import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' import { OceanPlatformVersions, OceanPlatformTechStatus, Logger } from '@oceanprotocol/squid' import axios from 'axios' import { version } from '../../../../package.json' import styles from './index.module.scss' import { nodeUri, faucetUri } from '../../../config' import { User, Market } from '../../../context' import VersionTable from './VersionTable' import VersionStatus from './VersionStatus' interface VersionNumbersProps { minimal?: boolean account: string } export interface VersionNumbersState extends OceanPlatformVersions { commons: { name: string version: string network: string } faucet: { name: string version: string network: string status: OceanPlatformTechStatus } } export default class VersionNumbers extends PureComponent< VersionNumbersProps, VersionNumbersState > { public static contextType = User // construct values which are not part of any response public commonsVersion = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? version : `${version}-dev` public commonsNetwork = faucetUri.includes('localhost') ? 'Spree' : new URL(nodeUri).hostname.split('.')[0] // define a minimal default state to fill UI public state: VersionNumbersState = { commons: { name: 'Commons', network: this.commonsNetwork, version: this.commonsVersion }, squid: { name: 'Squid-js', status: OceanPlatformTechStatus.Loading }, aquarius: { name: 'Aquarius', status: OceanPlatformTechStatus.Loading }, brizo: { name: 'Brizo', status: OceanPlatformTechStatus.Loading }, faucet: { name: 'Faucet', version: '', network: '', status: OceanPlatformTechStatus.Loading }, status: { ok: false, network: false, contracts: false } } // for canceling axios requests public signal = axios.CancelToken.source() public componentDidMount() { this.getOceanVersions() this.getFaucetVersion() } public async componentDidUpdate(prevProps: any) { // Workaround: Using account prop instead of getting it from // context to be able to compare. Cause there is no `prevContext`. if (prevProps.account !== this.props.account) { this.getOceanVersions() this.getFaucetVersion() } } public componentWillUnmount() { this.signal.cancel() } private async getOceanVersions() { const { ocean } = this.context // wait until ocean object is properly populated if (ocean.versions === undefined) return const response = await ocean.versions.get() const { squid, brizo, aquarius, status } = response this.setState({ ...this.state, squid, brizo, aquarius, status }) } private async getFaucetVersion() { try { const response = await axios.get(faucetUri, { headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }, cancelToken: this.signal.token }) // fail silently if (response.status !== 200) return const { version, network } = this.setState({ ...this.state, faucet: { ...this.state.faucet, version, network, status: OceanPlatformTechStatus.Working } }) } catch (error) { !axios.isCancel(error) && Logger.error(error.message) } } private MinimalOutput = () => { const { commons, squid, brizo, aquarius } = this.state return ( {(market) => (

v{commons.version}{' '} { && `(${})`}

) } public render() { const { minimal } = this.props return minimal ? ( ) : ( <>

Ocean Components Status

) } }