description: All the public networks the Ocean Protocol contracts are deployed to.
# Networks
Ocean Protocol's smart contracts and [OCEAN](../ocean-token.md) are deployed on multiple public networks: several production chains, and several testnets too.
The file [`address.json`](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/v4main/addresses/address.json) holds up-to-date deployment addresses for all Ocean contracts.
On tokens:
- You need the network's native token to pay for gas to make transactions: ETH for Ethereum mainnet, MATIC for Polygon, etc. You typically get these from exchanges.
- You may get OCEAN from an exchange, and bridge it as needed.
- For testnets, you'll need "fake" native tokens to pay for gas, and "fake" OCEAN. Typically, you get these from faucets.
- Below, we give token-related instructions, for each network.
## Networks Summary
Here are the networks that Ocean is deployed to.
**Production Networks:**
- Ethereum mainnet
- Polygon mainnet
- Oasis Sapphire mainnet
- BNB Smart Chain
- Energy Web Chain
- Optimism (OP) Mainnet
- Moonriver
**Test Networks:**
- Görli
- Sepolia
- Mumbai
- Oasis Sapphire testnet
- Optimism (OP) Sepolia
The rest of this doc gives details for each network. You can skip it until you need the reference information.
## Production Networks
### Production: Ethereum Mainnet
**Wallet.** To connect to Ethereum mainnet with e.g. MetaMask, click on the network name dropdown and select "Ethereum mainnet" from the list.
### Production: Polygon Mainnet
**Wallet.** If you can't find Polygon Mainnet as a predefined network, follow [Polygon's guide](https://wiki.polygon.technology/docs/develop/metamask/config-polygon-on-metamask/#add-the-polygon-network-manually).
**Bridge.** Check out the Polygon Bridge [guide](bridges.md) to learn how you can deposit, withdraw and send tokens.
### Production: Oasis Sapphire Mainnet
[Ocean Predictoor](../predictoor/README.md) is deployed on Oasis Sapphire mainnet for its ability to keep EVM transactions private. This deployment does do not currently support ocean.js, ocean.py, or Ocean Market.
**Wallet.** If you cannot find Oasis Sapphire Mainnet as a predefined network, fyou can manually connect by entering the following during import: Network Name: `Oasis Sapphire`, RPC URL: `https://sapphire.oasis.io`, Chain ID: `23294`, Token: `ROSE`. For further info, see [Oasis tokens docs](https://docs.oasis.io/general/manage-tokens/).
**Bridge.** Use [Celer](https://cbridge.celer.network/1/23294/OCEAN) to bridge OCEAN from Ethereum mainnet to Oasis Sapphire mainnet.
### Production: BNB Smart Chain
This is one of the [Binance](https://binance.com)-spawned chains. BNB is the token of Binance.
**Wallet.** If BNB Smart Chain is not listed as a predefined network in your wallet, see [Binance's Guide](https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain) to manually connect.
**Bridge.** Our [BNB Smart Chain Bridge Guide](bridges.md#bnb-smart-chain-bridge) describes how to get OCEAN to BNB Smart Chain.
### Production: Energy Web Chain (EWC)
This is the chain for [Energy Web Foundation](https://www.energyweb.org/).
**Wallet.** If you cannot find Energy Web Chain as a predefined network in your wallet, you can manually connect to it by following this [guide](https://energy-web-foundation.gitbook.io/energy-web/how-tos-and-tutorials/connect-to-energy-web-chain-main-network-with-metamash).
**Bridge.** To bridge assets between Ethereum Mainnet and Energy Web Chain and Ethereum mainnet, you can use [Carbonswap bridge](https://bridge.carbonswap.exchange/).
### Production: Optimism (OP) Mainnet
**Wallet.** If you cannot find Optimism as a predefined network in your wallet, you can manually connect to with [this OP guide](https://community.optimism.io/docs/useful-tools/networks/#op-mainnet).
**Bridge.** Follow the [OP Bridge guide](https://https://app.optimism.io/bridge/deposit) to deposit, withdraw and send tokens.
### Production: Moonriver
[Moonriver](https://moonbeam.network/networks/moonriver/) is an EVM-based parachain of Kusama.
**Wallet.** If Moonriver is not listed as a predefined network in your wallet, you can manually connect to it by following [Moonriver's guide](https://docs.moonbeam.network/builders/get-started/networks/moonriver/#connect-metamask).
**Bridge.** To bridge assets between Moonriver and Ethereum mainnet, you can use [the Anyswap Bridge](https://anyswap.exchange/#/bridge).
## Test Networks
Unlike production networks, tokens on test networks do not hold real economic value.
### Testnet: Görli
**Wallet.** To connect with e.g. MetaMask, click on the network name dropdown and select _Goerli_ from the list of available networks.
### Testnet: Sepolia
**Wallet.** To connect with e.g. MetaMask, select "Sepolia" from the network dropdown list(enable "Show test networks").
### Testnet: Mumbai
**Wallet.** To connect with e.g. MetaMask, select "Görli" from the network dropdown list. If it's not listed as a predefined network, follow [Polygon's guide](https://wiki.polygon.technology/docs/develop/metamask/config-polygon-on-metamask/).
### Testnet: Oasis Sapphire Testnet
[Ocean Predictoor](../predictoor/README.md) is deployed on Oasis Sapphire testnet. This deployment does do not currently support ocean.js, ocean.py, or Ocean Market.
**Wallet.** If you cannot find Oasis Sapphire Testnet as a predefined network, you can manually connect to it by entering the following during import: Network Name: `Oasis Sapphire Testnet`, RPC URL: `https://testnet.sapphire.oasis.dev`, Chain ID: `23295`, Token: `ROSE`. For further info, see [Oasis tokens docs](https://docs.oasis.io/general/manage-tokens/).
### Testnet: Optimism (OP) Sepolia
**Wallet.** If OP Sepolia is not listed as a predefined network, follow [OP's Guide](https://community.optimism.io/docs/useful-tools/networks/#op-sepolia).
_Next: [Bridges](bridges.md)_
_Back: [OCEAN: the Ocean token](../ocean-token.md)_