# Deploying Provider ### About Provider Provider encrypts the URL and metadata during publishing and decrypts the URL when the dataset is downloaded or a compute job is started. It enables access to the data assets by streaming data (and never the URL). It performs checks on-chain for buyer permissions and payments. It also provides compute services (connects to a C2D environment). Provider is a multichain component, meaning that it can handle these tasks on multiple chains with the proper configurations. The source code of Provider can be accessed from [here](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/provider). As mentioned in the Setup a Server document, all Ocean components can be deployed in two types of configurations: simple, based on Docker Engine and Docker Compose, and complex, based on Kubernetes with Docker Engine. In this document, we will present how to deploy Provider in each of these configurations. ## Deploying Provider using Docker Engine and Docker Compose In this guide, we will deploy Provider for two chains: Goerli (Ethereum test network) and Mumbai (Polygon test network). Therefore, please note that in the following configuration files, "5" and "80001" are the chain IDs for Goerli and Mumbai respectively. ### Prerequisites * A server for hosting Provider. See [this guide](setup-server.md) for how to create a server; * Docker Compose and Docker Engine are installed and configured on the server. See [this guide](setup-server.md#install-docker-engine-and-docker-compose) for how to install these products. * The RPC URLs and API keys for each of the networks to which the Provider will be connected. See [this guide](../developers/obtaining-api-keys-for-blockchain-access.md) for how to obtain the URL and the API key. * The private key which will be used by Provider to encrypt/decrypt URLs. ### Steps The steps to deploy the Provider using Docker Engine and Docker Compose are: 1. [Create the /etc/docker/compose/provider/docker-compose.yml file](deploying-provider.md#1-create-the-etcdockercomposeproviderdocker-composeyml-file) 2. [Create the /etc/systemd/system/docker-compose@provider.service file](deploying-provider.md#2-create-the-etcsystemdsystemdocker-composeproviderservice-file) 3. [Reload the systemd manager configuration](deploying-provider.md#3.-reload-the-systemd-manager-configuration) 4. [Start the Provider service](deploying-provider.md#4.-start-the-provider-service) 5. [Check the service's status](deploying-provider.md#5.-check-the-services-status) 6. [Confirm the Provider is accessible](deploying-provider.md#6.-confirm-the-provider-is-accessible) 7. [Check Provider service logs](deploying-provider.md#7.-check-provider-service-logs) #### 1. Create the /etc/docker/compose/provider/docker-compose.yml file From a terminal console, create /etc/docker/compose/provider/docker-compose.yml file, then copy and paste the following content to it. Check the comments in the file and replace the fields with the specific values of your implementation. ```yaml version: '3' services: provider: image: oceanprotocol/provider-py:latest =>(check on https://hub.docker.com/r/oceanprotocol/provider-py for specific tag) container_name: provider restart: on-failure ports: - 8030:8030 networks: backend: environment: ARTIFACTS_PATH: "/ocean-contracts/artifacts" NETWORK_URL: '{"5":"https://goerli.infura.io/v3/","80001":"https://polygon-mumbai.infura.io/v3/"}' PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY: '{"5":"","80001":"" OCEAN_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT: "9000" OPERATOR_SERVICE_URL: "https://stagev4.c2d.oceanprotocol.com" => (use custom value for Operator Service URL) AQUARIUS_URL: "http//localhost:5000" => (use custom value Aquarius URL) REQUEST_TIMEOUT: "10" networks: backend: driver: bridge ``` #### 2. Create the _/etc/systemd/system/docker-compose@provider.service_ file Create the _/etc/systemd/system/docker-compose@provider.service_ file then copy and paste the following content to it. This example file could be customized if needed. ``` [Unit] Description=%i service with docker compose Requires=docker.service After=docker.