# Provider REST API [https://v4.provider.oceanprotocol.com](https://v4.provider.oceanprotocol.com) ## Ocean Provider Endpoints Specification This document specifies the endpoints for Ocean Provider to be implemented by the core developers. If you want to see the provider URLs for our supported networks, kindly check for `Provider` component on this [page](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/core-concepts/networks). For inspecting the errors received from `Provider` and their reasons, please revise this [document](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/provider/blob/main/ocean\_provider/routes/README.md). ### nonce endpoint #### GET /api/services/nonce Parameters ``` userAddress: String object containing a user's ethereum address ``` Returns: Json object containing the last-used nonce value. The nonce endpoint is just informative, use the current UTC timestamp as a nonce, where required in other endpoints. Example: ``` POST /api/services/nonce?userAddress=0x990922334 ``` Response: ```json { "nonce": 23 } ``` ### Encrypt endpoint #### GET /api/services/encrypt Body: binary application/octet-stream Returns: Bytes string containing the encrypted document. Example: ``` POST /api/services/encrypt body: b'\xfd7zXZ\x00\x00\x04\xe6\xd6\xb4F\ ... \x00\x04YZ' ``` Response: ``` b'0x04b2bfab1f4e...7ed0573' ``` ### Decrypt endpoint #### POST /api/services/decrypt Parameters ``` decrypterAddress: String object containing the address of the decrypter (required) chainId: the chain id of the network the document is on (required) transactionId: the transaction id of the encrypted document (optional) dataNftAddress: the address of the data nft (optional) encryptedDocument: the encrypted document (optional) flags: the flags of the encrypted document (optional) documentHash: the hash of the encrypted document (optional) nonce: the nonce of the encrypted document (required) signature: the signature of the encrypted document (required) ``` Returns: Bytes string containing the decrypted document. Example: ``` POST /api/services/decrypt payload: { 'decrypterAddress':'0xA78deb2Fa79463945C247991075E2a0e98Ba7A09' 'chainId':8996 'dataNftAddress':'0xBD558814eE914800EbfeF4a1cbE196F5161823d9' 'encryptedDocument':'0xfd377a585a0...f07afef7dc214' 'flags': 1 'documentHash':'0x0cb38a7bba49758a86f8556642aff655d00e41da28240d5ea0f596b74094d91f' 'nonce':'1644315615.24195' 'signature':'0xd6f27047853203824ab9e5acef87d0a501a64aee93f33a83b6f91cbe8fb4489824defceaccde91273f41290cb2a0c15572368e8bea0b456c7a653659cad7de311b' } ``` Response: ``` b'{"@context": ["https://w3id.org/did/v1"], "id": "did:op:0c184915b07b44c888d468be85a9b28253e80070e5294b1aaed81c ...' ``` ### File info endpoint #### POST /api/services/fileinfo Retrieves Content-Type and Content-Length from the given URL or asset. Parameters For published assets: ``` { did: String, DID of the dataset serviceId: String, ID of the service } ``` For file objects,see https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/core-concepts/did-ddo#files If checksum is requests, file size should be lower < MAX\_CHECKSUM\_LENGTH (see Provider ENVs) If file is larger, checksum WILL NOT be computed. Returns: Json document file info object Example: ``` POST /api/services/fileinfo payload: { "did":"0x1111", "serviceId": "0", } ``` Response: ```json [ { "contentLength":"1161", "contentType":"application/json", "index":0, "valid": true },... ] ``` ### Initial service request endpoint #### GET /api/services/initialize Parameters ``` documentId: String object containing document id (e.g. a DID) serviceId: String, ID of the service the datatoken is attached to consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address environment: String representing a compute environment offered by the provider validUntil: Integer, date of validity of the service (optional) fileIndex: Integer, the index of the file from the files list in the dataset. If set, provider will validate the file access. (optional) ``` Returns: Json document with a quote for amount of tokens to transfer to the provider account. Example: ``` GET /api/services/initialize payload: { "documentId":"0x1111", "serviceId": 0, "consumerAddress":"0x990922334", } payload (with optional parameters): { "documentId":"0x1111", "serviceId": 0, "consumerAddress":"0x990922334", "validUntil": 1578004800, "fileIndex": 1 } ``` Response: ```json { "datatoken": "0x21fa3ea32892091...", "nonce": 23, "providerFee": { "providerFeeAddress": "0xabc123...", "providerFeeToken": "0xabc123...", "providerFeeAmount": "200", "providerData": "0xabc123...", "v": 27, "r": "0xabc123...", "s": "0xabc123...", "validUntil": 123456, }, "computeAddress": "0x8123jdf8sdsa..." } ``` ### Download endpoint #### GET /api/services/download Parameters ``` documentId: String object containing document id (e.g. a DID) serviceId: String, representing the list of `file` objects that describe each file in the dataset transferTxId: Hex string -- the id