# Get Requests ### nonce endpoint #### GET /api/services/nonce Parameters ``` userAddress: String object containing a user's ethereum address ``` Returns: Json object containing the last-used nonce value. The nonce endpoint is just informative, use the current UTC timestamp as a nonce, where required in other endpoints. Example: ``` GET /api/services/nonce?userAddress=0x990922334 ``` Response: ```json { "nonce": 23 } ``` #### Javascript Example ```runkit nodeVersion="18.x.x" const axios = require('axios') const response = await axios( `https://v4.provider.oceanprotocol.com/api/services/nonce?userAddress=0x0db823218e337a6817e6d7740eb17635deadafaf`) console.log(response.status) console.log(response.data) ``` ### Encrypt endpoint #### GET /api/services/encrypt Body: binary application/octet-stream Returns: Bytes string containing the encrypted document. Example: ``` POST /api/services/encrypt body: b'\xfd7zXZ\x00\x00\x04\xe6\xd6\xb4F\ ... \x00\x04YZ' ``` Response: ``` b'0x04b2bfab1f4e...7ed0573' ``` #### Javascript Example ```runkit nodeVersion="18.x.x" const fetch = require('cross-fetch') const data = "test" const response = await fetch('https://v4.provider.oceanprotocol.com/api/services/encrypt?chainId=1', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream' } }) console.log(response) ``` #### GET /api/services/initialize Parameters ``` documentId: String object containing document id (e.g. a DID) serviceId: String, ID of the service the datatoken is attached to consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address environment: String representing a compute environment offered by the provider validUntil: Integer, date of validity of the service (optional) fileIndex: Integer, the index of the file from the files list in the dataset. If set, provider will validate the file access. (optional) ``` Returns: Json document with a quote for amount of tokens to transfer to the provider account. Example: ``` GET /api/services/initialize payload: { "documentId":"0x1111", "serviceId": 0, "consumerAddress":"0x990922334", } payload (with optional parameters): { "documentId":"0x1111", "serviceId": 0, "consumerAddress":"0x990922334", "validUntil": 1578004800, "fileIndex": 1 } ``` Response: ```json { "datatoken": "0x21fa3ea32892091...", "nonce": 23, "providerFee": { "providerFeeAddress": "0xabc123...", "providerFeeToken": "0xabc123...", "providerFeeAmount": "200", "providerData": "0xabc123...", "v": 27, "r": "0xabc123...", "s": "0xabc123...", "validUntil": 123456, }, "computeAddress": "0x8123jdf8sdsa..." } ``` ### Download endpoint #### GET /api/services/download Parameters ``` documentId: String object containing document id (e.g. a DID) serviceId: String, representing the list of `file` objects that describe each file in the dataset transferTxId: Hex string -- the id of on-chain transaction for approval of datatokens transfer given to the provider's account fileIndex: integer, the index of the file from the files list in the dataset nonce: Nonce consumerAddress: String object containing consumer's address signature: String object containg user signature (signed message) ``` Returns: File stream. Retrieves the attached asset files. Example: ``` GET /api/services/download payload: { "documentId":"0x1111", "serviceId": 0, "fileIndex": 0, "datatoken": "", "consumerAddress":"0x990922334", "signature":"0x00110011", "transferTxId": "0xa09fc23421345532e34829" ``` Response: ```json { "": "" } ```