title: Swap datatokens
description: Tutorial to swap datatokens for OCEAN tokens using Ocean Market

## Access marketplace

1. Go to Ocean <a href="https://v4.market.oceanprotocol.com/" target="_blank">Marketplace</a>.
2. Search for the data asset.
   The Ocean Marketplace provides features to search the Data/Algorithms by text, and users can also sort the result by published date.

3. Connect wallet.

   ![connect wallet](images/marketplace/consume-connect-wallet.png 'Connect wallet')

## Tutorial

### Step 1 - Select TRADE tab

After finding the dataset, select the **`TRADE`** tab.

### Step 2 - Associated risks

Read carefully the risks associated with this operation.

![swap part-1](images/marketplace/Swap-1.png 'Associated risks')

### Step 3 - Trade amount

Enter the amount of OCEAN tokens to swap. The datatokens amount to receive is displayed with the swap fees information. The reverse operation(swap datatokens to OCEAN tokens) is also available on the trade tab.

![swap part-2](images/marketplace/Swap-2.png 'Amount of OCEANs to swap')

### Step 4 - Transaction: Access to OCEAN token(s)

![swap part-3](images/marketplace/Swap-3.png 'Transaction: Approve spend limit')

### Step 5 - Click swap

![swap part-4](images/marketplace/Swap-4.png 'Swap tokens')

### Step 6 - Transaction: Swap tokens

![swap part-5](images/marketplace/Swap-5.png 'Transaction: Swap tokens')

![swap part-6](images/marketplace/Swap-6.png 'View transaction')