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=true Environment="PROJECT=ocean" WorkingDirectory=/etc/docker/compose/%i ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT pull ExecStart=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT up -d ExecStop=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT stop [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` #### 3. Reload the systemd manager configuration Run the following command to reload the systemd manager configuration ```bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload ``` Optionally, you can enable the services to start at boot, using the following command: ```bash sudo systemctl enable docker-compose@provider.service ``` #### 4. Start the Provider service To start the Provider service, run the following command: ```bash sudo systemctl start docker-compose@provider.service ``` #### 5. Check the service's status Check the status of the service by running the following command. The output of the command should be similar to the one presented here. ```bash $ sudo systemctl status docker-compose@provider.service ● docker-compose@provider.service - provider service with docker compose Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/docker-compose@provider.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (exited) since Wed 2023-06-14 09:41:53 UTC; 20s ago Process: 4118 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT pull (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 4126 ExecStart=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT up -d (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 4126 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) CPU: 93ms Jun 14 09:41:52 testvm systemd[1]: Starting provider service with docker compose... Jun 14 09:41:52 testvm env[4118]: provider Pulling Jun 14 09:41:53 testvm env[4118]: provider Pulled Jun 14 09:41:53 testvm env[4126]: Container provider Created Jun 14 09:41:53 testvm env[4126]: Container provider Starting Jun 14 09:41:53 testvm env[4126]: Container provider Started Jun 14 09:41:53 testvm systemd[1]: Finished provider service with docker compose. ``` #### 6. Confirm the Provider is accessible Once started, the Provider service is accessible on `localhost` port 8030/tcp. Run the following command to access the Provider. The output should be similar to the one displayed here. ```bash $ curl localhost:8030 {"chainIds":[5,80001],"providerAddresses":{"5":"0x00c6A0BC5cD0078d6Cd0b659E8061B404cfa5704","80001":"0x4256Df50c94D9a7e04610976cde01aED91eB531E"},"serviceEndpoints":{"computeDelete":["DELETE","/api/services/compute"],"computeEnvironments":["GET","/api/services/computeEnvironments"],"computeResult":["GET","/api/services/computeResult"],"computeStart":["POST","/api/services/compute"],"computeStatus":["GET","/api/services/compute"],"computeStop":["PUT","/api/services/compute"],"create_auth_token":["GET","/api/services/createAuthToken"],"decrypt":["POST","/api/services/decrypt"],"delete_auth_token":["DELETE","/api/services/deleteAuthToken"],"download":["GET","/api/services/download"],"encrypt":["POST","/api/services/encrypt"],"fileinfo":["POST","/api/services/fileinfo"],"initialize":["GET","/api/services/initialize"],"initializeCompute":["POST","/api/services/initializeCompute"],"nonce":["GET","/api/services/nonce"],"validateContainer":["POST","/api/services/validateContainer"]},"software":"Provider","version":"2.0.2"} ``` #### 7. Check Provider service logs If needed, use docker CLI to check provider service logs. First, identify the container id: ```bash $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 594415b13f8c oceanprotocol/provider-py:v2.0.2 "/ocean-provider/doc…" 12 minutes ago Up About a minute>8030/tcp, :::8030->8030/tcp provider ``` Then, check the logs from the Provider's docker container: ```bash $ docker logs --follow provider [2023-06-14 09:31:02 +0000] [8] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4 [2023-06-14 09:31:02 +0000] [8] [INFO] Listening at: (8) [2023-06-14 09:31:02 +0000] [8] [INFO] Using worker: sync [2023-06-14 09:31:02 +0000] [10] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 10 2023-06-14 09:31:02 594415b13f8c rlp.codec[10] DEBUG Consider installing rusty-rlp to improve pyrlp performance with a rust based backend 2023-06-14 09:31:12 594415b13f8c ocean_provider.run[10] INFO incoming request = http, GET,, /? 2023-06-14 09:31:12 594415b13f8c ocean_provider.run[10] INFO root endpoint called 2023-06-14 09:31:12 594415b13f8c ocean_provider.run[10] INFO root endpoint response = [2023-06-14 09:41:53 +0000] [8] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4 [2023-06-14 09:41:53 +0000] [8] [INFO] Listening at: (8) [2023-06-14 09:41:53 +0000] [8] [INFO] Using worker: sync [2023-06-14 09:41:53 +0000] [10] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 10 2023-06-14 09:41:54 594415b13f8c rlp.codec[10] DEBUG Consider installing rusty-rlp to improve pyrlp performance with a rust based backend 2023-06-14 09:42:40 594415b13f8c ocean_provider.run[10] INFO incoming request = http, GET,, /? 