublishedAlgorithms,
// publisherTrustedAlgorithms
// }
// return privacy
// }