--- description: Earn OCEAN rewards by predicting (and more streams to come). cover: ../../.gitbook/assets/data_farming_banner.png coverY: 0 --- # 💰 Data Farming **Data Farming (DF) is Ocean's incentive program.** It rewards OCEAN to participants who make predictions (and more streams to come). [**The DF webapp**](https://df.oceandao.org) is where users perform most DF actions. ## Current DF Streams & Budgets DF currently has one stream: * [**Predictoor DF**](predictoordf/)**.** Run prediction bots to earn continuously. 37,500 OCEAN/week + ROSE rewards. All streams repeat **weekly** that start on Thursdays 00:00 at UTC and end on Wed at 23:59 UTC. DF Streams evolve over time. The next two sections cover past & future DF streams. ## Past DF Streams In **Passive DF**, users locked OCEAN for veOCEAN. In **Active DF**, users allocated veOCEAN to curate data assets. * veOCEAN, Passive DF, and Active DF were [retired](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/passive-volume-data-farming-airdrop-has-completed-they-are-now-retired-6933520b5fcb) on May 3, 2024, alongside an an airdrop to veOCEAN holders. * **veOCEAN holders can claim airdrop & past rewards at** [**df.oceandao.org/rewards**](https://df.oceandao.org/rewards). * The locked OCEAN will unlock according to its schedule (up to 4 years) * [This article](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/passive-volume-data-farming-airdrop-has-completed-they-are-now-retired-6933520b5fcb) has details. In **Challenge DF**, users did weekly one-off predictions. It was [retired](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/df62-completes-and-df63-launches-predictoor-df-is-here-081fc78ceb70) on Nov 30, 2023. For further details, the ["Data Farming Series" article](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-data-farming-series-c7922f1d0e45) chronicles week-by-week rewards and DF evolution. ## Future DF Streams Potential DF evolution includes: * Scaling up Predictoor DF rewards. [Details](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol-update-2024-e463bf855b03#4da0). * New stream: run Unified Backend nodes. [Details](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol-update-2024-e463bf855b03#f779). * New stream: decentralized model training for world-world models. [Details](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/docs/blob/node-release/data-farming/\[Details]\(https:/blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol-update-2024-e463bf855b03/README.md#4da0\).) ## Networks To engage in Predictoor DF, users submit Predictions on Oasis Sapphire. Rewards for Predictoor DF are on Oasis Sapphire as well (it's intertwined). Passive DF and Volume DF reward payouts are on Ethereum network. The [networks docs](../../discover/networks.md) have more info. ## Further resources * The [**DF FAQ**](faq.md) answers more questions. * Main DF github repos: [df-py (backend)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py), [df-web (frontend)](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-web) * The [Ocean Data Farming Series](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-data-farming-series-c7922f1d0e45) article has a chronological account of all Data Farming activities since its inception. It links to related blog posts. *** _Next:_ [_Predictoor DF_](predictoordf/) _Back:_ [_Docs main_](../../)