import { src, dest, watch, parallel, series } from 'gulp' import del from 'del' import fs from 'fs' import yaml from 'js-yaml' import browser from 'browser-sync' import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer' import cssnano from 'cssnano' const $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')() const content = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync('./content.yml')) const { links } = content const SRC = './src' const DIST = './dist' // // Delete build artifacts // export const clean = () => del(DIST + '/**/*') // // Styles // export const css = () => src(SRC + '/styles/styles.scss') .pipe($.sass().on('error', $.sass.logError)) .pipe($.postcss([autoprefixer(), cssnano()])) .pipe(dest(DIST + '/assets/css/')) // // Data injection with Liquid // export const template = () => { let locals = { links, content } return src(SRC + '/index.html') .pipe($.liquify(locals)) .pipe( $.htmlmin({ collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, removeComments: true, useShortDoctype: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, minifyJS: true, minifyCSS: true }) ) .pipe(dest(DIST)) } // // Copy Fonts // export const fonts = () => src(SRC + '/fonts/**/*').pipe(dest(DIST + '/assets/fonts/')) // // Copy Logo // export const logos = () => src('node_modules/@oceanprotocol/art/logo/**/*').pipe( dest(DIST + '/assets/img/') ) // // Copy Favicon // export const favicon = () => src(SRC + '/favicon.ico').pipe(dest(DIST)) // // Revision static assets // export const rev = () => src(DIST + '/assets/**/*.{css,js,png,jpg,jpeg,svg,eot,ttf,woff,woff2}') .pipe($.rev()) .pipe(dest(DIST + '/assets/')) // output rev manifest for next replace task .pipe($.rev.manifest()) .pipe(dest(DIST + '/assets/')) // // Replace all links to assets in files // from a manifest file // export const revReplace = () => { let manifest = src(DIST + '/assets/rev-manifest.json') return src(DIST + '/**/*.{html,css,js}') .pipe($.revReplace({ manifest: manifest })) .pipe(dest(DIST)) } // // Watch for file changes // export const watchSrc = () => watch([SRC, 'links.yml']).on('all', series(build, browser.reload)) // // Dev Server // export const server = done => { browser.init({ server: DIST, port: 1337 }) done() } // // Full build // export const build = series( clean, parallel(template, css, fonts, favicon, logos), rev, revReplace ) export const dev = series(build, server, watchSrc) export default dev