diff --git a/rewards/df-volumedf.md b/rewards/df-volumedf.md
index a28e8ed0..7b47569e 100644
--- a/rewards/df-volumedf.md
+++ b/rewards/df-volumedf.md
@@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ Whatever your scenario, there may be some risk to delegating because the rewards
The guide on [how to Delegate](../user-guides/data-farming/how-to-delegate.md) shows how to provide another wallet with 100% of your allocation power.
+### What are Publisher Rewards?
+Volume DF strongly incentivizes publishing assets in the Ocean ecosystem by giving double the active rewards to Data Farmers that allocate to their own published assets.
+How is it calculated? _All the veOCEAN a Data Farmer has allocated to an asset they’ve published is **doubled for the rewards calculation.**_
+You can read more about the implementation [in this blog post](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-farming-publisher-rewards-f2639525e508).
### How Rewards are Calculated
The Reward Function (RF) governs how active rewards are allocated to Data Farmers.
@@ -60,16 +70,6 @@ The Reward Function (RF) governs how active rewards are allocated to Data Farmer
For mathematicians and coders, you can find this code inside [calcrewards.py](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py/blob/main/df_py/volume/calc_rewards.py) in the Ocean Protocol [df-py repo](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py/)!
-### What are Publisher Rewards?
-Volume DF strongly incentivizes publishing assets in the Ocean ecosystem by giving double the active rewards to Data Farmers that allocate to their own published assets.
-How is it calculated? _All the veOCEAN a Data Farmer has allocated to an asset they’ve published is **doubled for the rewards calculation.**_
-You can read more about the implementation [in this blog post](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-farming-publisher-rewards-f2639525e508).
### What are Ranked Rewards?
In Data Farming Round 23 Ranked Rewards were introduced to smooth out the reward distribution by using a logarithmic function.
diff --git a/user-guides/data-farming/how-to-volumedf.md b/user-guides/data-farming/how-to-volumedf.md
index d7c9c80a..d39c9afc 100644
--- a/user-guides/data-farming/how-to-volumedf.md
+++ b/user-guides/data-farming/how-to-volumedf.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ We'll show you how!
#### Step 1 - Navigate to the Data Farming dApp
-- Go to https://df.oceandao.org
+- Go to [https://df.oceandao.org](https://df.oceandao.org)
#### Step 2 - Connect your wallet