title: Contributing
description: If you would like to contribute to Ocean Protocol, you have different possibilities.
All contributions to Ocean Protocol are governed by our [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct/).
## Report a Bug
To report a bug, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab, click on the New issue button, and read the instructions.
## Write an Issue
To write an issue, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab, click on the New issue button, and read the instructions.
## Make a Feature Request or Proposal
To make a feature request or proposal, you can go to the [🐙 Ocean Protocol Enhancement Proposals (OEPs)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/OEPs/) repository and write a proposal.
## Write Docs
If you’re writing code, you should also update any related docs. However, you might want to write docs only, such as:
- General explainers
- Tutorials
- Courses
- Code explanations
- News from recent events
For instructions on how to contribute to our main documentation check out the docs repo.
## Fix an Issue
... Where to look for issues?
... With 'help wanted' label?
## Participate in a bounty
- [Bounties](/concepts/bounties/)