{ "definitions":{ }, "info":{ "title":"Brizo", "version":"1.0" }, "paths":{ "/api/v1/brizo/services/access/initialize":{ "post":{ "consumes":[ "application/json" ], "description":"", "parameters":[ { "description":"Service agreement initialization.", "in":"body", "name":"body", "required":true, "schema":{ "properties":{ "consumerAddress":{ "description":"Consumer address.", "example":"0x00a329c0648769A73afAc7F9381E08FB43dBEA72", "type":"string" }, "did":{ "description":"Identifier of the asset registered in ocean.", "example":"did:op:08a429b8529856d59867503f8056903a680935a76950bb9649785cc97869a43d", "type":"string" }, "serviceAgreementId":{ "description":"Identifier of the service agreement.", "example":"bb23s87856d59867503f80a690357406857698570b964ac8dcc9d86da4ada010", "type":"string" }, "serviceDefinitionId":{ "description":"Identifier of the service definition.", "example":"0", "type":"string" }, "signature":{ "description":"Signature", "example":"cade376598342cdae231321a0097876aeda656a567a67c6767fd8710129a9dc1", "type":"string" } }, "required":[ "did", "serviceAgreementId", "serviceDefinitionId", "signature", { "consumerAddress":null } ], "type":"object" } } ], "responses":{ "201":{ "description":"Service agreement initialize successfully." }, "400":{ "description":"One of the required attributes is missed." }, "404":{ "description":"Invalid signature." }, "500":{ "description":"Error" } }, "summary":"Initialize the SLA between the puvblisher and the consumer.", "tags":[ "services" ] } }, "/api/v1/brizo/services/compute":{ "post":{ "consumes":[ "application/json" ], "description":"

If the publisher of the assets
provide this service in the Service agreement related with the asset_did requested.
", "parameters":[ { "description":"Asset metadata.", "in":"body", "name":"body", "required":true, "schema":{ "properties":{ "algorithm_did":{ "description":"Identifier of the algorithm to execute", "example":"0x0234242345", "type":"string" }, "asset_did":{ "description":"Identifier of the asset registered in ocean", "example":"0x0234242345", "type":"string" }, "consumer_wallet":{ "description":"Address of the wallet of the consumer of the asset. Ex. data-science...", "example":"0x0234242345", "type":"string" }, "cpu":{ "description":"Number of cpus to execute the algorithm.", "example":1, "type":"integer" }, "docker_image":{ "description":"Docker image where the algorithm is going to be executed. It must include all the libraries needs to run it.", "example":"python:3.6-alpine", "type":"string" }, "memory":{ "description":"Ammout of memory in Gb to run the algorithm", "example":1.5, "type":"number" } }, "required":[ "asset_did", "algorithm_did", "consumer_wallet" ], "type":"object" } } ], "responses":{ }, "summary":"Allows to execute an algorithm inside in a docker instance in the cloud aquarius.", "tags":[ "services" ] } }, "/api/v1/brizo/services/consume":{ "get":{ "consumes":[ "application/json" ], "description":"", "parameters":[ { "description":"The consumer address.", "in":"query", "name":"consumerAddress", "required":true, "type":"string" }, { "description":"The service agreement id.", "in":"query", "name":"serviceAgreementId", "required":true, "type":"string" }, { "description":"This URL is only valid if BRIZO acts as a proxy. Consumer can't download using the URL if it's not through Brizo.", "in":"query", "name":"url", "required":true, "type":"string" } ], "responses":{ "200":{ "description":"Download valid url." }, "400":{ "description":"One of the required attributes is missed." }, "404":{ "description":"Invalid asset data." }, "500":{ "description":"Error" } }, "summary":"Allows download of asset data file.", "tags":[ "services" ] } } }, "swagger":"2.0" }