# Deploy C2D This chapter will present how to deploy the C2D component of the Ocean stack. As mentioned in the [C2D Architecture chapter](../developers/compute-to-data/#architecture-and-overview-guides), the Compute-to-Data component uses Kubernetes to orchestrate the creation and deletion of the pods in which the C2D jobs are run. For the ones that do not have a Kubernetes environment available, we added to this guide instructions on how to install Minikube, which is a lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a VM on your local machine and deploys a simple cluster containing only one node. In case you have a Kubernetes environment in place, please skip directly to step 4 of this guide. ### Requirements * Communications: a functioning internet-accessible provider service * Hardware: a server capable of running compute jobs (e.g. we used a machine with 8 CPUs, 16 GB Ram, 100GB SSD, and a fast internet connection). See [this guide](setup-server.md) for how to create a server; * Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ### Steps 1. [Install Docker and Git](compute-to-data-minikube.md#install-docker-and-git) 2. [Install Minikube](compute-to-data-minikube.md#install-minikube) 3. [Start Minikube](compute-to-data-minikube.md#start-minikube) 4. [Install the Kubernetes command line tool (kubectl)](compute-to-data-minikube.md#install-the-kubernetes-command-line-tool-kubectl) 5. [Download all required files](compute-to-data-minikube.md#download-all-required-files) 6. [Create namespaces](compute-to-data-minikube.md#create-namespaces) 7. [Setup up Postgresql](compute-to-data-minikube.md#setup-up-postgresql) 8. [Run the IPFS host (optional)](compute-to-data-minikube.md#run-the-ipfs-host-optional) 9. [Update the storage class](compute-to-data-minikube.md#update-the-storage-class) 10. [Setup C2D Orchestrator](compute-to-data-minikube.md#setup-c2d-orchestrator) 11. [Setup your first environment](compute-to-data-minikube.md#setup-your-first-environment) 12. [Update Provider](compute-to-data-minikube.md#update-provider) 13. [Automated deployment example](compute-to-data-minikube.md#automated-deployment-example) #### Install Docker and Git ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install git docker.io sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker ``` #### Install Minikube ```bash wget -q --show-progress https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/download/v1.22.0/minikube_1.22.0-0_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i minikube_1.22.0-0_amd64.deb ``` #### Start Minikube The first command is important and solves a [PersistentVolumeClaims problem](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/7828). ```bash minikube config set kubernetes-version v1.16.0 minikube start --cni=calico --driver=docker --container-runtime=docker ``` Depending on the number of available CPUs, RAM, and the required resources for running the job, consider adding options `--cpu`, `--memory`, and `--disk-size` to avoid runtime issues. For other options to run minikube refer to this [link](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/commands/start/) #### Install the Kubernetes command line tool (kubectl) ```bash curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl.sha256" echo "$(> /etc/hosts' ``` #### Update the storage class The storage class is used by Kubernetes to create the temporary volumes on which the data used by the algorithm will be stored. Please ensure that your class allocates volumes in the same region and zone where you are running your pods. You need to consider the storage class available for your environment. For Minikube, you can use the default 'standard' class. In AWS, we created our own 'standard' class: ```bash kubectl get storageclass standard -o yaml ``` ```yaml allowedTopologies: - matchLabelExpressions: - key: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone values: - us-east-1a apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass parameters: fsType: ext4 type: gp2 provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs reclaimPolicy: Delete volumeBindingMode: Immediate ``` For more information, please visit https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/ If you need to use your own classes, you will need to edit 'operator\_engine/kubernetes/operator.yml'. #### Setup C2D Orchestrator C2D Orchestrator (aka operator-service) has two main functions: * First, it's the outside interface of your C2D Cluster to the world. External components(like Provider) are calling APIs exposed by this * Secondly, operator-service manages multiple environments and sends the jobs to the right environment. Edit `operator-service/kubernetes/deployment.yaml`. Change `ALLOWED_ADMINS` to a nice long random password. Let's deploy C2D Orchestrator. ```bash kubectl config set-context --current --namespace ocean-operator kubectl apply -f operator-service/kubernetes/deployment.yaml ``` Now, let's expose the service. ```bash kubectl expose deployment operator-api --namespace=ocean-operator --port=8050 ``` You can run a port forward in a new terminal (see below) or create your ingress service and setup DNS and certificates (not covered here): ```bash kubectl -n ocean-operator port-forward svc/operator-api 8050 ``` Alternatively you could use another method to communicate between the C2D Environment and the provider, such as an SSH tunnel. And now it's time to initialize the database. If your Minikube is running on compute.example.com: ```bash curl -X POST "https://compute.example.com/api/v1/operator/pgsqlinit" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Admin: myAdminPass" ``` (where myAdminPass is configured in [Setup C2D Orchestrator](compute-to-data-minikube.md#setup-c2d-orchestrator)) Congrats, you have operator-service running. #### Setup your first environment Let's create our first environment. Edit `operator-service/kubernetes/deployment.yaml`. * set OPERATOR\_PRIVATE\_KEY. This has to be unique among multiple environments. In the future, this will be the account credited with fees. * optionally change more env variables, to customize your environment. Check the [README](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/operator-engine#customize-your-operator-engine-deployment) section of the operator engine to customize your deployment. At a minimum, you should add your IPFS URLs or AWS settings, and add (or remove) notification URLs. Finally, let's deploy it: ```bash kubectl config set-context --current --namespace ocean-compute kubectl create -f operator-service/kubernetes/postgres-configmap.yaml kubectl apply -f operator-engine/kubernetes/sa.yml kubectl apply -f operator-engine/kubernetes/binding.yml kubectl apply -f operator-engine/kubernetes/operator.yml ``` **Optional**: For production enviroments, it's safer to block access to metadata. To do so run the below command: ```bash kubectl -n ocean-compute apply -f /ocean/operator-engine/kubernetes/egress.yaml ``` Congrats,your c2d environment is running. If you want to deploy another one, just repeat the steps above, with a different namespace and different OPERATOR\_PRIVATE\_KEY. #### Update Provider Update your existing provider service by updating the `operator_service.url` value in `config.ini`, or set the appropiate ENV variable. ```ini operator_service.url = https://compute.example.com/ ``` Restart your provider service. #### Automated deployment example If your setup is more complex, you can checkout (our automated deployment example)\[https://github.com/oceanprotocol/c2d\_barge/blob/main/c2d\_barge\_deployer/docker-entrypoint.sh]. This script is used by barge to automaticly deploy the C2D cluster, with two environments.