--- description: >- Be the champ 🏆 --- # Challenge Data Farming <figure><img src="../../.gitbook/assets/gif/underwater-you-want-some-of-this.gif" alt=""></figure> **This page** is about Challenge DF, and [this page](challengedf-guide.md) is a guide. ## About Challenge DF Challenge DF rewards data scientists for making predictions for future ETH price. It's a weekly challenge. ## Publish prediction models and earn rewards **Prizes:** Prize Pool: 1,000 OCEAN (as of Nov 2, 2022) - 1st Place - 500 OCEAN - 2nd Place - 300 OCEAN - 3rd Place - 200 OCEAN ### What are the base rules? - A fresh challenge begins and concludes every Thursday - You have to submit your entry before the deadline. - At the beginning of each week, a predetermined amount of OCEAN is allocated as rewards. - Competitors need to submit 12 predictions by using a DataNFT to share data. - The rewards are divided into specific amounts for the top three positions. - The individuals who submit the top three entries will receive rewards, and their wallet addresses will be showcased within the Data Farming dapp. ### What do I gain from this? - Earn OCEAN rewards, [claimable inside the app](https://df.oceandao.org/rewards) - Gain in-depth knowledge of the Ocean Protocol stack. - Increase your visibility by achieving a place on the podium. - Create valuable assets that can be monetized on the Ocean Marketplace. - Enhance your skills and engage in friendly competition with other participants. ### Where to start? Head over to the [Challenges Page](https://df.oceandao.org/challenge-df) to learn more about Challenge DF, see historical results, and find out where you go to submit. If you're looking for a step-by-step guide on what a challenge entails and how to claiming your well-deserved rewards, check out the [Challenge DF user guide](challengedf-guide.md). It will provide you with all the necessary information you need to make the most out of the challenges. You can find a direct link to the [Challenge DF README](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/predict-eth/blob/main/challenges/challenge-df.md) which you'll be using to submit your predictions. ### Good lock and happy coding! <figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/data-farming/gif/winner.gif" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>