of on-chain transaction for approval of datatokens transfer given to the provider's account fileIndex: integer, the index of the file from the files list in the dataset nonce: Nonce consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) ``` Returns: File stream. Retrieves the attached asset files. Example: ``` GET /api/services/download payload: { "documentId":"0x1111", "serviceId": 0, "fileIndex": 0, "datatoken": "", "consumerAddress":"0x990922334", "signature":"0x00110011", "transferTxId": "0xa09fc23421345532e34829" ``` Response: ```json { "": "" } ``` ### Compute endpoints All compute endpoints respond with an Array of status objects, each object describing a compute job info. Each status object will contain: ``` owner:The owner of this compute job documentId: String object containing document id (e.g. a DID) jobId: String object containing workflowId dateCreated: Unix timestamp of job creation dateFinished: Unix timestamp when job finished (null if job not finished) status: Int, see below for list statusText: String, see below algorithmLogUrl: URL to get the algo log (for user) resultsUrls: Array of URLs for algo outputs resultsDid: If published, the DID ``` Status description (`statusText`): (see Operator-Service for full status list) | status | Description | | ------ | ----------------------------- | | 1 | Warming up | | 10 | Job started | | 20 | Configuring volumes | | 30 | Provisioning success | | 31 | Data provisioning failed | | 32 | Algorithm provisioning failed | | 40 | Running algorith | | 50 | Filtering results | | 60 | Publishing results | | 70 | Job completed | ### Create new job or restart an existing stopped job #### POST /api/services/compute Start a new job Parameters ``` signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) (required) consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's ethereum address (required) nonce: Integer, Nonce (required) environment: String representing a compute environment offered by the provider dataset: Json object containing dataset information dataset.documentId: String, object containing document id (e.g. a DID) (required) dataset.serviceId: String, ID of the service the datatoken is attached to (required) dataset.transferTxId: Hex string, the id of on-chain transaction for approval of datatokens transfer given to the provider's account (required) dataset.userdata: Json, user-defined parameters passed to the dataset service (optional) algorithm: Json object, containing algorithm information algorithm.documentId: Hex string, the did of the algorithm to be executed (optional) algorithm.meta: Json object, defines the algorithm attributes and url or raw code (optional) algorithm.serviceId: String, ID of the service to use to process the algorithm (optional) algorithm.transferTxId: Hex string, the id of on-chain transaction of the order to use the algorithm (optional) algorithm.userdata: Json, user-defined parameters passed to the algorithm running service (optional) algorithm.algocustomdata: Json object, algorithm custom parameters (optional) additionalDatasets: Json object containing a list of dataset objects (optional) One of `algorithm.documentId` or `algorithm.meta` is required, `algorithm.meta` takes precedence ``` Returns: Array of `status` objects as described above, in this case the array will have only one object Example: ``` POST /api/compute payload: { "signature": "0x00110011", "consumerAddress": "0x123abc", "nonce": 1, "environment": "env", "dataset": { "documentId": "did:op:2222...", "serviceId": "compute", "transferTxId": "0x0232123..." } } ``` Response: ```json [ { "jobId": "0x1111:001", "status": 1, "statusText": "Job started", ... } ] ``` ### Status and Result #### GET /api/services/compute Get all jobs and corresponding stats Parameters ``` signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) documentId: String object containing document did (optional) jobId: String object containing workflowID (optional) consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address (optional) At least one parameter from documentId, jobId and owner is required (can be any of them) ``` Returns Array of `status` objects as described above Example: ``` GET /api/services/compute?signature=0x00110011&documentId=did:op:1111&jobId=012023 ``` Response: ```json [ { "owner": "0x1111", "documentId": "did:op:2222", "jobId": "3333", "dateCreated": "2020-10-01T01:00:00Z", "dateFinished": "2020-10-01T01:00:00Z", "status": 5, "statusText": "Job finished", "algorithmLogUrl": "http://example.net/logs/algo.log", "resultsUrls": [ "http://example.net/logs/output/0", "http://example.net/logs/output/1" ], "resultsDid": "did:op:87bdaabb33354d2eb014af5091c604fb4b0f67dc6cca4d18a96547bffdc27bcf" }, { "owner": "0x1111", "documentId": "did:op:2222", "jobId": "3334", "dateCreated": "2020-10-01T01:00:00Z", "dateFinished": "2020-10-01T01:00:00Z", "status": 5, "statusText": "Job finished", "algorithmLogUrl": "http://example.net/logs2/algo.log", "resultsUrls": [ "http://example.net/logs2/output/0", "http://example.net/logs2/output/1" ], "resultsDid": "" } ] ``` #### GET /api/services/computeResult Allows download of asset data file. Parameters ``` jobId: String object containing workflowId (optional) index: Integer, index of the result to download (optional) consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address (optional) nonce: Integer, Nonce (required) signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) ``` Returns: Bytes string containing the compute result. Example: ``` GET /api/services/computeResult?index=0&consumerAddress=0xA78deb2Fa79463945C247991075E2a0e98Ba7A09&jobId=4d32947065bb46c8b87c1f7adfb7ed8b&nonce=1644317370 ``` Response: ``` b'{"result": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"}' ``` ### Stop #### PUT /api/services/compute Stop a running compute job. Parameters ``` signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) documentId: String object containing document did (optional) jobId: String object containing workflowID (optional) consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address (optional) At least one parameter from documentId,jobId and owner is required (can be any of them) ``` Returns Array of `status` objects as described above Example: ``` PUT /api/services/compute?signature=0x00110011&documentId=did:op:1111&jobId=012023 ``` Response: ```json [ { ..., "status": 7, "statusText": "Job stopped", ... } ] ``` ### Delete #### DELETE /api/services/compute Delete a compute job and all resources associated with the job. If job is running it will be stopped first. Parameters ``` signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) documentId: String object containing document did (optional) jobId: String object containing workflowId (optional) consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address (optional) At least one parameter from documentId, jobId is required (can be any of them) in addition to consumerAddress and signature ``` Returns Array of `status` objects as described above Example: ``` DELETE /api/services/compute?signature=0x00110011&documentId=did:op:1111&jobId=012023 ``` Response: ```json [ { ..., "status": 8, "statusText": "Job deleted successfully", ... } ] ``` #### GET /api/services/computeEnvironments Allows download of asset data file. Parameters ``` ``` Returns: List of compute environments. Example: ``` GET /api/services/computeEnvironments ``` Response: ```json [ { "cpuType":"AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor", "currentJobs":0, "desc":"This is a mocked environment", "diskGB":2, "gpuType":"AMD RX570", "id":"ocean-compute", "maxJobs":10, "nCPU":2, "nGPU":0, "priceMin":2.3, "ramGB":1 }, ... ] ``` ### Authentication endpoints Provider offers an alternative to signing each request, by allowing users to generate auth tokens. The generated auth token can be used until its expiration in all supported requests. Simply omit the signature parameter and add the AuthToken request header based on a created token. Please note that if a signature parameter exists, it will take precedence over the AuthToken headers. All routes that support a signature parameter support the replacement, with the exception of auth-related ones (createAuthToken and deleteAuthToken need to be signed). #### GET /api/services/createAuthToken Allows the user to create an auth token. Parameters ``` address: String object containing consumer's address (optional) nonce: Integer, Nonce (required) signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) The signature is based on hashing the following parameters: address + nonce expiration: valid future UTC timestamp (required) ``` Returns: Created auth token. Example: ``` GET /api/services/createAuthToken?address=<your_address>&&nonce=<your_nonce>&&expiration=<expiration>&signature=<your_signature> ``` Inside the angular brackets, the user should provide the valid values for the request. Response: ``` {"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NjAwNTMxMjksImFkZHJlc3MiOiIweEE3OGRlYjJGYTc5NDYzOTQ1QzI0Nzk5MTA3NUUyYTBlOThCYTdBMDkifQ.QaRqYeSYxZpnFayzPmUkj8TORHHJ_vRY-GL88ZBFM0o"} ``` #### DELETE /api/services/deleteAuthToken Allows the user to delete an existing auth token before it naturally expires. Parameters ``` address: String object containing consumer's address (optional) nonce: Integer, Nonce (required) signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) The signature is based on hashing the following parameters: address + nonce token: token to be expired ``` Returns: Success message if token is successfully deleted. If the token is not found or already expired, returns an error message. Example: ``` DELETE /api/services/deleteAuthToken?address=<your_address>&&nonce=<your_nonce>&&token=<your_token>&signature=<your_signature> ``` Inside the angular brackets, the user should provide the valid values for the request. Response: ``` {"success": "Token has been deactivated."} ```