/// describe('Publish', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('/publish') cy.get('article>div', { timeout: 60000 }).should( 'contain', 'Essentials' ) }) it('should publish https:// file', () => { // Fill title cy.get('input#name').type('Commons Integration Test') // Open Add a file form cy.get('button') .contains('+ From URL') .click() // Fill url of file cy.get('input#url').type( 'https://oceanprotocol.com/tech-whitepaper.pdf' ) // Add file to main form cy.get('button') .contains('Add File') .click() // Verify and nove to next step cy.get('button', { timeout: 60000 }) .contains('Next →') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Verify we are on next step cy.get('article>div').should('contain', 'Information') // Fill description cy.get('textarea#description').type('This is test description') // Pick category cy.get('select#categories').select('Biology') // Verify and move to next step cy.get('button') .contains('Next →') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Verify we are on next step cy.get('article>div').should('contain', 'Authorship') // Fill author cy.get('input#author').type('Super Author') // Fill copyright holder cy.get('input#copyrightHolder').type('Super Copyright Holder') // Pick author cy.get('select#license').select('Public Domain') // Verify and move to next step cy.get('button') .contains('Next →') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Verify we are on next step cy.get('article>div').should('contain', 'Register') // Start publish process cy.get('button') .contains('Register asset') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Wait for finish cy.contains('Your asset is published!', { timeout: 12000 }).should('be.visible') // Store DID cy.get('a') .contains('See published asset') .invoke('attr', 'href') .then(href => { cy.writeFile( 'cypress/fixtures/did.txt', href.replace('/asset/', '') ) }) }) it('should publish ipfs:// file', () => { // Fill title cy.get('input#name').type('Commons Integration IPFS Test') // Open Add a file form cy.get('button') .contains('+ From URL') .click() // Fill url of file cy.get('input#url').type( 'ipfs://QmX5LRpEVocfks9FNDnRoK2imf2fy9mPpP4wfgaDVXWfYD/video.mp4' ) // Add file to main form cy.get('button') .contains('Add File') .click() // Verify and nove to next step cy.get('button', { timeout: 60000 }) .contains('Next →') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Verify we are on next step cy.get('article>div').should('contain', 'Information') // Fill description cy.get('textarea#description').type('This is test description') // Pick category cy.get('select#categories').select('Biology') // Verify and move to next step cy.get('button') .contains('Next →') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Verify we are on next step cy.get('article>div').should('contain', 'Authorship') // Fill author cy.get('input#author').type('Super Author') // Fill copyright holder cy.get('input#copyrightHolder').type('Super Copyright Holder') // Pick author cy.get('select#license').select('Public Domain') // Verify and move to next step cy.get('button') .contains('Next →') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Verify we are on next step cy.get('article>div').should('contain', 'Register') // Start publish process cy.get('button') .contains('Register asset') .should('not.be.disabled') .click() // Wait for finish cy.contains('Your asset is published!', { timeout: 12000 }).should('be.visible') // Store DID cy.get('a') .contains('See published asset') .invoke('attr', 'href') .then(href => { cy.writeFile( 'cypress/fixtures/did-ipfs.txt', href.replace('/asset/', '') ) }) }) })