/// context('Aliasing', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('https://example.cypress.io/commands/aliasing') }) it('.as() - alias a DOM element for later use', () => { // https://on.cypress.io/as // Alias a DOM element for use later // We don't have to traverse to the element // later in our code, we reference it with @ cy.get('.as-table') .find('tbody>tr') .first() .find('td') .first() .find('button') .as('firstBtn') // when we reference the alias, we place an // @ in front of its name cy.get('@firstBtn').click() cy.get('@firstBtn') .should('have.class', 'btn-success') .and('contain', 'Changed') }) it('.as() - alias a route for later use', () => { // Alias the route to wait for its response cy.server() cy.route('GET', 'comments/*').as('getComment') // we have code that gets a comment when // the button is clicked in scripts.js cy.get('.network-btn').click() // https://on.cypress.io/wait cy.wait('@getComment') .its('status') .should('eq', 200) }) })