--- title: Ways to Contribute description: There are many ways you could contribute to Ocean Protocol. --- All contributions to Ocean Protocol are governed by our [Contributor Code of Conduct](/concepts/code-of-conduct/). Code development follows the [Ocean Engineering Principles](/concepts/principles/). ## Report a Vulnerability See the page about [reporting vulnerabilities](/concepts/vulnerabilities/). ## Report a Bug To report a bug that isn't a vulnerability, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab, click on the New issue button, and read the instructions. ## Write an Issue To write an issue, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab, click on the New issue button, and read the instructions. ## Make a Feature Request or Proposal To make a feature request or proposal, you can go to the [🐙 Ocean Protocol Enhancement Proposals (OEPs)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/OEPs/) repository and write a proposal. ## Write! You could write articles or blog posts related to Ocean Protocol. Possible topics include: - a story about how you used Ocean Protocol or the Ocean network - news from a recent event - tutorials for beginners - a deep dive into some specific aspect of Ocean Protocol - a blog post about a particular component in the Ocean Protocol stack For instructions on how to contribute to our main documentation site, check out the docs repo. ## Participate in a Bounty See the page about [bounties](/concepts/bounties/). ## Become an Ocean Protocol Ambassador - [Read the announcement of the Ocean Protocol Ambassador Program](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/envoys-of-the-new-data-economy-ocean-protocol-ambassadors-3816a0e63611) - [Apply to become an ambassador](https://oceanprotocol.com/#ambassadors) ## Help Develop Core Ocean Software - Read and understand the [legal requirements when contributing code](/concepts/legal-reqs/). - Look through the [dev-ocean repository on GitHub](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/dev-ocean). It summarizes Ocean Protocol software development practices and policies. - Ask technical questions in the [Ocean Protocol chatroom on Gitter](https://gitter.im/oceanprotocol/Lobby). - Find repository-specific development notes in each repository (usually in the root `README.md` file).