--- description: Earn OCEAN rewards by locking OCEAN, curating data, and making predictions. cover: ../.gitbook/assets/cover/data_farming_banner.png coverY: 0 --- # What is Data Farming? **Data Farming (DF) is Ocean's incentive program.** It rewards OCEAN to participants who make predictions (and more streams to come). **[The DF webapp](https://df.oceandao.org)** is where users perform most DF actions. ## DF Streams & Budgets DF currently has one stream: - **[Predictoor DF](predictoordf.md).** Run prediction bots to earn continuously. 37.5K OCEAN/week. All streams and substreams repeat **weekly** that start on Thursdays 00:00 at UTC and end on Wed at 23:59 UTC. **[Claiming rewards](claim-rewards.md)**. You can claim rewards each Thursday, or wait and claim many weeks' of rewards at once. Streams can -- and do -- evolve over time. It's chronicled [here](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-data-farming-series-c7922f1d0e45). ## Future Streams We plan to scale up Predictoor DF rewards over time, especially as it hits development milestones. See [Ocean 2024 roadmap](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol-update-2024-e463bf855b03), sec 2.2. Other potential DF incentives include for running Unified Backend nodes (roadmap, sec 3.2), and for decentralized large-scale model training to support a world model on ground-truth physics (roadmap, sec 2.2). ## Networks To engage in Predictoor DF, users submit Predictions on Oasis Sapphire. Rewards for Predictoor DF are on Oasis Sapphire as well (it's intertwined). The [networks docs](../discover/networks/README.md) have more info about networks. ## Further resources - The **[DF FAQ](faq.md)** answers more questions. - Main DF github repos: [df-py (backend)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py), [df-web (frontend)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-web) - The [Ocean Data Farming Series](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-data-farming-series-c7922f1d0e45) blog has a chronological account of all Data Farming activities since its inception. It links to related blog posts. ---- _Next: [Predictoor DF](predictoordf.md)_ _Back: [Docs main](../README.md)_