--- title: Ways to Contribute description: Help to improve and develop Ocean core software. --- ## Report a bug To report a bug that isn't a vulnerability, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the Issues tab and select _Bug report_. Then follow the structure suggested in the issue template. To report a vulnerability, you may do so in a [less public manner](/concepts/vulnerabilities/). ## Suggest a new feature Use the Issues section of each repository and select _Feature request_ to suggest and discuss any features you would like to see added. ## Fix or improve core software We'd love to have you help contribute to any repository within the `oceanprotocol` GitHub organization! Before you start coding right away, please follow those basic guidelines: - Search existing open and closed issues and PRs if you want to fix a bug or add a new feature to see if something is or has been already reported or worked on. - Before starting to add features, please open an issue first so it can be discussed. - Make yourself familiar with eventual repository-specific contribution requirements. - Because of the weird world of intellectual property, we need you to follow the [legal requirements](/concepts/legal-reqs/) for contributing code. - Be excellent to each other, as outlined in our [Contributor Code of Conduct](/concepts/code-of-conduct/). ### Workflow A typical code contribution in any Ocean Protocol repository would go as follows: 1. As an external developer, fork the respective repo and push to your own fork. Ocean core developers push directly on the repo under `oceanprotocol` org. 2. Work in feature branches, for naming use `feature/your-feature` or `feature/23` for new features and `fix/your-fix` or `fix/23` for bug fixes, referring to the issue number. 3. To get visibility and feedback as early as possible open your Pull Request as a `Draft`. 4. Give it a meaningful title, and at least link to the respective issue in the Pull Request description, like `closes #23` 5. Once your Pull Request is ready, mark it as `Ready for Review`, in most repositories code owners are automatically notified and asked for review. 6. Get all CI checks green and address eventual change requests. 7. Once a Pull Request is approved, you can merge it. Except for GitHub, you can find most Ocean Protocol core developers in [Discord](https://discord.gg/TnXjkR5) if you have further development questions. ## Develop an app or integration on top of Ocean Protocol Integrate Ocean at one of its interface points: React hooks, Javascript library, Python library, smart contracts, etc. Ocean documentation will help. And... you're here:) ## Improve these docs These docs can always be improved, every content page has an edit link at its end linking you to the content source on GitHub. ## Apply for a developer job Really love building on Ocean and want to dive deeper? Consider joining us full time. Our openings are listed at https://github.com/oceanprotocol/devjobs. ## Other ways to get involved Please go to the [Ocean Community Page](https://www.oceanprotocol.com/community) for more ideas on how to get involved.