--- title: Get & Use a Data Set description: Tutorial to get and use a data set in a basic React app. --- ## Requirements This is a continuation of the [React App Setup](/tutorials/react-setup) and [React Publish Data-set](/tutorials/react-publish-data-set) tutorial, so make sure you have done all the steps described in there. Open `src/App.js` in your marketplace app from previous tutorials. ## Retrieve Assets From previous tutorial we added asset publishing so we can now search for it so we can consume it later. Just after `submitAsset()` function we can add new function that will handle search: ```js async retrieveAssets(){ this.dbAssets = await this.ocean.searchAssetsByText("Office Humidity") console.log(this.dbAssets) } ``` The last thing we need is a button to start our search inside the render function just after ``: ```jsx ``` ## Consume Asset The retrieved assets can now be consumed so in this tutorial we consume the first one. The following code goes after `async retrieveAssets()` function. ```js async consumeAsset(){ // get all accounts const accounts = await this.ocean.getAccounts() // get first asset const consumeAsset = this.dbAssets[0] // get service we want to execute const service = consumeAsset.findServiceByType('Access') // sign service const serviceAgreementSignatureResult = await this.ocean.signServiceAgreement( consumeAsset.id, service.serviceDefinitionId, accounts[0]) // run it await this.ocean.initializeServiceAgreement( consumeAsset.id, service.serviceDefinitionId, serviceAgreementSignatureResult.serviceAgreementId, serviceAgreementSignatureResult.serviceAgreementSignature, // callback to handle the files we get (files) => { console.log('Asset files', files) }, accounts[0]) } ``` We still need button in render function just after `` to start consumption: ```jsx ``` ## Final Result That's it. If you have no errors in your `console.log` and your asset files listed you have working marketplace. Here is the full source of `src/App.js` that you should have if you followed this tutorial: ```jsx import React, { Component } from 'react' import './App.css' import { Ocean } from '@oceanprotocol/squid' import * as Web3 from 'web3' const web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider) window.ethereum.enable() const asset = { base: { name: 'Office Humidity', description: 'Weather information of UK including temperature and humidity', dateCreated: '2012-02-01T10:55:11+00:00', author: 'Met Office', size: '3.1bg', license: 'Public Domain', copyrightHolder: 'Met Office', contentUrls: [ 'https://testocnfiles.blob.core.windows.net/testfiles/testzkp.zip' ], contentType: 'text/csv', links: [ { name: 'Dataset sample', type: 'sample', url: 'http://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukcp09/data/gridded-land-obs/gridded-land-obs-daily/' } ], tags: 'weather, uk, 2011, temperature, humidity', price: 5, type: 'dataset' }, curation: { rating: 0, numVotes: 0, schema: 'Binary Voting' }, additionalInformation: { updateFrequency: 'yearly' } } class App extends Component { async componentDidMount() { this.ocean = await new Ocean.getInstance({ web3Provider: web3, nodeUri: 'http://localhost:8545', aquariusUri: 'http://localhost:5000', brizoUri: 'http://localhost:8030', parityUri: 'http://localhost:8545', secretStoreUri: 'http://localhost:12001', threshold: 0, password: 'secret', address: '0x068ed00cf0441e4829d9784fcbe7b9e26d4bd8d0' }) console.log('Finished loading contracts!') } async submitAsset() { const accounts = await this.ocean.getAccounts() const ddo = await this.ocean.registerAsset(asset, accounts[0]) alert('Asset successfully submited: ', JSON.stringify(ddo)) } async retrieveAssets(){ this.dbAssets = await this.ocean.searchAssetsByText("Office Humidity") console.log(this.dbAssets) } async consumeAsset(){ // get all accounts const accounts = await this.ocean.getAccounts() // get first asset const consumeAsset = this.dbAssets[0] // get service we want to execute const service = consumeAsset.findServiceByType('Access') // sign service const serviceAgreementSignatureResult = await this.ocean.signServiceAgreement( consumeAsset.id, service.serviceDefinitionId, accounts[0]) // run it await this.ocean.initializeServiceAgreement( consumeAsset.id, service.serviceDefinitionId, serviceAgreementSignatureResult.serviceAgreementId, serviceAgreementSignatureResult.serviceAgreementSignature, // callback to handle the files we get (files) => { console.log('Asset files', files) }, accounts[0]) } render() { return (

Marketplace app

) } } export default App ```