--- title: Introduction description: Ocean Protocol - Tools for the Web3 Data Economy --- In Ocean Protocol, each data service gets its own ERC20 **datatoken**. This enables data wallets, data exchanges, and data co-ops by directly leveraging crypto wallets, exchanges, and more. OCEAN token is used for staking, and more. [Here](https://oceanprotocol.com/token) are details. Ocean Protocol provides tools for developers to _build data markets_, and to _manage datatokens_ for use in DeFi. **Build Data Markets.** Use Ocean Protocol software tools to build your own data marketplace, by either forking [Ocean Market](https://market.oceanprotocol.com/) code or building up with Ocean components. **Manage Datatokens for use in DeFi.** Use Ocean [JavaScript](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean.js) or [Python](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean.py) drivers to manage datatokens: - _Publish and consume data services:_ downloadable files or compute-to-data. Use Ocean to deploy a new [ERC20](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/7f4f0377730f5fc266824084188cc17cf246932e/EIPS/eip-20.md) datatoken contract for each data service, then mint datatokens. - _Transfer datatokens_ to another owner (or approve & transferFrom). - _Manage pools._ Deploy OCEAN-datatoken [Balancer](https://www.balancer.finance/) pools, buy & sell datatokens (swap), and add & remove liquidity. - _And more._ Use ERC20 support in [web3.js](https://web3js.readthedocs.io/), [web3.py](https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples.html#working-with-an-erc20-token-contract) and Solidity to connect datatokens with crypto wallets and other DeFi services.