mirror of https://github.com/oceanprotocol/commons.git synced 2023-03-15 18:03:00 +01:00

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import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { Market, User } from '../context'
import Route from '../components/templates/Route'
import Content from '../components/atoms/Content'
import VersionNumbers from '../components/molecules/VersionNumbers'
import Web3message from '../components/organisms/Web3message'
import stylesVersionNumbers from '../components/molecules/VersionNumbers/index.module.scss'
import withTracker from '../hoc/withTracker'
const About = () => {
const market = useContext(Market)
const user = useContext(User)
return (
description={`A marketplace to find and publish open data sets in the Ocean ${market.network} Network.`}
Commons allows you to access thousands of datasets for free
that have been registered on the Ocean Protocol{' '}
<a href="https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/pacific-network/">
{market.network} Network
</a>{' '}
and it is targeted at enthusiastic data scientists with some
crypto experience. If you are looking for quality data, you
can easily use the Commons to search for and find publicly
available datasets that are free of charge. If you are
interested in sharing your data, you can use the Commons to
publish data into the {market.network} Network.
<a href="https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/the-commons-marketplace-in-pacific-network-4bcf2f595721">
Blog: The Commons Marketplace in Pacific Network
<a href="https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/the-commons-data-marketplace-c57a44288314">
Blog: The Commons Marketplace
<a href="https://github.com/oceanprotocol/commons">
Check out <code>oceanprotocol/commons</code> on
<h2 className={stylesVersionNumbers.versionsTitle}>
Your Web3 Account Status
<Web3message extended />
<VersionNumbers account={user.account} />
export default withTracker(About)