title: Ways to Contribute
description: There are many ways you could contribute to Ocean Protocol.
All contributions to Ocean Protocol are governed by our [Code of Conduct](/concepts/code-of-conduct/).
## Report a Bug
To report a bug, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab, click on the New issue button, and read the instructions.
## Write an Issue
To write an issue, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab, click on the New issue button, and read the instructions.
## Make a Feature Request or Proposal
To make a feature request or proposal, you can go to the [🐙 Ocean Protocol Enhancement Proposals (OEPs)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/OEPs/) repository and write a proposal.
## Write!
You could write articles or blog posts related to Ocean Protocol. Possible topics include:
- a story about how you used Ocean Protocol or the Ocean network
- news from a recent event
- tutorials for beginners
- a deep dive into some specific aspect of Ocean Protocol
- a blog post about a particular component in the Ocean Protocol stack
For instructions on how to contribute to our main documentation site, check out the docs repo.
## Participate in a Bounty
See the page about [bounties](/concepts/bounties/).
## Help Develop Core Ocean Software
Right now, we're not really set up to accept core code contributions from external developers, except via the bounties mentioned above. In the future, we hope to have policies and processes that empower anyone to contribute.
If you'd like to follow what the core dev team is doing, a good place to start is the dev-ocean repository on GitHub.