# Mint Datatokens This tutorial guides you through the process of minting datatokens and sending them to a receiver address. The tutorial assumes that you already have the address of the datatoken contract which is owned by you. #### Prerequisites * [Obtain an API key](../get-api-keys-for-blockchain-access.md) * [Set up the .env file](configuration.md#create-a-env-file) * [Install the dependencies](configuration.md#setup-dependencies) * [Create a configuration file](configuration.md#create-a-configuration-file) #### Create a script to mint datatokens Create a new file in the same working directory where configuration file (`config.js`) and `.env` files are present, and copy the code as listed below. {% tabs %} {% tab title="mint_datatoken.js" %} {% code title="mint_datatoken.js" overflow="wrap" %} ```javascript // Note: Make sure .env file and config.js are created and setup correctly const { oceanConfig } = require('./config.js'); const { amountToUnits } = require ('@oceanprotocol/lib'); const ethers = require('ethers'); // Define a function createFRE() const createMINT = async () => { let config = await oceanConfig(); const publisher = config.publisherAccount const publisherAccount = await config.publisherAccount.getAddress() const minAbi = [ { constant: false, inputs: [ { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'value', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'mint', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bool' }], payable: false, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' } ] const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(config.oceanTokenAddress, minAbi, publisher) const estGasPublisher = await tokenContract.estimateGas.mint( publisherAccount, amountToUnits(null, null, '1000', 18) ) const trxReceipt = await sendTx( estGasPublisher, publisher, 1, tokenContract.mint, publisherAccount, amountToUnits(null, null, '1000', 18) ) return { trxReceipt }; }; // Call the createFRE() function createMINT() .then(({ trxReceipt }) => { console.log(`TX Receipt ${trxReceipt}`); process.exit(1); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); ``` {% endcode %} **Execute script** ```bash node mint_datatoken.js ``` {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}