# Deploying Marketplace ### Prerequisites * A server for hosting Ocean Marketplace. See [this guide](setup-server.md) on creating a server. #### Create a directory ``` mkdir my-marketplace cd my-marketplace ``` ### Create file with name \`.env\` Copy the below content into the \`.env\` file. {% code title=".env" %} ``` DB_USERNAME=username DB_PASSWORD=password Build a Marketplace container ``` {% endcode %} #### Create a \`Dockerfile\` file and copy the below content into it. {% code title="Dockerfile" %} ``` FROM node:16 RUN git clone https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market.git /usr/app/market WORKDIR /usr/app/market RUN npm ci --legacy-peer-deps RUN npm run build EXPOSE 3000 CMD ["npx", "next", "start"] ``` {% endcode %} Build a docker image ```bash docker build . -f Dockerfile -t market:latest ``` ### Start the marketplace