{ "steps": [ { "title": "Essentials", "description": "Start by adding a title and URLs for your data set.", "fields": { "name": { "label": "Title", "placeholder": "e.g. Shapes of Desert Plants", "type": "text", "required": true, "help": "Enter a concise title. You will be able to enter a more thorough description in the next step." }, "files": { "label": "Files", "placeholder": "e.g. https://file.com/file.json", "type": "text", "required": true, "help": "Provide one or multiple urls to your data set files." } } }, { "title": "Information", "description": "Further describe and categorize your data set to help people discover it.", "fields": { "description": { "label": "Description", "help": "Add a thorough description with as much detail as possible.", "placeholder": "e.g. Shapes of 23 common desert plants.", "type": "textarea", "required": true, "rows": 5 }, "categories": { "label": "Category", "help": "Pick a category which best fits your data set.", "type": "select", "required": true, "options": [ "Image Recognition", "Dataset Of Datasets", "Language", "Performing Arts", "Visual Arts & Design", "Philosophy", "History", "Theology", "Anthropology & Archeology", "Sociology", "Psychology", "Politics", "Interdisciplinary", "Economics & Finance", "Demography", "Biology", "Chemistry", "Physics & Energy", "Earth & Climate", "Space & Astronomy", "Mathematics", "Computer Technology", "Engineering", "Agriculture & Bio Engineering", "Transportation", "Urban Planning", "Health & Medicine", "Business & Management", "Sports & Recreation", "Communication & Journalism", "Deep Learning", "Law", "Other" ] }, "dateCreated": { "label": "Creation Date", "help": "Select the date the asset was created, or was updated for the last time.", "type": "date", "required": true } } }, { "title": "Authorship", "description": "Give proper attribution for your data set.", "fields": { "author": { "label": "Author", "placeholder": "e.g. Jelly McJellyfish", "type": "text", "required": true }, "copyrightHolder": { "label": "Copyright Holder", "placeholder": "e.g. Marine Institute of Jellyfish", "type": "text", "required": true }, "license": { "label": "License", "type": "select", "required": true, "options": [ "Public Domain", "PDDL: Public Domain Dedication and License", "ODC-By: Attribution License", "ODC-ODbL: Open Database License", "CDLA-Sharing: Community Data License Agreement", "CDLA-Permissive: Community Data License Agreement", "CC0: Public Domain Dedication", "CC BY: Attribution 4.0 International", "CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International", "CC BY-ND: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International", "CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International", "CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International", "CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International" ] } } }, { "title": "Register", "description": "Splendid, we got all the data. Now let's register your data set.", "content": "After clicking the button below you will be asked by your wallet to sign this request." } ] }