2023-06-14 09:42:40 594415b13f8c ocean_provider.run[10] INFO root endpoint called 2023-06-14 09:42:40 594415b13f8c ocean_provider.run[10] INFO root endpoint response = ``` ## Deploying Provider using Kubernetes with Docker Engine In this example, we will run Provider as a Kubernetes deployment resource. We will deploy Provider for two chains: Goerli (Ethereum test network) and Mumbai (Polygon test network). Therefore, please note that in the following configuration files, "5" and "80001" are the chain IDs for Goerli and Mumbai respectively. ### Prerequisites * A server for hosting Ocean Marketplace. See [this guide](setup-server.md) for how to create a server; * Kubernetes with Docker Engine is installed and configured on the server. See [this chapter](setup-server.md#install-kubernetes-with-docker-engine) for information on installing Kubernetes. * The RPC URLs and API keys for each of the networks to which the Provider will be connected. See [this guide](../developers/obtaining-api-keys-for-blockchain-access.md) for how to obtain the URL and the API key. * The private key that will be used by Provider to encrypt/decrypt URLs. * Aquarius is up and running ### Steps The steps to deploy the Provider in Kubernetes are: [1. Create a YAML file for Provider configuration.](deploying-provider.md#1-create-a-yaml-file-for-provider-configuration) [2. Deploy the configuration.](deploying-provider.md#2.-deploy-the-configuration) [3. Create a Kubernetes service.](deploying-provider.md#3.-create-a-kubernetes-service) #### 1. Create a YAML file for Provider configuration. From a terminal window, create a YAML file (in our example the file is named provider-deploy.yaml) then copy and paste the following content. Check the comments in the file and replace the fields with the specific values of your implementation (RPC URLs, the private key etc.). ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: provider name: provider spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 2147483647 replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 2147483647 selector: matchLabels: app: provider strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 25% maxUnavailable: 25% type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: labels: app: provider spec: containers: - env: - name: ARTIFACTS_PATH value: /ocean-provider/artifacts - name: NETWORK_URL value: | {"5":"https://goerli.infura.io/v3/","80001":"https://polygon-mumbai.infura.io/v3/"} - name: PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY value: | {"5":"","80001":""} - name: LOG_LEVEL value: DEBUG - name: OCEAN_PROVIDER_URL value: - name: OCEAN_PROVIDER_WORKERS value: "4" - name: IPFS_GATEWAY value: < your IPFS gateway > - name: OCEAN_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT value: "9000" - name: OPERATOR_SERVICE_URL value: < Operator service URL> - name: AQUARIUS_URL value: < Aquarius URL > - name: UNIVERSAL_PRIVATE_KEY value: - name: REQUEST_TIMEOUT value: "10" image: oceanprotocol/provider-py:latest => (check on https://hub.docker.com/r/oceanprotocol/provider-py for specific tag) imagePullPolicy: Always name: provider ports: - containerPort: 8030 protocol: TCP resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 700Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 700Mi terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 ``` Tip: before deployment, you can [validate](https://github.com/instrumenta/kubeval) the yaml file. #### 2. Deploy the configuration Deploy the configuration in Kubernetes using the following commands. ```bash kubectl config set-context --current --namespace ocean kubectl apply -f provider-deploy.yaml deployment.apps/provider created kubectl get pod -l app=provider NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE provider-865cb8cf9d-r9xm4 1/1 Running 0 67s ``` #### 3. Create a Kubernetes service The next step is to create a Kubernetes service (eg. ClusterIP, NodePort, Loadbalancer, ExternalName) for this deployment, depending on the environment specifications. Follow [this link](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/) for details on how to create a Kubernetes service.