diff --git a/veocean-data-farming/contracts-formulas.md b/veocean-data-farming/contracts-formulas.md
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-description: Metrics, Formulas, and definitions used by Data Farming.
-## Contract Deployments
-The [veOCEAN & DF contracts](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/tree/main/contracts/ve) are deployed to Ethereum mainnet, alongside other Ocean contract deployments. [Full list](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/addresses/address.json).
-veFeeDistributor has a start_time of 1663804800 (Thu Sep 22 2022 00:00:00)
-## Formulas
-### veOcean
-**veOCEAN Linear Decay**
-veOcean_balance = OCEAN_amount_locked * (your_unlock_timestamp — current_unix_timestamp ) / 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52 (that is 4 years)
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diff --git a/veocean-data-farming/faq.md b/veocean-data-farming/faq.md
index 102a3135..c60b3398 100644
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+++ b/veocean-data-farming/faq.md
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ description: Frequently asked questions on the Data Farming incentive program.
## Data Farming FAQ
When exactly does counting start and finish, for a given week?
@@ -31,6 +30,20 @@ No. At the beginning of a new DF round (DF1, DF2, etc), rules are laid out, eith
Caveat: it’s no at least in theory! Sometimes there may be tweaks if there is community consensus, or a bug.
+What is the official formula for the Linear Decay?
+The Linear Decay formula for veOCEAN can be expressed as follows in python.
+FOUR_YEARS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52
+veOcean_balance = OCEAN_amount_locked * (your_unlock_timestamp — current_unix_timestamp ) / FOUR_YEARS
+To learn more about systems driving veOCEAN and Data Farming, please [visit our df-py github repository](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py).
## Staking FAQs
What about passive stakers — people who just want to stake in one place and be done?
@@ -73,22 +86,34 @@ Yes, from the get-go! It doesn’t matter how data is priced, this works for all
With pools getting wound down in Ocean Market, will fixed-price be its only pricing scheme?
-For now in Ocean Market, yes. However people can price datatokens however they like, leveraging whatever DeFi tools they like. For example. do an IDO via Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool, ending up in an unmodified Balancer AMM. And we will continue listening to the community, to understand best where to focus our efforts.
+For now in Ocean Market, yes. However people can price datatokens however they like, leveraging whatever DeFi tools they like. For example. do an IDO via Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool, ending up in an unmodified Balancer AMM. And we will continue listening to the community, to understand best where to focus our efforts.
## Chains FAQ
+Which chain is veOCEAN be deployed on?
+[veOCEAN & DF](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/tree/main/contracts/ve) core contracts are deployed on Ethereum mainnet and allow users to allocate veOCEAN tokens to any asset, on any chain.
+Where can I find the veOCEAN and DF contracts?
+They are deployed on Ethereum mainnet, alongside other Ocean contract deployments. You can find the [full list of contracts here](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/addresses/address.json).
+What is the official veOCEAN epoch start_time?
+veFeeDistributor has a start_time of 1663804800 (Thu Sep 22 2022 00:00:00)
Will the Market still need to be multi-chain?
Yes, Ocean Market still needs to be multi-chain: all the reasons that we went multi-chain for are as valid as ever.
-Which chain will veOCEAN be deployed on?
-Current plan is for veOCEAN core contracts will only be on Ethereum mainnet, and allowing to allocate veOCEAN tokens to any chain.
Which chain supports Fixed Price Assets?