# Deploying Marketplace ### Prerequisites * A server for hosting Ocean Marketplace. See [this guide](setup-server.md) on creating a server. * Obtain API key for wanted network. See [this guide](https://app.gitbook.com/o/mTcjMqA4ylf55anucjH8/s/BTXXhmDGzR0Xgj13fyfM/\~/changes/548/developers/obtaining-api-keys-for-blockchain-access) for this. ### Push your customized Ocean Market code to your Git repository In case you customized the Ocean Market using the tutorial from this chapter (link), push your code to a Git repository. ### Create a directory ```bash mkdir my-marketplace cd my-marketplace ``` ### Create a file with the name \`.env\` If you already created the .env file as instructed in ...(link to customize the market chapter), you can skip this step, otherwise copy the below content into the \`.env\` file. {% code title=".env" overflow="wrap" %} ```bash # Update this value if your Market should use custom Aquarius NEXT_PUBLIC_METADATACACHE_URI=https://v4.aquarius.oceanprotocol.com # Provide INFURA project ID from the obtained API key for NEXT_PUBLIC_INFURA_PROJECT_ID #NEXT_PUBLIC_INFURA_PROJECT_ID="xxx" #NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKET_FEE_ADDRESS="0xxx" #NEXT_PUBLIC_PUBLISHER_MARKET_ORDER_FEE="1" #NEXT_PUBLIC_CONSUME_MARKET_ORDER_FEE="1" #NEXT_PUBLIC_CONSUME_MARKET_FIXED_SWAP_FEE="1" # # ADVANCED SETTINGS # # Toggle pricing options presented during price creation #NEXT_PUBLIC_ALLOW_FIXED_PRICING="true" #NEXT_PUBLIC_ALLOW_FREE_PRICING="true" # Privacy Preference Center #NEXT_PUBLIC_PRIVACY_PREFERENCE_CENTER="true" ``` {% endcode %} ### Create a \`Dockerfile\` file and copy the below content into it. In the following Dockerfile, replace \<YOUR\_GIT\_REPO\_URL> with the url of your Ocean Market fork repository or use "https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market.git" if you want to deploy our standard image of Ocean Market. <pre class="language-docker" data-title="Dockerfile"><code class="lang-docker">FROM node:16 <strong>RUN git clone <YOUR_GIT_REPO_URL> /usr/app/market </strong>WORKDIR /usr/app/market RUN npm ci --legacy-peer-deps RUN npm run build EXPOSE 3000 CMD ["npx", "next", "start"] </code></pre> ### Build a docker image ```bash docker build . -f Dockerfile -t market:latest ``` ### Start the marketplace ```bash docker start market ```