# Get datatoken information The result of following GraphQL query returns the information about a particular datatoken. Here, `0x122d10d543bc600967b4db0f45f80cb1ddee43eb` is the address of the datatoken. {% hint style="info" %} Copy the query in the [GraphiQL interface](https://v4.subgraph.mainnet.oceanprotocol.com/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/graphql) to fetch the results from the mainnet. For other networks use [this table](./#ocean-subgraph-graphiql). {% endhint %} #### Query ```graphql { token(id:"0x122d10d543bc600967b4db0f45f80cb1ddee43eb", subgraphError: deny){ id symbol nft { name symbol address } name symbol cap isDatatoken holderCount orderCount orders(skip:0,first:1){ amount serviceIndex payer { id } consumer{ id } estimatedUSDValue lastPriceToken lastPriceValue } } fixedRateExchanges(subgraphError:deny){ id price active } } ``` #### Code {% tabs %} {% tab title="Python" %} The python script below can be used to run the the query. If you wish to change the network, then replace the value of variable `base_url` as needed. Change the value of the variable `datatoken_address` with the address of the datatoken of your choice. **Create script** {% code title="datatoken_information.py" %} ```python import requests import json datatoken_address = "0x122d10d543bc600967b4db0f45f80cb1ddee43eb" query = """ {{ token(id:"{0}", subgraphError: deny){{ id symbol nft {{ name symbol address }} name symbol cap isDatatoken holderCount orderCount orders(skip:0,first:1){{ amount serviceIndex payer {{ id }} consumer{{ id }} estimatedUSDValue lastPriceToken lastPriceValue }} }} fixedRateExchanges(subgraphError:deny){{ id price active }} }}""".format( datatoken_address ) base_url = "https://v4.subgraph.mainnet.oceanprotocol.com/" route = "/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph" url = base_url + route headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = json.dumps({"query": query}) response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) result = json.loads(response.text) print(json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) ``` {% endcode %} **Execute script** <pre class="language-bash"><code class="lang-bash"><strong>python datatoken_information.py</strong></code></pre> {% endtab %} {% tab title="Javascript" %} The javascript below can be used to run the the query. If you wish to change the network, then replace the value of variable `baseUrl` as needed. Change the value of the variable `datatokenAddress` with the address of the datatoken of your choice. **Create script** {% code title="datatokenInfo.js" %} ```javascript var axios = require('axios'); const datatokenAddress = "0x122d10d543bc600967b4db0f45f80cb1ddee43eb"; const query = `{ token(id:"${datatokenAddress}", subgraphError: deny){ id symbol nft { name symbol address } name symbol cap isDatatoken holderCount orderCount orders(skip:0,first:1){ amount serviceIndex payer { id } consumer{ id } estimatedUSDValue lastPriceToken lastPriceValue } } fixedRateExchanges(subgraphError:deny){ id price active } }` const baseUrl = "https://v4.subgraph.mainnet.oceanprotocol.com" const route = "/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph" const url = `${baseUrl}${route}` var config = { method: 'post', url: url, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, data: JSON.stringify({ "query": query }) }; axios(config) .then(function (response) { console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data)); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); ``` {% endcode %} **Execute script** ```bash node datatokenInfo.js ``` {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} #### Response <details> <summary>Sample response</summary> ```json { "data": { "fixedRateExchanges": [ { "active": true, "id": "0xfa48673a7c36a2a768f89ac1ee8c355d5c367b02-0x06284c39b48afe5f01a04d56f1aae45dbb29793b190ee11e93a4a77215383d44", "price": "33" }, { "active": true, "id": "0xfa48673a7c36a2a768f89ac1ee8c355d5c367b02-0x2719862ebc4ed253f09088c878e00ef8ee2a792e1c5c765fac35dc18d7ef4deb", "price": "35" }, { "active": true, "id": "0xfa48673a7c36a2a768f89ac1ee8c355d5c367b02-0x2dccaa373e4b65d5ec153c150270e989d1bda1efd3794c851e45314c40809f9c", "price": "33" } ], "token": { "cap": "115792089237316195423570985008687900000000000000000000000000", "holderCount": "0", "id": "0x122d10d543bc600967b4db0f45f80cb1ddee43eb", "isDatatoken": true, "name": "Brave Lobster Token", "nft": { "address": "0xea615374949a2405c3ee555053eca4d74ec4c2f0", "name": "Ocean Data NFT", "symbol": "OCEAN-NFT" }, "orderCount": "0", "orders": [], "symbol": "BRALOB-11" } } } ``` </details>