# veOCEAN and Liquid Staking ### veOCEAN is not Tradeable Once you lock OCEAN, you get veOCEAN. Unlike OCEAN, veOCEAN cannot be traded or transferred. However, you can [delegate](delegate.md) veOCEAN to others, who then controls allocation to data assets and receives rewards. psdnOCEAN offers interesting optionality; see next section. ### psdnOCEAN Liquid Staking While you can't trade veOCEAN, **you can trade psdnOCEAN.** **psdnOCEAN is a "liquid staking wrapper" for veOCEAN:** - It holds veOCEAN - And it allows transfers (using ERC20 interface) psdnOCEAN is a product by [H2O](https://www.h2odata.xyz//), a team separate from - and collaborating with - the Ocean core team. ### How to convert OCEAN <> psdnOCEAN - You can lock OCEAN for psdnOCEAN via [the H2O "convert" dapp](https://liquid-staking.h2odata.xyz/convert/ocean). - psdnOCEAN can be traded in exchanges. The main option is the [OCEAN-psdnOCEAN Balancer pool](https://app.balancer.fi/#/ethereum/swap?outputCurrency=0x51Fa2efd62ee56a493f24AE963eAce7D0051929E). [Here are pool details.](https://app.balancer.fi/#/ethereum/pool/0xf8c4cd95c7496cb7c8d97202cf7e5b8da2204c2b00020000000000000000039e). ⚠️Be careful - if liquidity is low you will experience high slippage. ### Rewards to psdnOCEAN holders - Since psdnOCEAN holds veOCEAN, then Passive DF rewards go to that psdnOCEAN-held veOCEAN according to the usual Passive DF rules. - Over time, psdnOCEAN may also get rewards from other DF streams or protocols too. ### psdnOCEAN Resources - [Here's](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/psdnocean-the-first-liquid-staking-wrapper-by-the-h2o-team-is-now-live-a3330e15fa5c) the original psdnOCEAN announcement. - psdnOCEAN on... - [Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/token/0x51fa2efd62ee56a493f24ae963eace7d0051929e) - [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/poseidon-ocean) - [GeckoTerminal](https://www.geckoterminal.com/eth/pools/0xf8c4cd95c7496cb7c8d97202cf7e5b8da2204c2b)